Soy - 20 Reviews

Cheng Kang Strawberry Soybean Drink

Cheng Kang Strawberry Soybean Drink
Do you remember when you were a kid and Strawberry Quik was one of the best things ever? Well, this is the soy version of that. Okay, you caught me. I am a liar. This wishes that it was the soy version of that. Actually I believe that at some point in its creation that is exactly what it might have been but then things went wonky. It tastes like they had two vats, one filled with soymilk and another filled with sweetened strawberry flavoring. I can only imagine that they meant to water down the soy vat to make it slightly less soy-y, but someone at the factory messed up and watered down the flavoring instead. The result was a beverage that tasted very strongly of soy and not as boldly of strawberry.

Instead of this tasting like nice strong strawberry milk it ended up tasting like the soymilk left over after a bowl of Frankenberry. I don't think anyone wants this.
Milk and Soy
Cheng Kang
Jason Draper on 8/13/13, 9:44 PM
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Mong Lee Shang Pearl Soybean Drink Strawberry Flavoured

Mong Lee Shang Pearl Soybean Drink Strawberry Flavoured
Do you remember the Nestle Quik bunny, aka Quiky? From the 70s to the 90s he worked promoting the Nesquik powders used to flavor milk. He got all caught up in the glamour and in 2001 he hit rock bottom. The drugs, the interspecial relationships, he realized it was all to much for him and that he needed to walk away. Nestle hired a new rabbit (Nesquik) and most of the world never noticed the difference. Fame can do strange things to a bunny, and it takes a big rabbit to know when to extradite yourself from a situation.

Quiky spent a few years traveling the globe trying to find himself. He got clean, and adopted the vegan lifestyle. While visiting Taiwan he met up with the folks at Mong Lee Shang and he worked with them to create an incredible strawberry soymilk. It was essentially the old Nesquik strawberry powder from the 70s mixed in with soymilk, but it was a taste that Quiky had missed and he never thought he would have again. For some reason the company insisted on adding tapioca balls to the drink. Quiky didn't know why, but he had to admit that they added an element of fun to the drink and didn't really havea taste of their own.

Things were looking up for our bunny friend. He was set to appear as spokesperson for this new drink, and the company promised to keep it wholesome. Everything fell apart though when he found out that the drink actually contained caseinate (milk protein), and that it wasn't really vegan at all. Quiky felt like he had been duped and he walked out of the offices of Mong Lee Shang never to be heard from again.
Chunky and Soy
Mong Lee Shang
Jason Draper on 11/20/12, 10:20 PM
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Silk Chocolate Mint

Silk Chocolate Mint
When I saw this alongside Silk Nog my heart jumped because it's my favorite time of year. While many of my friends protested that it's "too soon" for eggnog, I disagree. It's never too soon and I wish it were offered year round.

While this is no nog, it's a seasonal drink so I couldn't pass it up. This is the friend your best friend brings along with them. You'd rather just hang out with the person you know and love, but you'll give this other friend a shot.

While this may be my first chocolate mint soymilk, it will not be my last. This stuff is really delicious! It's a very smooth chocolate with a nice crisp mint that isn't overpowering. While my love for eggnog has not be surpassed, this wonderful soymilk has earned its spot next to it in the fridge.
Milk and Soy
United States
Natural Cane Sugar
Derek Neuland on 10/3/12, 1:28 AM
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Silk Fruit & Protein Mixed Berry

Silk Fruit & Protein Mixed Berry
Barry, stop our crying. You know that every time you get eat ice cream you get distracted by something else and then it melts. Of course you then get upset and the crying and yelling starts. I'm sick of it. I don't care that you've been diagnosed with ADHD, you're just a big baby. If this keeps happening I hear the coach is going to stop inviting to you to get ice cream after our baseball games. Imagine that, life without ice cream from mini plastic baseball helmets. Well at least you didn't have a cone, so you can still spoon up the melted mess. By the way, who the hell gets berry ice cream? In a world of chocolate, peanut butter and mint, who chooses berry? You're not going to eat your melt? Well it looks like you really are a baby. Give it to me, I'll eat it you wasteful baby!

This tastes a lot like the drink my sister always has in the fridge. She's a vegan, so she always has weird stuff in there. Yeah this definitely tastes like that protein drink she always has, and always yells at me for drinking. I always sneak some because it reminds me of melted ice cream. Well, I guess melted “soy cream.” Basically it's a bunch of berry juice mixed with soymilk with some plant-based protein added. It's basically like a berry creamsicle. My sister always boasts that it doesn't taste chalky like other protein drinks, since there is no whey in it. Whatever it tastes good so I drink it, and she yells at me.

