Go Fast Sports - 6 Reviews

Go Fast Sports Light

Go Fast Sports Light
I've been drinking a lot of diet drinks lately. I'm not going to lie, all those empty calories have been going to my waistline lately. While I'm perfectly comfortable with my weight, it wouldn't hurt me to lose a few pounds. Why am I telling you all this? Well it's to say that since I've been drinking more drinks with fake sugar in them, I've gotten used to the taste, which used to repulse me. Sucralose and its friends no longer taste like chemicals to me. Is this a good thing? I don't know.

One aspect where it's a good thing is I am able to judge the taste of a diet drink a little better. I was expecting this to be pretty bland, but I was pleasantly surprised after the first sip. It tasted like a diet version of the original Go Fast Sports energy drink, but there was something else I couldn't put my finger on. I thought maybe they were using stevia as the sweetener, but that wasn't it.

Honey. That is the main sweetener in this. Totally took me by surprise! It works really well too. Now that I know there is honey in this, it makes sense and I can taste it. It's not strong, but it's really nice sweetness in the aftertaste.
Diet and Energy Drink
Go Fast SportsWebsite@GOFASTENERGY
United States
Honey & Sucralose
Derek Neuland on 9/28/11, 1:03 AM
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Go Fast Sports Tea Energy

Go Fast Sports Tea Energy
I have been tired. I don't know what it is. Something, probably a twenty-five mile bike ride with Jay where we talked about Take The Money And Run and how we would manage to win it, exhausted me. Jay was talking about rope apparatuses and old buildings, bike trips, calling people who would call people, strange drop off points, and more. I think that most of the ideas that he had couldn't be done in an hour or couldn't be done with the rules and restrictions of the game itself. We didn't get back until later and when I got home, I had to feed my son, and then I was wicked tired. I haven't caught up since then.

To combat my tiredness, I decided that an energy drink is a good idea. I have had this one on my shelf for a bit and thought that it was mint, and it isn't but thought that it was and decided to fridge it up and then drink it. I tiredly worked on the yard with some mowing here, and some weeding there, and some trimming here, and some raking there just so that I could further earn my need for an energy boost. I cracked that bad boy open, took a sip, and was promptly disappointed.

At first sip, and more so first after aftertaste, it tastes a little, but enough, how I remember beer tasting. I don't know if the top secret, proprietary blend of ingredients teamed up and decided that they were going to take the shape of a beer, like some sort of alcoholic Voltron, but they did. There was a bit of that "energy drink" taste, but it was pretty stomachable. Sweet, light beer. That's what I'll call this taste.

Although I have liked other Go Fast drinks, this one was not for me. Hybrid flavor? Not for me.
Energy Drink
Go Fast SportsWebsite@GOFASTENERGY
United States
Mike Literman on 8/27/11, 10:04 PM
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Go Fast Sports Coconut Energy Hybrid

Go Fast Sports Coconut Energy Hybrid
Since our newfound appreciation for coconut water (thanks to Zico), I was excited to try this. It's weird that it's sweetened with stevia but not an diet drink. Seeing that I'm not a huge fan of fake sugar, I wasn't looking forward to that part of this energy drink.

To my surprise, this is pretty good! The coconut gives it a really creamy taste. There's a little bit of the fake sugar and energy mixture in the aftertaste, but really not that bad. The mighty coconut flavor over powers most of the gross flavor, which is great news to me! I wish I could find more coconut flavored energy drinks. I think one sweetened with real sugar would probably be incredible.
Energy Drink and Coconut
Go Fast SportsWebsite@GOFASTENERGY
United States
Derek Neuland on 8/24/11, 1:15 AM
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Go Fast Sports Lemonade Lime Energy Hybrid

Go Fast Sports Lemonade Lime Energy Hybrid
Step 1: Take a delicious glass of lemonade
Step 2: Pour some seltzer water into it
Step 3: Squeeze a lime into the glass
Step 4: Add an energy mixture
Step 5: Grab a box of Stevia and shake it like a Polaroid picture into the glass

End result: A drink that is a delicious tart lemonade at first, but then has an awful fake sugar and energy drink aftertaste. I'm sure people who like Stevia will think this is great, but I personally can't get into it.
Lemonade and Energy Drink
Go Fast SportsWebsite@GOFASTENERGY
United States
Derek Neuland on 8/2/11, 4:17 PM
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Go Fast Sports Original

Go Fast Sports Original
Welcome to the annual American Academy of Taste championship race. We have five strong energy drink competitors but only one can take home the gold. And we're off! Red Bull takes an early lead with Monster trailing behind and Rockstar in third. Red Bull's legs are already getting weak and Monster sneaks into first. Oooooh! Rockstar trips around the 2nd bend and is down and out which gives Amp the 3rd place spot. Monster has a big lead coming into the third turn, but what's this? Go Fast Sports is quickly catching up to the pack. He was in 4th place the whole race so far we almost forgot he was racing. He over takes Amp and Red Bull on the 3rd turn and is on the heels of Monster. This is going to be close. They are neck and neck! The crowd is going wild, who's it going to be!? Wow! That was too close to call. We have to go to the instant replay. And the judges say.....Go Fast Sports is the winner!!!! What a surprising turn of events seeing as no one had heard of Go Fast Sports at the beginning of this race.

I have never heard of the American Academy of Taste, but apparently they awarded this drink a Gold Metal in Superior Taste. I don't really understand what their criterion is or why they would do such a thing. Don't get me wrong this is much better than a lot of energy drinks. It has that melted sugary candy taste (this time it's sweet tarts) that I've come to love in energy drinks. Other than that, it's nothing special. It still has that usual energy drink aftertaste. As far as the energy portion goes, it definitely works. I was feeling a little sleepy before I opened the can and now I'm awake and ready to celebrate Thirsty Tuesday.
Energy Drink
Go Fast SportsWebsite@GOFASTENERGY
United States
Derek Neuland on 7/19/11, 4:32 PM
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Go Fast Sports Berry Energy Hybrid

Go Fast Sports Berry Energy Hybrid
Last night was a celebration of nerds. I started off the evening by going to see comedian Todd Barry do his thing. It was a lesson in the hysterical and a good time was had by all present. After that is when my nerd-ish tendencies really kicked it up as I went to the opening night 12:30 showing of the last Harry Potter movie. I don't feel the need to ever talk about Harry Potter, but I definitely enjoyed the books and the movies. I was exhausted before I even went to the comedy show, so I knew I was going to need a little liquid help to get me through the night. Good thing for me we've recently acquired an obscene amount of energy drinks that will probably take me the rest of my life to get through.

I chose the Go Fast Berry drink for tonight. Mainly because it was a decent size and I was also thirsty (I mean I AM a Thirsty Dude). Don't worry, it's a larger size can, but it has approximately the same "energy mix" content as your regular sized Red Bull. It's just more fluid so they can work on taste. One thing I can say about Go Fast is that they do work on their flavors. They also take pride in the fact that there are no artificial flavors or preservatives in their drinks. This has blueberry, blackberry and raspberry extract in it. You have to appreciate an energy drink that has some real juice in it. Especially when you can actually taste it like this one. They use Stevia as a sweetener and it's also unfortunately obvious in the taste. It is way better than other "lo-cal" sweeteners, but it still has a distinctive taste that I believe takes away from the flavor. If you are looking to drink healthier, you probably shouldn't be drinking energy drinks, but if you need to this would be the way to go.

PS. Voldemort dies.
Energy Drink
Go Fast SportsWebsite@GOFASTENERGY
United States
Sucrose & Stevia
Jason Draper on 7/15/11, 12:05 PM
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