Ginger - 217 Reviews

Blume Honey Water Ginger Zest

Blume Honey Water Ginger Zest
I'm sure this is not something that a beverage company would ideally want to be associated with, but this would be perfect if you were feeling under the weather. It doesn't really make me think of cough drops or anything like that, it just seems like it would be a nice relief if you had a sore throat or a cold. It's honey, ginger, and lemon; that just screams soothing to me. If you drank this hot I feel like it could cure anything, well you know any sort of minor ailment, not a life threatening disease. It's not magic.

The honey is very strong in this and the ginger has just the slightest burn to it. It's certainly not a gulping beverage, but I cold sip on this all day long. Whether I am sick, or just looking for something that tastes delicious, this drink is there for me.
Ginger, Other/Weird and Water
United States
Jason Draper on 10/3/18, 8:27 AM
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Gold Thread Plant Based Tonics Hawaiian Ginger with Jasmine, Coriander + Vanilla

Gold Thread Plant Based Tonics Hawaiian Ginger with Jasmine, Coriander + Vanilla
If you looked up the opposite of a Trigger Warning, I'm pretty sure the returned result would simply be a picture of this beverage. I mean maybe it comes up with different results for different people, but the list of ingredients hear could very well be a secret code to break into my soul. Ginger is one of the greatest things that has ever graced this planet. I sure do like to go overboard with it. The other night I got a meal that was just shredded ginger and scallions with some fake chicken. You know when you get a bag of shredded carrots, well it was like someone dumped the full bag on my plate, but instead of carrots it was ginger, and a complaint didn't even cross my mind because it was amazing. Jasmine may be my favorite type of tea and vanilla, well it's vanilla and it's delicious. The only red flag here is coriander, which is the same plant as cilantro, you know pure soapy garbage. Luckily there is not a trace of that dirty dishwater taste I associate with the plant in this drink.

I'm going to say something crazy here. I feel like my friends are going to be concerned and perhaps I will come home to an intervention later, but I could actually do with a little less ginger here. By no means does the ginger taste bad. The only reason I say this is that it is so strong of a flavor that it doesn't really let the other flavors shine. Sure they are there, but I want them to have equal billing with the ginger. It's slightly floral with hints of vanilla, but how great would this be if those flavors were stronger?

I love this, but there is room for improvement via my imagination. I want this to be to summer as chai is to winter.
Ginger and Iced Tea
Gold ThreadWebsite@GoldthreadHerbs
United States
Lakonto Monkfruit
Jason Draper on 8/28/18, 2:37 PM
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Qii Oral Care Lemongrass Ginger Green Tea

Qii Oral Care Lemongrass Ginger Green Tea
Ladies and Gentlemen, Please take this moment to enter your bathrooms, open your medicine cabinets, grab your toothbrush, floss, and mouthwash and throw them directly in the trash. You no longer need them. Think of all the hours you have spent throughout your life cleaning your teeth, when you could have simply been drinking a can of this tea after every meal. Say goodbye to toothbrush stains on your shirts (if you don't know how to brush in a proper fashion) and say hello to a ginger green tea that has a lemongrass aftertaste. It tastes like real ginger and it tastes like real lemongrass, and it tastes like real tea. The reason being that they are all real in here and it's wonderful. On top of that perfect blend they add their XyVita compound on top of it and that is what is there for oral care. It is a mixture of Xylitol, vegetable glycerin, sodium bicarbonate, and sodium alginate. Actually my dentist just called and yelled at me. I was also told that 9 out of 10 dentists would tell me that I am a moron for throwing all of my teeth cleaning utensils away. This is not a replacement, but to be used in conjuncture (it reduced the acidity in your mouth). I don't really care. All that matters to me is that it tastes pleasant and that I can't really taste the Xylitol. That could have really messed things up.
Ginger and Iced Tea
United States
Jason Draper on 4/19/18, 2:43 PM
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Me & the Bees Lemonade With Ginger

Me & the Bees Lemonade With Ginger
This is a re-branding of Bee Sweet and here is our review when it was called that:

Want to hear the most adorable thing you'll come across all day? This company is owned by an 11 year old lady named Mikaila. It started when she was trying to come up with an idea for a children's business competition. She got stung by a bee, twice and received her grandmother's cookbook with the lemonade recipe in it. Through that she became obsessed with saving bees and donates a percentage of her profits to organizations working to help bees. It kind of makes you feel like you've wasted your life, right? I wish I cared about anything as much as this girl cares for bees. In doing so she also produces a delicious beverage.