You really are a baby Barry. You're just lucky that you always hit homeruns. How did such a baby get so good at baseball?
Juice and Soy
United States
Evaporated Cane Juice
Jason Draper on 7/4/12, 1:14 PM
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Yon Ho Black Soybean

Yon Ho Black Soybean
This couldn't look more like chocolate milk. I knew it wasn't. I knew it. It just looked so much like it that I endlessly hoped that it did. So much. Then I took a sip and...bleh. It has a bit of an open, airy, slightly sweet, packing peanut taste. But it looks so much like chocolate milk. I gave it to my boss, because I'm a fantastic employee, and told him it was chocolate milk. Because of who I am and the fact that we've been working together for like five years, he knew I was up to something. Then he smelled it, confirmed I was up to something, drank it anyway, and for a minute, made that "ugh" sound.

Different tastes for different countries, I guess. If it was my job to sell this drink I might quit my job because I don't know anyone who would desire this drink, but I'm sure it's huge in Taiwan and I'm going to get a lot of foreign flack for this review. It is sweetened so I assume this is a casual drink, like pop would be to us. Taiwan? Anyone? I know there are a couple of you over there that can answer me.
Yon HoWebsite
Mike Literman on 3/15/12, 10:51 AM
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Earth Balance Organic Soy Nog

Earth Balance Organic Soy Nog
Happy Boxing Day! No I'm not Canadian, but sometimes I feel like we (Buffalo residents) should be granted dual citizenship due to our close proximity. We get Canadian TV and radio, most businesses accept Canadian coins, and we recognize Boxing Day (sort of). I'm sure my pleas are falling upon deaf ears, but at least I have this soy nog.

When I told people I found soynog made by Earth Balance, most people were disgusted. I'm guessing they pictured a glass of eggnog with a stick of butter in it. I question people's logic sometimes, isn't a company allowed to make other products that are not derivatives of what they're most famous for? I love Earth Balance margarine and think it's the best tasting stuff out there. Even when I wasn't vegan I thought so. I didn't think this was going to have a buttery taste, but I had a feeling that it was going to be delicious.

And I was right! This is great soynog. It was the perfect beverage to drink yesterday at my grandma's Christmas gathering. This is my favorite soy based nog I've had so far. While it's been over 5 years since I've had the real thing, this reminds me the most of what eggnog was like. Nice smooth and slightly thick consistency, with a great nutmeg taste. The only thing that makes me sad is knowing that in a month I won't be able to find it in stores again until next holiday season. Oh well, it will give me something to look forward to.
Earth BalanceWebsite@Earth_Balance
United States
Organic Evaporated Cane Juice
Derek Neuland on 12/26/11, 4:10 PM
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Day To Day Bean Milk

Day To Day Bean Milk
Oh man I could really go for some Thai food. Some peanut satay would really hit the spot, specifically in wrap form. That would be delicious. A nice wrap of peanut sauce and tofu. Maybe I'll go a little crazy and get some ginger on it. What do you mean you don't serve satay? I'm sorry. I thought any self respecting hot dog stand would be well stocked in the foods of other cultures. I guess this world just isn't the place I thought it was. It looks like I'll have to go see what that little market next door has.

Hmmm they don't have any prepared foods, but the woman working the counter did recommend this drink to me. I like soy milk so why not. Oh wow this does taste exactly like peanut satay. Actually this is kind of gross. It makes me feel like I was in a horrific car accident and had to get my jaw wired shut, and as a result my jaw has been wired shut, and I need to have all of my foods liquefied. Okay after two sips I can't drink anymore.

Dear Day to Day, I don't know what peanuts have to do with bean milk, but screw you for putting me off peanuts for a little while.
Day To Day
Couldn't Read Ingredients
Jason Draper on 11/21/11, 10:43 AM
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Taste Nirvana Creamy Green Tea

Taste Nirvana Creamy Green Tea
John, we've got a good line of drinks here. We've got coconut stuff and our Thai tea, which is fitting because we're from Thailand. I'm sorry to report that sales are down this quarter and we've got a good idea why. We received numerous complaints about how bold the Thai tea is with our proprietary chai blend and how creamy and nutty our coconut drinks are. I know, they sound like compliments but in reality, it's the general public asking for something more.

