Chunky - 165 Reviews

Dunkin' Donuts Fruited Iced Tea Blackberry with Strawberries

Dunkin' Donuts Fruited Iced Tea Blackberry with Strawberries
Ahh. A nice, opaque tea in the morning. What better thing to start off the day? That's what I said to myself as I miraculously got my dumb son to school on time and still had time to buy this maroon treat for myself.

What is it? Well it's unsweetened black tea with an undisclosed amount of blackberry puree in it and some assorted chunks of strawberries. It's also available for a limited time so I thought, "I need to get this before it's too late!" as if I didn't get it, I would regret it for the rest of my life like the time that I wanted to see DJ Rashad in Toronto but couldn't find anyone to go with me and he died the next day. That type of regret.

She's good, though. I think there is so much puree that you can't taste any tea, though. "Problem" with that is that the puree itself is so good that you almost don't care and then hate yourself for saying such apathetic things about tea, the lifeblood of everywhere but America, who, ironically and allegedly, runs on Dunkin'. Every once in a while you're treated to a bullet to the back of your throat disguised as mushed up strawberry that is more fun than gross. If you might like tea, like fruit juice and enjoy working on your cheek muscles, this is a great summer drink for you.
Chunky and Iced Tea
Dunkin' DonutsWebsite@DunkinDonuts
United States
Not Listed
Mike Literman on 5/10/17, 6:14 AM
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Tim Horton's Iced Cappuccino Pumpkin Pie

Tim Horton's Iced Cappuccino Pumpkin Pie
This drink is like a prude hooker. What do you say about a drink that came out too early and is too thick to drink? Well, you call it "fine" when it tastes like this. This doesn't really taste like "Fall" or "pumpkin" really. Not a lot of spice. I was looking for nutmeg or cinnamon or something but at the end of the day, I was left with something that didn't taste like coffee and was quite frankly too chunky to drink. They put these cookie crunchies atop the gratuitous amount of whipped cream. Nice to look at but everything sinks to the bottom and makes you swear at an inanimate object because you can't drink it and you paid for it and it's not letting you do what you paid to do. You know, like a prude hooker.
Chunky and Coffee
Tim Horton'sWebsite@TimHortonsNews
United States
Not Listed
Mike Literman on 8/25/15, 2:09 PM
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Mucho Gazpacho Bravo Tomato

Mucho Gazpacho Bravo Tomato
Gazpacho, right? Never eaten the stuff. You know what I have done, though? I've drank it. You know what else I've done? I really liked it. I would eat this and I would drink it. I would use this as a meal replacement. This is more of a bisque than a tomato soup which I like because tomato soup is a vile, revolting putrid food. This, though, this is good. It's got a good texture and you can taste everything. Tomato, onions, cucumbers and everything.

I half expected this to be gross. It's soup in a bottle. Who drinks soup? Crazy people. That's who. Whom? Who cares? Whom cares?
Chunky and Other/Weird
Mucho GazpachoWebsite@muchogazpacho
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 8/7/15, 5:05 PM
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Zpirit Infuzion Mandarin & Mint

Zpirit Infuzion Mandarin & Mint
I don't know if there will ever be a time where the combination of fruit and mint doesn't throw me for a loop. No matter what my first thought is always, “Wait, am I chewing gum and I forgot?” Luckily with Zpirit, the gum taste isn't really there. The initial thought was, but that was just because I wasn't paying attention to what I was drinking and thought I had grabbed the pear version, which does not contain mint. This is actually one of the better fruit/mint combinations that I have come across. Neither flavor is very strong, due to it being infused water and not “flavored.” There is no syrup being mixed into this drink, mandarin oranges and mint were simply allowed to soak in the water so some of their flavor was transferred. There are even a couple of slices of orange sitting in the bottom of the bottle.