The ingredients in this are water, lemon juice, cane sugar, honey, ginger and flaxseed. It's simple. It's delicious. It has digestive benefits. You can also feel good spending your money on it because you're helping a child help bees. The ginger and the lemons overpower the honey a bit, but you can still taste it. I like when beverages taste heavily of honey, but I'm not one to argue with ginger (which has a kick that's on the mellower side in here).

I'm not going to spend the rest of the day staring at the wall trying to figure out how I can be a better person.
Ginger and Lemonade
Me & the BeesWebsite@MikailasBees
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 3/30/18, 3:54 PM
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Coca-Cola Diet Ginger Lime

Coca-Cola Diet Ginger Lime
Let us rejoice. The unthinkable has been done. Coke has created a diet soda that can be enjoyed by everyone. So far the other flavors of their new line of diet colas have been fairly decent, but this one steps up the diet game. I don't know if it is the ginger, the lime or the combination of the two, but whatever it is it masks the taste of the aspartame very well. So much in fact that this only tastes vaguely diet, even though there are 0g of sugar in here. I know it's heresy to make comparisons between the big two, but this makes me think of the Pepsi 1893 ginger soda, if it were diet. Mixing ginger with cola is a great idea that I can't believe wasn't widely manufactured until recently. They blend together into something new and wonderful. The lime also just blends in with that. None of the flavors really stand out, and I suppose that is why the diet taste is also blended into that solid new flavor. Sure, by the end of the can the diet-ness of it gets stronger, but I feel like my last sip was only as strong as a regular diet Coke.
Diet, Ginger and Soda Pop
United States
Jason Draper on 2/26/18, 3:15 PM
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Rockstar Ginger Brew

Rockstar Ginger Brew
I don't know about anyone else, but when I think of a Rockstar slinking across the stage with the confidence that makes the straightest of males question their sexuality; I instantly think of ginger ale. Sweaty and shirtless in skintight jeans doesn't make me think of whiskey at all, just a good wholesome soda. I am obviously being sarcastic, but the truth is that while I am incredibly far from being a rock star whenever I'm playing a show if I had to choose between liquor and ginger ale, the root soda would win every single time. I am far from cool. I do have to admit that I sometimes do like to drink an energy drink before I play though. It's a bad habit that I formed from Red Bulls being stocked in green room fridges. Am I just going to say no to that? I mean I probably should, but I am weak willed. This is like that Red Bull, except it tastes nothing like a chemical flavored energy drink (which I do love) and really only tastes like ginger ale. In a blind taste test I would instantly identify it as that specific soda and would probably never guess that it would get me wired. Isn't that what any of us want? To get crazy and not have to feel like we are poisoning ourselves?
Energy Drink and Ginger
United States
Jason Draper on 2/8/18, 1:43 PM
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Brooklyn Crafted Ginger Beer Earl Gray

Brooklyn Crafted Ginger Beer Earl Gray
Is it just me or does Earl Grey sound like it should be the name of a sheriff from back in the Wild West? You know a grizzled man who will do whatever it takes to bring justice to a small town, even if it means leaving the life he loved behind? Perhaps in the movie that I am apparently pitching his love interest would be a woman from England and he has to choose between being with her and protecting the town. In a scene she will get him to bring some tea she has brought from home and he will pretend he doesn't like it, even though the truth is he finds it very soothing. In the end he will sacrifice himself in order to save the town from a band of outlaws that are causing a commotion. In the final scene his would be love interest will place a cup of tea upon his grave. Come on Hollywood, why aren't you knocking on my door? The movie could be called Teatime in Sundown or some such silly thing.