I have spent literally dozens of dollars on research and development, or as the fellas in R and D call it, "R and D" developing the perfect drink to meet people right in the middle and I am here to announce to you, John, Taste Nirvana's very own creamy green tea. It's green tea, which people have been drinking for ages mixed with a little bit of milk, a little bit of sugar, and a little bit of soy, you know, for fun. It's tamer than our Thai tea, and in my opinion, not as good, but the people get what the people want. It tastes exactly like how a "creamy green tea" would taste if you dreamed about it, as I did.

John, this is how my dreams taste. Can you taste my dreams? Do you like the way my dreams taste, John? Now I need you to go out and tell the world about my dreams and how they taste.
Iced Tea, Milk and Soy
Taste NirvanaWebsite@tastenirvana
Mike Literman on 8/17/11, 1:42 PM
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Uni-President Honey Soy Milk

Uni-President Honey Soy Milk
On the front of this juice-box, which doesn't contain juice, there are the following items that scared the heck out of me:

  • Eggs

  • Bananas

There were also soybeans on the box, but that didn't scare me, you know, 'cause I'm tough.

I brought this to my brother and he jumped right in. He said, and I later concurred, that it tastes like the milk after you eat a bowl of Honey Comb. Initially, it's very sweet but once it's in your mouth, it's fine, so stop crying about it.

Derek's daddy brought this over from his work trip to Taiwan and I bet he tried to gross us out but surprise, Derek's daddy, it's not half bad. Anyone who has drank the milk for any particular corn based honey cereal has had this drink before.
Soy and Milk
Mike Literman on 8/6/11, 11:31 AM
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Vitasoy Soy Drink Chocolate

Vitasoy Soy Drink Chocolate
I purchased this little gem as part of a mean sixer at a local Asian supermarket. I have been looking at it but have been too cheap to drop the necessary $4 to buy it. If it were in singles or an assorted pack, dude, I would have reviewed all of them, but when it comes to spending $4 on a juice box that I am going to drink one of and give the rest away, it's hard. I know my girlfriend has drunk two, Derek has one, I just drank one and that leaves a few more. I think I promised Jay one. Anyhow, the review...

I was impressed. I have had some strange, imported soy chocolate milk and they are gross. This rivals YooHoo, but probably not Nesquik because that is pretty darn fantastic in my opinion. This, to me, I think would be kid friendly, too. It's still a crap-load of calories (160) but if your son is lactose intolerant and needs chocolate milk, this won't make him get sick.

I really think that this could stand the kid taste test, too. If you had your kid drink 15 non-market chocolate milk boxes and then snuck one of these buddies in there, two things would happen.
1. I would call CPS on you because you just gave your kid 16 chocolate milks in one sitting and are a terrible parent.
2. Before you got carted away by the authorities, your kid wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

If you're vegan or lactose intolerant, get this. If you still don't want chocolate milk, enjoy your menial desk job, your boring car, your turkey sandwiches with the crust cut off, and your "Hang In There" cat poster, turd.
Milk and Soy
Hong Kong
Mike Literman on 6/20/11, 12:10 AM
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CalNaturale Svelte Chocolate

CalNaturale Svelte Chocolate
This drink is good. So high in calories that I felt like only drinking half, but whatever. It goes down really smooth and that's because it's a thick drink. Not milkshake thick, unless you leave your milkshakes in the car when you run into the store to get your pre-packaged noodle dinners that you feel like you need to get because you've got a coupon that makes them free so you can feel like you're on Extreme Couponing. The erythritol doesn't kick in until the drink is long gone down your seemingly endless gullet and last for a strangely long time, like minutes. Erythritol, to me at least, makes my mouth water, and although it's not a bad thing, and I can deal with it, it lets me know that "something" is going on continuously with what I just ingested.

As a protein drink this is awesome. Although it's only got 16 grams of protein on top of a whopping 260 calories, you've probably just burned it off whilst running a half marathon. Don't worry, pal, you'll hit that 26.2 soon enough and you can tear that "13.1" sticker off your Rav 4 and slap on a fresh, new, impressive "26.2" sticker. No one thinks you're less of a person because you've got that on there. I don't think that I could put a "6.55" sticker on my car. Cheer up. Put those sweet shoes, extra short shorts, and dumb hat on and go run that marathon.
Soy and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Mike Literman on 5/27/11, 4:47 PM
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Mong Lee Shang Pearl Soybean Drink Mung Bean Flavour

Mong Lee Shang Pearl Soybean Drink Mung Bean Flavour
I didn't know what to expect with this. Upon first sip, it tasted like soymilk with an extra flavor to it. Then Monet reminded me of the mung bean dessert balls you get at Thai or sushi restaurants. That is EXACTLY what this tastes like. Even though we followed Jason's instructions to shake this prior to opening, the tapioca balls still stayed at the bottom. The tapioca balls are much smaller and less chewy than those I'm used to in bubble tea. Sadly, these would not be as effective if you were to spit them.
Soy and Chunky
Mong Lee Shang
Derek Neuland on 4/27/11, 12:24 AM
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CalNaturale Svelte Spiced Chai