My only real complaint about these beverages is that you can taste the stevia more than I would prefer to. I know they are mixing it with the cane sugar to keep the calories down, but I say if you're going for infused water, leave the sweetener out of the equation completely. No one will really miss it. If they did then this drink isn't for them anyway.
Chunky and Water
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 5/22/15, 10:55 PM
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Zpirit Infuzion Spiced Pear & Vanilla

Zpirit Infuzion Spiced Pear & Vanilla
There are chunky drinks and then there is this. Take a good, hard look at that picture that I took. There are four, half inch chunks of pear in this drink. Cut up and thrown right in. It's a good drink, too. Very light. It tastes like somewhat spiced pear. The flavor of a pear isn't really prominent. As they said, it's an infusion. There is a nice, smooth vanilla taste. Since it's an infusion, the "spice" of the spiced pear isn't as strong as you might think. It's tough to accept that it's a spiced fruit drink that is restricted by the fact that it's an infusion rather than, say, and elixir. I do enjoy this even if I do despise pears. I would drink it again but given the opportunity, I would take the stronger one because this is only a teaser for what possibly could be.
Chunky and Water
Organic Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 4/27/15, 4:17 PM
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Nuwi Quinoa Smoothie Blueberry

Nuwi Quinoa Smoothie Blueberry
A little grit does a body good. Grit lets you know that there are good things going on in there. Natural things. Gritty things. When you describe things as gritty, though, that's not fantastic. I wish there was a different term to use that wouldn't instantly be seen as something undesirable. This is a gritty drink and although it didn't touch the fancy of everyone who tried it, it wasn't that bad. It smelled terribly but it didn't taste too bad. The banana might have had a stronger taste than that of the blueberry and in doing so, it kind of had a "soft" taste to it. This just kind of tasted like a semi-gritty healthy blueberry drink.

Someone who reviewed movies, not drinks, gave this a two. Me, if it was possible to see a three and know that it was a "soft three" then that's what this would be. It earned a three no doubt but it is on the lower side of the threes and not the 3.8 side of the scale. Eeked by, if you will.
Chunky and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Organic Agave
Mike Literman on 2/2/15, 3:57 PM
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Aloe Very Lemonade

Aloe Very Lemonade
Talk about gross. Look, I like lemonade as much as the next guy. I like aloe drinks more than the next guy. This marriage will most certainly end in divorce because it is like an oil and water mix. It's sour but it's a bitter, undesirable sour. What's good about this? It can't be all bad.

You can taste each of the flavors. If you could somehow separate the liquid in your mouth to one side aloe and one side lemonade, you would be satisfied. Touch them together and it's a chemical reaction that could melt a house. I don't know how that's so. Maybe it's the smooth and sweetness of aloe and the bitter sourness of lemonade just compiling in to a "too many flavors" in your mouth. Whatever's happening, the fish in the Niagara River are going to have to enjoy the rest of this because I quit.
Aloe Vera, Chunky and Lemonade
Aloe VeryWebsite@AloeVeryDrink
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 1/8/15, 4:31 PM
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Zpirit Infuzion Peach & Basil

Zpirit Infuzion Peach & Basil
Is there anything more yuppyish than a juice bar? I'm sure there is (perhaps a wine bar) but it's pretty high on the list. The thing is that I love them. They are like a dream to me. I don't venture into one very often, but that is solely due to the cost, and I'm poor. Juice bars may be the only yuppie thing that I actually enjoy, but oh how I enjoy it.

At the juice bar that I occasionally visit along with their dizzying array of press made juices they also have a giant dispenser of water that is infused with a variety of things. Sometimes it's fruit and sometimes it's spices. My favorite times are when they have water infused with basil to sip on as you wait for your juice to be made. That's right, basil isn't just for Italian cooking anymore, and when you let it soak in water the water tastes incredible. It's not something you would chug on, but it's one fine sipping beverage.

