Dunkin' Donuts - 21 Reviews

Dunkin' Donuts Mint Hot Chocolate

Dunkin' Donuts Mint Hot Chocolate
I've got to say that Dunkin' Donuts is pretty good when it comes to drinks. We don't review a lot of chain restaurant drinks, but it doesn't break the Thirsty Dudes rules so we don't have a reason why we wouldn't. Their sweet tea is pretty good. Their frozen hot chocolate is good but terrible for you. Their Coolatta's are disgusting, or at least the one that I had wasn't good.

When I saw a commercial for mint hot chocolate, I thought that it would be delicious and that I needed it. Commercials don't really work on me, but it's like they saw me coming with that one. I got it today, a respectful medium, and promptly drank it, burning my tongue in the process. For the record, that does not affect my review, just my weekend.

It tastes like regular, decent hot chocolate, but the mint isn't overwhelming. You know when you put a candy cane in your hot cocoa? That would be mintier than this. I believe that Tim Horton's just puts one starlight mint in your hot cocoa, charges you for it, and leaves you with a mediocre version of this drink. Would I get it again? Eh, maybe. If I'm in the mood. The fact that it's less than a week from December and it's almost sixty degrees outside makes me not want to drink hot things yet so planning ahead with regards to hot drinks and soups are kind of out of my mindset. I wouldn't tell anyone not to get it though.
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Mike Literman on 11/26/11, 10:03 PM
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