CalNaturale Svelte Spiced Chai
Even though coffee was never my think I drank obscene amounts of it in high school. My friends and I would hang out at Perkins and just down coffee for hours. It was what we did, so I joined in. I added so much sugar and cream to mine that I don't know if it could technically still be called coffee, but it is what it is. As we got older, meaning we got cars, we would go into the city and hang out at Topic Coffee in Allentown. The first couple of times I got coffee, but then a random person we met exposed me to chai. I love tea now and drink it all the time, but when I was younger all I knew about it was that my grandmother drank it. When someone had me try their chai tea bells and whistles went off in my brain. This was delicious. It wasn't bitter like what my grandmother drank, and the spices made it seem so exotic (keep in mind I was 16 at the time). Since then chai has been a favorite of mine, and the times I find myself in a coffee shop it's generally what I order (Unless Nina is working and she makes me this magical peanut butter mocha thing with tons of whipped cream).

I had expected this to be a soymilk with a light chai flavoring, but the chai was way stronger than I anticipated. I love it. It is a completely vegan drink chock full of vitamins and minerals that actually tastes incredible. At first the chai hits you nice and strong. As that fades out a dry soy aftertaste creeps in. It's subtle and nice. I've finished the carton and now I already want more. If only this were available in Western New York.
Soy and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Organic Dried Cane Syrup
Jason Draper on 4/18/11, 11:34 AM
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CalNaturale Svelte French Vanilla

CalNaturale Svelte French Vanilla
CalNaturale is better known for their wine that comes in these little cartons. They have fairly recently branched out with their Svelte line. It's a vegan friendly line of nutritional/protein drinks. Their website claims to provide you with "the lasting nutrition and sustained energy you need for your active and busy day." We've had a handful of protein style drinks lately. Most of them have been surprisingly good.

I have proclaimed many times (to the rolling eyes of my girlfriend) that a bowl of cereal in the morning does not count as food for the day. It is simply part of a routine, a crucial part at that. Being that I need my morning cereal (fake Cinnamon Toast Crunch, because I am a child after all) I use a decent amount of soy/almond milk. For a while I always used the vanilla versions to give the cereal a little extra kick. None of the stuff that I had tried had an eighth of the vanilla punch that this little carton does. You get punched right in the uvula by that little vanilla bean. While you're recovering the soy aftertaste sets in. When I first started drinking this carton I wasn't sure if I liked it or not. The further in I got the more I enjoyed it. I guess I just needed to get accustomed to it.
Soy and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Organic Dried Cane Syrup
Jason Draper on 4/3/11, 3:29 PM
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Vita Milk Soy Bean Milk

Vita Milk Soy Bean Milk
It's a steaming hot day. It's so hot that you can't even comprehend the idea of moving. You are soaked with sweat just from breathing. This fan isn't doing anything. There's only one thing that can save the day. A Slurpie? No that's kids stuff. You're an adult now and the only thing that will cool you down is a nice ice-cold bottle of soymilk. Crack one open and chug it. As you wipe some dribble off your chin you are the picture of refreshment. You've beaten that heat.

Obviously that is completely fabricated because of two important things.
1. Slurpies are for all ages. They cool down your body like nothing else. On top of that they are delicious. I don't think I could ever trust someone who tells me they don't like them.
2. Soymilk, or cow milk for that matter, is not refreshing at all. I love it on my cereal, but other than the chocolate variety, I can't see myself ever downing a glass of it for pleasure. It's very strange to me to have it in single serve glass bottles.

Also soymilk and tofu are both made out of soybeans, so why don't they taste similar? I think Vita Milk had the same thought and decided to do something about it. This tastes like they took bricks of tofu and put them in a blender with way more sugar than is ever needed. I think I'll stick to my vanilla soymilk on my cereal in the morning.
Milk and Soy
Vita MilkWebsite@MyVitasoy
Jason Draper on 2/25/11, 2:23 PM
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CK Soybean Drink Chocolate

CK Soybean Drink Chocolate
You've got two screaming kids. Sometimes they suck. Face it. Your "angels" aren't perfect. Honestly, they don't suck. They're still screaming and you have to solve this predicament ASAP. You open the fridge and you've got a little bit of chocolate milk. Not enough for two stupid kids, but maybe one and a half kids. Since you "can't" cut little Tommy in half you have no choice but to, gulp, water down the chocolate milk. You do it, don't look back, and give those brats something to stop their crying.