When I saw this on a recent trip to Toronto I absolutely needed it. I forwent food and spent what was left of my Canadian money on this drink, and I made a wise decision. This is fantastic. It's simply water that had peaches and basil soaking in it (there are actually some peach chunks floating in the bottle). There is also some sweetener added to it, which I don't think is necessary, but humans like their sweetness. The cane sugar isn't so much of a problem as the stevia is. When you infuse water the flavor is generally pretty light, whereas stevia is a fairly strong flavor. In here it's pretty much kept in check, but it still distracts from the natural flavor of the peach and basil. My advice is ditch the sweetener and let the actual flavors work their magic. I'm excited to try the other flavors on future trips up north.
Water and Chunky
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 12/5/14, 11:44 AM
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Wei-Chuan Grape Drink with Pulp

Wei-Chuan Grape Drink with Pulp
Many times in my life I have forgotten how much I love grapes. It's a well-known fact that most things that are grape flavored resemble the fruit about as much as infants love chewing tobacco. Is that the most random comparison of all time? I think it just might be. The thing is that the trouble with grape doesn't end there. On top of being defamed by impersonators, there is a decent chance that when you eat a grape you're going to get a crappy soggy one; such a disappointing treat. When you get a good one though, life is good. A nice firm, juicy grape can go a long way with one's taste buds.

This here drink is a good middle ground between juice and drink. It's what all grape flavored things should aspire to be. Sure it would be much better if it was just grape juice with chunks of grape “meat” in it, but we all know that would be expensive, and also probably too tart for most consumers. To solve this conundrum Wei Chuan watered it down a bit, and then added a healthy dose of sugar. The result is a candied grape flavor, which isn't nearly as bad as it sounds. If were carbonated it would be the best grape soda I've ever tasted. Instead it winds up being a better than average grape drink. To be fair if it didn't have the chunks of grape in it, I probably would have only awarded it a three out of five bottle rating, but the meat is great. It's very similar in texture, size and flavor to aloe drinks. Everyone knows I can't get enough of those.
Chunky and Juice
Jason Draper on 7/8/14, 9:16 PM
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Hung Fook Tong Salted Mandarin Drink With Mandarin Pulps

Hung Fook Tong Salted Mandarin Drink With Mandarin Pulps
Man while I'm sitting back relaxing drinking my juice I can only think about how the rest of the world is full of suckers. They are all drinking regular orange juice and here I am living like a king drinking mandarin juice, and it even has pulp. I swear in some parts of the world this really would make me royalty. Mandarin juice is just so superior. It has its own unique taste, which still clearly being part of the orange family. Jim, you haven't had much to say about his. Actually why are you making a giant pile of salt out here on the back deck. Oh, you're saving up so you have a surplus next winter because you just want to spread it over the driveway so you never have to shovel? Well, I'm not sure if that will work, but I like the way you think, and I give you points for ingenuity. Why don't you pull yourself up a hammock and grab a nice glass of mandarin juice and take in a slice of the good life. Oh man, Jim! You've covered in salt and a bunch of it got into the juice. This is why no one likes you Jim; you ruin even the simplest of things.

You're still drinking the juice? Did you see how much salt dissolved in there? You say it's not that bad? Give it here! Actually you're right, this is not nearly as salty as I would have expected, and it gives the juice a certain charm. Actually no, I was wrong. One or two sips was okay, but the more I drink the more I notice the salt and it's kind of ruining everything, much like yourself. I feel like I might try putting a dash of salt into my next carafe of mandarin juice, but anything more than a pinch is just too much. I can't make it even a third of the way through this glass. Jim, you're lucky I'm not the king I previously pretended to be or else it would be off with your head!
Chunky and Juice
Hung Fook TongWebsite
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 6/1/14, 10:40 PM
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Wei-Chuan Mango Drink with Pulp

Wei-Chuan Mango Drink with Pulp
Jay and I are constantly and forever in cahoots. We were talking about how everything we've been drinking has been good but it's been pretty tame. Now we're talking. Now we've got chunks and mango and realistic flavors and something from Malaysia.

Still, man, after doing this for as long as I've been doing it, I just can't seem to figure out how companies could get Americans to drink chunky drinks like it's no big deal. Asia's got that under wraps, man. They love chunks and hats off to them because they're on top for that reason. It's a totally different dimension that us American turds just don't get.

