Cherry Republic - 5 Reviews

Cherry Republic Boom Chugga Lugga True Cherry Cola

Cherry Republic Boom Chugga Lugga True Cherry Cola
I've never had cherry cola before. Okay, that's a bold face lie. What I'm trying to say is that after drinking this cherry cola, I now realize that I have never had REAL cherry cola.

Drinking this soda is like bowling. No, you're not required to wear a pair of weird rental shoes from the 70's when you drink this. Nor does it smell like your uncle. Upon first sipping it, you get this delicious full cherry taste that goes down really smooth. This is just like the smooth roll you get when your bowling ball goes down the lane. It has a nice calming sound, and it seems to last forever. But then just as you start to really enjoy it, the ball crashes into the pins. That is when the cola taste hits you. It's a sharp and deep cola bite that I don't know if I've ever experienced before.

I'm looking for things to be critical of, but I can't find any. This is hands down the best cherry cola I have every consumed.
Soda Pop
Cherry RepublicWebsite@cherryrepublic
United States
Pure Sugar
Derek Neuland on 2/22/12, 12:40 AM
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Cherry Republic Boom Chugga Lugga Low Cal Black Cherry Cream Soda

Cherry Republic Boom Chugga Lugga Low Cal Black Cherry Cream Soda
For the vision of a low calorie drink Cherry Republic has chosen to put a drawing of an orchard of cherry trees picked bear. I really don't get it. The regular version of it has a bear reaching for a tree branch in full bloom. I think they may be hinting that drinking diet soda that has artificial sweeteners is similar to the dead cold winter.

I am not a fan of saccharine or aspartame at all, but I have to hand it to Cherry Republic, you can sure taste a quality soda underneath that fake sweetness. There is a delicious cherry cream soda that is being suppressed by an army of little grains of gross sweetener. You can actually taste the real cherry juice in here, which is something that doesn't normally happen (if ever) with a diet soda. I can only imagine that if you were used to drinking diet pop that this would be a holy grail of sorts.

On a side note, these come in reusable bottles. Not just recyclable, but reusable. If you return it to its point of origin they will wash it out and refill it for future use. Now that is something I can totally get behind.
Diet and Soda Pop
Cherry RepublicWebsite@cherryrepublic
United States
Sodium Saccharine
Jason Draper on 12/19/11, 7:02 PM
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Cherry Republic Boom Chugga Lugga Cherry Ginger Ale

Cherry Republic Boom Chugga Lugga Cherry Ginger Ale
It's been a rough day. A car hit you. Lightly, but nonetheless, it hit you. It was a jalopy of car and the jerk was on their phone so you are majorly upset. It was on your way to work. You were crossing the street and they just didn't stop enough and tapped you. You wanted so badly to kick in their front headlight, as you always wanted to do, but you didn't, unfortunately.

You went into work only to discover that your inbox, your physical inbox, not email, was overflowing with disorganized papers. Oh, the fun you will have today. On top of that, there are no apples in the vending machine and they have been replaced with Ho-Hos. You love Ho-Hos but you are on a diet and rely on those apples to get you through the day.

Three quarters through the day, you need a break. You don't smoke, so you bring fun drinks to work. You found this cherry ginger ale and you really need it to be good or your day will be completely ruined. You open it, smell it, take a sip, and everything is A-OK. It's smooth and has a great cherry flavor. You burp, because you are on break and don't need to impress anyone, and it's a little hot, like you drank a ginger beer. All around, it is a great drink.

You close out your daily tasks, minimize your inbox, and take off for the day. It started out badly, but that pop turned everything around.
Soda Pop and Ginger
Cherry RepublicWebsite@cherryrepublic
United States
Pure Sugar
Mike Literman on 11/8/11, 4:10 PM
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Cherry Republic Boom Chugga Lugga Black Cherry Cream Soda

Cherry Republic Boom Chugga Lugga Black Cherry Cream Soda
What a day. Look, I love women as much as the next dude, but my She's been hounding me to get a passport for years and I never felt like I needed to. I know, I know, I'm living on a border state and I don't have one. She wants me to go to Ikea and buy shelves and stuff. I don't want any part in that. Yes, I like Swedish meatballs, but I'm not driving an hour and a half to get them. Jay and I used to go to a dance party in Toronto every last Friday of every month and that was awesome. Once they stopped doing that, I didn't have a reason to Canada.

I'm going on a trip and I finally had to get one so I went and some idiot asked if he could use Canadian currency at the post office. What a dumb idiot. So I got my passport all filed, my terrible picture taken, and am now $150 poorer but to celebrate, I grabbed this black cherry cream soda.

I let some people try it and they said that it tastes like Luden's cough drops and I think that Luden's is responsible for changing people's taste of cherries forever. Now, unless you're eating an actual cherry, no one thinks of something as "cherry flavored" they only think of it as "cough drop" flavored, and that's just wrong. This is good, and it's a better black cherry pop than a black cherry cream soda, in my opinion. The cream soda is in there a little bit but the strongest flavor is defiantly the cherry. It's a really nice taste, too. It's a brighter black cherry taste than a plain ol' black cherry pop.

Now in four to six weeks I'll have my passport and will have no excuse why not to go and get shelves and pillow tops and all that crap. Great. Worst $150 I've ever spent.
Soda Pop
Cherry RepublicWebsite@cherryrepublic
United States
Pure Sugar
Mike Literman on 9/13/11, 2:29 PM
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Cherry Republic Boom Chugga Lugga Cherry Root Bear

Cherry Republic Boom Chugga Lugga Cherry Root Bear
Maude, those darn bears are at it again. Last night they got into our cherry storeroom and all but cleaned it out. I think there was maybe one case of cherries that they didn't get to. The completely devoured the rest. I'm talking fruit, stems, seeds and all. There was just cherry juice smeared everywhere. Apparently that wasn't enough for them, because they then broke into the root beer storeroom in the next building over. I didn't know bears liked root beer, but I guess if they were going to you're brew would be the way to go honey. That latest batch tasted so dark in the best way possible. It's just nice and bold tasting. I mean we do live out in the country so a root beer made out here should taste that way.

Sorry I got distracted. Back to the bears. They got into the root beer room as I said, and they thrashed five of your barrels. I know how hard you worked on that soda Maude, and I'm sorry. I did tell you that we needed a new door on the room though. There is this one barrel that they left half empty. Ugh there is cherry juice all over it. This is going to be a pain to clean up. WHAT ARE YOU DOING MAUDE? DON'T DRINK THAT! BEARS DON'T USE STRAWS OR CUPS! DO YOU KNOW WHAT IS ON THEIR PAWS MAUDE? POOP AND DIRT AND WHO KNOWS WHAT ELSE! SHUT UP AND TASTE IT? ARE YOU CRAZY?!!?! WHERE ARE YOU GOING? WHERE!??!?!?!

*Maude comes back with a cup half full of mashed up cherries a few moments later. She opens another barrel of root beer and fills the cup the rest of the way.*

Wait this is delicious. Those bears are on to something! This is like 75% root beer and 25% cherry juice, and you can tell it's fresh. If we filter out the chunks we could definitely market this. It's seriously incredible. Bless those bears and their ingenuity. Oh and Maude I'm not kissing you until you go to a doctor. I bet you're all sorts of crudded up with disease from that bear root beer.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
Cherry RepublicWebsite@cherryrepublic
United States
Pure Sugar
Jason Draper on 8/26/11, 8:35 PM
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