You can tell the difference because you're an adult and have been drinking chocolate milk your entire life. Those kids sucked it right up. What you tastes. Tastes like this CK chocolate soybean drink. It's not as thick as regular chocolate milk or soymilk. Maybe that soymilk and soybean drink are different even though they are made from the same animal.

Your kids are now fine and you found that watered down chocolate milk passes the kid test. It's a fiscal score for you. Good job. Not so much for CK. It was under $1 so it's not a jip. You got what you paid for.
Milk and Soy
Mike Literman on 12/26/10, 1:02 PM
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Silk Nog

Silk Nog
Eggnog is one of the foulest beverages in the history of the world. Eggs and milk mixed? No thanks! Ever since I was a kid I loathed the stuff. I don't give a rip if Santa loves the stuff. You know what I do care if he likes it. He can have my share.
A couple of years back a friend got a carton of Silk Nog and I went off about how gross the stuff was. I was then basically forced to try it. I was shocked that I actually enjoyed the stuff. I don't know if it was just that I knew it wasn't made out of disgusting ingredients or if it's just better than eggnog. I will tell you this, it's not as thick as eggnog, but it's by no means watery. When you go to take a sip and breath in through your mouth, a strong taste hits you before the liquid. It's like an aftertaste in reverse. I think Silk has mastered quantum physics with this beverage. I've never had that happen before with a drink. When it finally hits your tongue it's very creamy, and tastes like light holiday spices.
Every since that day I've gotten a handful of cartons of this a year. It's not an all the time drink, but a nice glass of it every once and a while is really nice. I guess I have to get in the holiday mood in some way, and I choose to do so eating cookies and drinking Silk Nog.

Milk and Soy
United States
Evaporated Cane Juice
Jason Draper on 12/19/10, 2:28 PM
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West Soy Chocolate Peppermint Stick

West Soy Chocolate Peppermint Stick
Ooooh. So let me get this straight. You're vegan and it's Christmas? Well that is very saddening. You can't have any milks or meats. That's unfortunate. And now you're telling me that you used to love Hot Chocolate with milk like mama used to make? Oh, and you used to put a peppermint stick in it to really hit it home? I'm very sorry that you can no longer have that. Let me present to you, though, something very on par that is not just for you, but also for the rest of us. It's from West Soy and it's chocolate with peppermint stick and tastes just like (cold) hot chocolate with mama's recommendation of puttin' a peppermint stick in it. What more could you ask for? Warmth? You could probably boil it or put it in the microwave, but at the speed that you can slam/chug it, you won't want to waste time warming it up. Just leave it on the shelf and kind of meet the world half way and drink it at room temperature.

Look, you can drink it however you want to. I'm not your friggin' dad. I'm not going to tell you what to do. You asked what you could drink as a malnourished vegan on Christmas and I told you. What else do you want? Do you want me to go to the store, buy some, then buy some glasses, pour the drink in said glass, and then pour the drink down your throat? That's dangerous. You could choke. I don't know your oral liquid limits. I'm not in your mouth. What am I, your tongue? Leave me alone.
Milk and Soy
West SoyWebsite
United States
Organic Dehydrated Cane Juice
Mike Literman on 12/6/10, 7:42 AM
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Silk Light Vanilla

Silk Light Vanilla
Although I very rarely drink a glass of this, it is my go to soymilk to put on my cereal. The vanilla isn't so strong that it's more powerful than the actual flavor of the cereal, but it's there enough so that when you do have a glass of it, it doesn't just taste like soy. I can get behind it. Regular milk is so gross. I just can't do it. That means soy and Silk wins out.
Diet, Milk and Soy
United States
Evaporated Cane Juice
Jason Draper on 10/22/10, 8:44 AM
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Mong Lee Shang Pearl Soybean Drink With Tapioca Balls

Mong Lee Shang Pearl Soybean Drink With Tapioca Balls
As to be expected, this is pretty much sweetened soymilk. The flavor is nothing fancy. I was bummed because I didn't get any tapioca balls for the first half of the can. I was afraid it had disintegrated or just weren't added to this can. Then I got a sip that was pretty much all tapioca. So if you ever get one of these remember to shake it. For anyone who's ever had bubble tea, it's the same idea. If you're not familiar they are pretty much flavorless little gelatinous balls that add a fun little texture.
Soy and Chunky
Mong Lee Shang
Jason Draper on 9/27/10, 7:42 AM
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