I mean it, chunks. Chunks of real fruit. Sugar to keep the natural flavor of the mango and said mango tasting fine. If you ate a mango you very intricately crushed up into a glass, this would be it. Simple, chunky, different, delicious. Adjectives son, adjectives.
Chunky and Juice
Mike Literman on 4/8/14, 4:05 PM
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Coco Libre Coconut Water + Chia Cherry Apple

Coco Libre Coconut Water + Chia Cherry Apple
Of the things I don't understand in life one of the big ones in the realm of family matters is why my father has a Kokopelli tattoo. I have no idea why in his late forties he decided to get a tattoo of a fertility deity. I know it also representative of agriculture, but my father is not a farmer, and I have never known him to tend even a houseplant. He also represents the spirit of music, but my father isn't a big music guy either. The tattoo is just one of the mysteries of the universe. I mean I could ask him why he got it, but that would take the fun out of it, and then he might talk to me about my tattoos, and who wants to explain to their parents why they have a llama and an ostrich dressed as Batman and Robin tattooed on them. I'll keep the mystery in all of our lives.

I'm also left wondering why Coco Libre uses a Kokopelli on their bottles as well. He is a symbol embraced by the Native American tribes of the southwest. They are located in Palo Alto (northern California) and neither coconuts nor chia; the two main ingredients in the company's products are native to that area of the country. The deity's presence is as puzzling on this bottle as he is on my father's skin.

Their choice of mascot aside, this is a nice little beverage. As far as I know Coco Libre is the only company out there combining coconut water and chia seeds, to which I give them a tip of my hat. I am a fan of chia seeds in drinks, as I enjoy a beverage with some texture to it. I have also been fully converted and love coconut water. The added flavor is very strong in this. 26% of this is concentrated fruit juice, and that is a high percentage seeing as the seeds take up most of the bottle. They also put out unusual flavors for coconut water. This leaves me wishing I had cherry coconut water available to me. I like cherries, and I love cherry drinks, well as long as they don't taste like cough syrup, which this doesn't at all.
Chunky and Coconut
Coco LibreWebsite@CocoLibre
United States
Jason Draper on 4/2/14, 7:48 PM
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Zola Coconut Water With Pulp

Zola Coconut Water With Pulp
Whoever decided that coconut water should come packaged in cans like this has done well for the branding of the fruit. Coke has it's unique bottle shape and coconut water has tall cans with ridges. I can't think of anything else that comes in this sort of can. When I see a can of this nature I instantly think of coconut water and that is great from an advertising point of view.

In the past when I heard the word Zola I expected it to be followed by Jesus (she's a musician if you didn't know). Now I will also think of coconut water and nicely shaped cans. This is a fine coconut water. It's nothing new, but it's not trying to be. It's simply natural coconut water with some pulp in it. Nothing stands out about it, but do you really want something wacky from coconut water? I'm guessing now, you want refreshment.

The pulp in here are little hard chunks of raw coconut. They are a little bigger than what I would refer to as pulp, but I enjoyed them a great deal. It's nice to chew on them, and they add a little texture to the beverage.

Zola: doing coconuts right and making them proud.
Chunky and Coconut
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 4/1/14, 8:04 PM
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OKF Aloe Vera King Original

OKF Aloe Vera King Original
While aloe drinks would most likely be something new and exciting to the general population, they have become old hat to me. I love them and think they are delicious, but I've run out of things to say about them because for the most part they are all fairly similar. They are a sweet, slightly syrupy drink that tastes a bit like white grape juice with chunks in it. I'm pretty sure you could serve it in glass to someone and tell them it was white grape juice with pulp and they wouldn't ever question it. The funny thing is that this is the first bottle of aloe juice that I can recall that actually has grape flavoring added to it. Why not play up on your strengths?

