Orangina - 2 Reviews

Orangina Rouge

Orangina Rouge
Orangina is a trickster. It is in fact the Loki of soft drinks. You think to yourself, this is just carbonated orange juice, so it's the healthier choice. You down an entire huge bottle and then that jokester comes out to point out that yes there is orange juice in here, but there is also a cubic butt-load of added sugar as well. It has the same amount of sugar as Coke, according to the internet. Deceit!

Even though I have been tricked before, I still jumped at a chance to buy an alternate flavor that we do not have back home in the States. Rouge! I believe this is the same formula with the boring regular orange juice swapped out for blood oranges. The results are astronomically better. It's the perfect midpoint between a normal orange and grapefruit. With that in mind think of this as mixing orange juice with Squirt. Tasty indeed.

For added effect you may notice that the orange on the label has a devil cap and tail. I love that. I also love that it's made with real sugar in France and not high fructose corn syrup. We have a lot to learn America.
Soda Pop
Jason Draper on 5/11/14, 11:57 AM
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Orangina Sparkling Citrus

Orangina Sparkling Citrus
Anyone who has the sense of humor of a junior high student has had a good laugh at how the name of this product could be pronounced. I myself have that sense of humor. How can you not find it funny?
The drink itself is basically a carbonated orange juice with some other slight citrus flavors thrown in the mix. I really enjoy it, and I was shocked to find out that it has HFCS in it when I went to write this review. I never would have guessed it. My only complaint is that the pulp that's in it can be a little hard sometimes. It kind of weirds me out, and it makes me think that it's gone bad.
Sparkling, Soda Pop and Juice
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 9/23/10, 11:44 AM
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