Oh, once I get this running I'll approach Brooklyn Crafted to do a dual promotion with this soda. Perhaps you are like me and never realized that you wanted an Earl Grey ginger beer. I dare you to take one sip and still be able to honestly make that claim. This is just plain delicious. The essence of the tea is perfectly captured and somehow works great with a very flavorful ginger beer. I bet with the burn this soda has our hero wouldn't have to pretend he didn't like the tea anymore. He could make an offhanded comment about how it felt like a cousin of whiskey or something. You know so he can keep his completely unnecessary forced masculinity. Look I know this movie I thought up in 30 seconds is never going to get made, but this soda is real and you should really get your hands on some.
Ginger, Iced Tea and Soda Pop
Brooklyn CraftedWebsite
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 1/25/18, 2:11 PM
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Brooklyn Crafted Ginger Beer Mango

Brooklyn Crafted Ginger Beer Mango
This is my new favorite soda, that I didn't even know I wanted to exist. I love ginger beer. I really love pineapple ginger beer, but I never really thought of it being mixed with other fruit juices, except for lime (also delicious). This is one of those things that once you know it exists you feel like a big dummy for not thinking about how awesome of an idea it would be. Like how long were people drinking Coke before someone was like, “Hey, let's put a little cherry in there and shake the whole thing up.” It's a game changer, well at least for me. I don't know if I will ever be able to drink regular ginger beer now without thinking to myself, “man, I wish there was a splash of mango in here.” I'm doomed.

Brooklyn Crafted took their already great ginger beer as a base and added some mango juice concentrate. It completely changes the experience. The burn at the end is sticky sweet in a whole new way. Brooklyn Crafted you have bestowed upon me a blessing, and a curse.
Ginger and Soda Pop
Brooklyn CraftedWebsite
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 1/17/18, 9:14 AM
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Brooklyn Crafted Ginger Beer Traditional

Brooklyn Crafted Ginger Beer Traditional
Does the label on this look familiar to you? If you are an avid ginger beer drinker you may have noticed that this label is pretty much the same as those on Bruce Cost labels. It turns out that they both have the same parent company (along with Brooklyn Organics). At first I thought that perhaps the two other companies had merged into one, and then I realized that Bruce Cost is a ginger ale (even though it's loaded with ginger that it's cloudy with sediment) and this is a ginger beer. This company knows what they are doing when it comes to ginger, even when stevia is involved. This is fantastic. It's got a decent burn, but the flavor doesn't suffer for it. It tastes like a perfect ginger ale with the heat turned way up. This is what I want from a ginger beer. In my younger years I just wanted heat and burn, now I still want that, but more so I want flavor, and this performs perfectly in both categories. The tiny bottle is a nice touch for those of us who are getting older and shouldn't drink nearly as much soda as we once did.
Ginger and Soda Pop
Brooklyn CraftedWebsite
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 1/11/18, 2:53 PM
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Teas' Tea Organic Lightly Sweet Peach Ginger Black Tea

Teas' Tea Organic Lightly Sweet Peach Ginger Black Tea
I know I can be a stickler, but I really would prefer if companies named their products in the order of the prominent flavors. For example, this is labeled peach ginger, but in my mind it should be ginger peach. That's correct, for the first time ever a beverage has peach in it and it is not the flavor that is smacking you a good one, right in the kisser. In fact both flavors in here are fairly tame, but of the two, ginger is what I am getting the most of. They are not kidding when they say this is lightly sweet. Even though it's 20g of sugar, it tastes on the border of being unsweetened, which is where I like my iced tea to reside. So it's a black tea with a tad bit of sugar in it that tastes like it was steeped with a bunch of ginger in it (not enough to give it a burn, but enough for the flavor to be there) and then a single slice of peach was allowed to soak in it while it cooled down. I know I was complaining earlier, but this really is a nice tea, and I apparently just like to complain about something in every situation. I need help.
Ginger and Iced Tea
Teas' TeaWebsite@TeasTea_
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 11/11/17, 12:09 PM
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Polar Seltzer Ginger Lime Mule

Polar Seltzer Ginger Lime Mule
Look at being preemptive and getting their winter flavors out before the snow has even begun to fall. Hell, I'm still reviewing summer flavors and they are two seasons ahead.