This is fairly standard for Korean aloe drinks. It has decent sized chunks in it that are great, and the flavor is as described above. If you've had one before you know exactly how this tastes without even cracking it open. Why wouldn't you crack it open though? If you know how it tastes then you know you want to drink it, and you want to drink it now, because as standard as it is, it's still something to be admired.
Aloe Vera and Chunky
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 3/15/14, 12:10 PM
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Wei-Chuan Kiwifruit Drink With Pulp

Wei-Chuan Kiwifruit Drink With Pulp
Let me be the first to congratulate kiwi for getting out of the abusive relationship that it was in with strawberry. For decades the only time you ever heard about this beautiful fruit was in relation to its counterpart. In those cases it always took a back seat to the red fruit. I know their relationship was forged because of their similar tiny black seeds, but it quickly went downhill. We've all heard what went on behind closed doors, but I'm not one to perpetuate the rumor mill. All I will say is that kiwi deserved better and I'm glad to see it stepping out on it's own into the spotlight.

Now after decades of living in the shadows, it was no surprise that kiwi wasn't going to come out of the gates and blow our minds. Sure, there are some issues with this beverage, but the important thing is that kiwi is trying and finally there is a beverage that is at least more accurately portraying it's natural flavor. Kiwi is not completely comfortable to come out all on it's own, so in here it is hiding behind sugar, and there's a whole lot of it. There is 69g of sugar in this 16.9oz can with a mixture of sugar, acesulfame K and aspartame. Sure, it tastes more like biting into a kiwi than any other drink I've ever had, but it tastes like you're biting into a canned kiwi that was in heavy syrup.

As a way of an apology for all the sugar kiwi actually put bits and chunks of itself into the drink as well. It gives it a nice texture that might be gross to some, but that someone like myself really enjoyed. Think of orange juice with a lot of pulp but switch the fruit and dump in way too much sugar. There you go.
Chunky and Juice
Jason Draper on 3/5/14, 6:38 PM
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Wei-Chuan Guava Drink with Pulp

Wei-Chuan Guava Drink with Pulp
Oh guava, you sassy girl. I feel that you are the most forgotten of the tropical fruits. It's not your fault. You are not to be forgotten. It's just that you are. You aren't doing anything wrong. Take this drink for instance. It's good. It's really good. I feel that it is a canned yet accurate portrayal of what you are like in real life. You know when they make biopics of people that are still alive and they get mad because everything was dramatized so much that it makes them look weak or like monsters? This drink, I feel, is "a day in the life" of you, guava. Why? Well the flavor isn't messed with, I don't think. It's filled with chunks and not just chunks of aloe, chunks of you, the fruit in questions. You provide and we make the most of what you give us. You are the lemon of fruits. You know that old phrase. If someone gives you lemons, you make lemonade. If someone gives you guaqva, you make a chunky guava drink. If I had a nickel for every time I've heard that phrase I think my check would be in the mail.
Chunky and Juice
Mike Literman on 2/20/14, 4:05 PM
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TEAloe Mint

TEAloe Mint
For those of you with weak stomachs, aloe may not be the drink for you. Why? Well it's chunky and I know how you are all prone to throwing up as soon as something hits your "hangy ball." You gag when you brush your teeth and since this is mint and has chunks, you're destined for Upchuck College. Throw-Up U? I don't know which I'd rather attend.

For those of you who can take a little chunkage when you down drinks, you may have something you will like. This has everything you might want, right? Refreshing mint? Some chunks to remind you that something is actually going down your gullet, and green tea, which considered it's sweetened and soiled with chunks, not too bad. The mint, which look, it's mint and does what it's supposed to, cools things down a little bit too much on the green tea side leaving you with a fraction of what bitterness I may desire out of even a sweetened green tea. That being said, not the worst mint drink I've had. Not the worst aloe drink I've had. Not the worst green tea drink I've had.

All in, I'd give it a three out of five and since that's what I do, that's what I'll do.
Aloe Vera, Chunky and Iced Tea
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 2/18/14, 5:07 PM
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TEAloe Peach

TEAloe Peach
There are the goods in this world and there are the evils. There is the black and the white; the yin and the yang. There are the stances and items in the world that are strong parallels and polar opposites. It's hard to live with extremes and most things fall somewhere in the middle, in the grays. I would never call this drink strictly a tea, nor would I call it solely an aloe beverage. It falls into that previously mentioned gray. Ick. No one wants a gray drink. Luckily for us this does not have that particular hue. I would say that it falls closer to a tea than an aloe, but that is mainly due to the lower levels of sugar added.

Let's talk about the sweetness of this drink, shall we? Now I like my green tea unsweetened. I like to taste the actual tea, and I do…₮ÂĶa lot. On the opposite of that, aloe drinks are one of the few beverages that I like really sweet. This drink doesn't fill either of my preferred criteria for maximum enjoyment. It's too sweet for how I like to enjoy my green tea and it does not contain enough sugar to satisfy my aloe needs. Instead we find ourselves in that middle ground again with a whole new beast.

So what we have here is mainly a cane sugar sweetened green tea that has a light peach flavoring to it that has aloe chunks in it and a bit of the natural flavor of aloe that normally gets obscured under obscene amounts of sugar. I'm sure for some people that is a magical combination, but while I do enjoy it, it leaves me craving just a little bit more, or less, whichever way you choose to look at it.
Aloe Vera, Chunky and Iced Tea
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 2/15/14, 11:33 AM
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Taisun Jelly Drink Lychee

Taisun Jelly Drink Lychee
Looking to expand your horizons? Sure. Why wouldn't you be? No one likes to be stagnant. No one likes to eat the same thing over and over again. No one likes to do the same thing time and time again. People need variance. People need change. I bet you don't drink juice with chunks of fermented coconut in it. If you do, I think the next step is something sassy like latex fun. If you haven't gotten there yet, chunky drinks that taste like flowers are the previous step. It's a good step, too. Sometimes the flowers can be too perfumy but sometimes they can be alright. In this drink's case, they are pretty good. There is a nice, firm texture on the coconut chunks and the flavor is a nicely sweetened, nicely floral little number.

You should know as soon as you drink this, though. You should know that the next step is, as I mentioned before, latex fun. Tight stuff. Stuff with zippers. Like it or not, that's next. Brace yourself. It gets hot in there.
Chunky, Jelly and Juice
Mike Literman on 1/30/14, 1:30 PM
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Yogo Vera Mojito - Apple Mint + Lime

Yogo Vera Mojito - Apple Mint + Lime
I had to do a little Internet search to find the origins of the Mojito, because I honestly thought it was a modern invention, as I had never heard of it until about five years ago. I was way off, there are debates on the timeline, but one thing for certain is that this concoction existed on this mortal plane by 1650. Apparently it just became more popular in recent years, or else I'm just completely out of touch. Actually, that is very likely.

In my daydreams the following situation occurred: some friends were getting ready for a beach party and they decided last minute that they should make some mojitos for their day of leisure. They ran to the store and each was supposed to get an ingredient; one was to grab lime, one sugar, one sparkling water and the other apple mint (they apparently we're going nonalcoholic or they had the rum waiting in the car, that part did not matter to me). When they met back up after their purchases Mr. Apple Mint complained that he had to pay more because he had to buy two things. Everyone looked at him quizzically and he produced a bag of fresh mint and a jug of apple juice. Everyone laughed because he was obviously a dum-dum head who didn't realize that “apple mint” is just a type of mint and they didn't mean to get both apples and mint. They all laughed even more and added the apple juice to the mix for kicks, and the wonders it did provide. Guys, in that daydream, I was Mr. Apple Mint! I honestly thought that this was going to be apple, mint and lime. Oh the difference a comma can make (and an “M” as I almost spelled that coma).

Yogo Vera did not make the same mistake as me, but they did change up the classic recipe a bit. This is sugar, lime, and apple mint (which does have a slightly fruity flavor). Instead of the classic sparkling water and rum this Korean company used aloe vera drink, complete with chunks. The aloe gives it even more of a nondescript fruity flavor, and buries the mint a bit. It's not quite the wonderful drink that was created in my daydream, but it's perfectly acceptable. I would have preferred it to have a stronger mint flavor, but that would probably make it taste like you were drinking lime aloe after brushing your teeth. What a temperamental herb mint is.
Aloe Vera and Chunky
Yogo Vera
Jason Draper on 1/29/14, 2:55 PM
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