When I heard this was an upcoming flavor I was beyond excited. Lime is the basis for most of the seltzer I drink and ginger is my weakness. I would probably purchase any beverage that had ginger in the flavor name. This, unfortunately, leaves something to be desired. The lime is right where I want it to be, but the ginger simply isn't strong enough and tastes more like ginger flavoring than the actual root. Ginger is a flavor that is meant to be bold and in your face (as well as burning your throat). This is just not that. It's still good, and I would buy it from time to time, but it is by no means a new favorite. I suppose it's good that it's seasonal. Maybe I will grow to miss it by next winter's release.
Ginger, Sparkling and Water
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 10/30/17, 5:41 PM
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Brooklyn Crafted Ginger Beer Sugar Free Extra Spicy

Brooklyn Crafted Ginger Beer Sugar Free Extra Spicy
How does one kill off the diet taste of stevia? The answer is apparently to bombard it with ginger. This is a joint effort from Bruce Cost and Brooklyn Organics to create a sugar free spicy ginger beer. Guess what? They did it and it's pretty darn delicious. As far as I can tell the base of this soda is the plain Bruce cost ginger beer, except it is sweetened with stevia (the Brooklyn Organics way) and the amount of ginger in greatly increased. The result is a soda that only vaguely tastes like stevia with a fairly hefty burn to it. It doesn't quite hit Goya level of painful, but it's on its way. It is definitely at a level that makes this beverage a slow sipper. This isn't a soda you are going to slurp down in a matter of minutes. This is something you'll nurse over a decent amount of time, enjoying it with every sip.

As with most beverages that solely use zero calorie sweeteners, I would prefer it had real sugar in it, but I understand their reasons for not doing so. This may be the best sugar free soda I have ever tasted. It most definitely is the best diet ginger beer I've ever had (which has not been many). Sometimes you need to make tradeoffs in your life and I'm very happy this is out there as an option.
Diet, Ginger and Soda Pop
Brooklyn CraftedWebsite
United States
Organic Stevia Extract
Jason Draper on 9/28/17, 2:06 PM
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Galco’s Pop Stop
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Brooklyn Organics Craft Ginger Ale Classic

Brooklyn Organics Craft Ginger Ale Classic
Somewhere out there, someone's dreams have come true. The stage is set like this; there is a human out there who is a total soda fiend. I'm talking like Mike's mother in law who keeps a glass of diet Pepsi next to her bed at night (is that a real thing, or did my mind make it up?), except there is no diet in this addicts world. We are talking full sugar. For most of their life it was high fructose corn syrup this, and high fructose corn syrup that. Then cane sugar came back into vogue and their palate evolved into appreciating fancy sodas. There were no more two-liters in our subjects life it was all craft six (four)packs. Over time they realized that they didn't feel quite right, something was obviously up with their health so they saw a health professional and were diagnosed with diabetes. The doctor informed them that their soda days were over unless they wanted to drink sucralose or aspartame (neither of which were recommended). Years went by and the Days of Soda seem like a mere fever dream. Then stevia came into fashion and there were sodas that were available that still tasted diet, but not like chemical death. The thing is that there was nothing on the market that matched our characters beloved ginger ale. Then Brooklyn Organics came about and suddenly they could have that classic ginger taste that they missed so dearly. Sure, it tasted heavily of stevia, but it was way better than what was on the market. It was a soda that tasted like real ginger, but with only the faintest hint of a burn. A true ginger ale.

Now, since I can enjoy beverages sweetened with sugar, this is clearly not for me. I know it's healthier than regular soda, but I don't drink them very often these days, so I'll take the extra calories for a better flavor. To me this would be fantastic if it had real sugar. The ginger taste that fights its way through the stevia is wonderful. Unfortunately that stevia taste is really strong, and it's simply not for me. This is for those out there who need to rely on zero-calorie sweeteners due to health, or those who for some reason can see past their flavor. If you fall into one of those categories get out there and buy this immediately. You won't be sorry.
Diet, Ginger and Soda Pop
Brooklyn OrganicsWebsite@BklynOrganics
United States
Organic Stevia Extract
Jason Draper on 9/27/17, 3:07 PM
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Brooklyn Organics Craft Ginger Ale Guava

Brooklyn Organics Craft Ginger Ale Guava
I was really excited about this. Guava flavored ginger ale sounds like a dream come true. I also knew going into it that it was sweetened with stevia, but I was hoping/expecting the guava to overpower it. My hoping was in vain.

For a split second, when it first hits your tongue this is absolutely incredible. It's everything that I wanted it to be unfortunately that only lasts a fraction of a moment before the stevia hits you. At that point it tastes like neither guava nor ginger. It just becomes a diet fruity flavor.

It's obvious that a lot of care goes into making this, and I understand the health conscious aspect of the zero calorie sweetener, but as soon as that stevia hits me it could be bottom of the barrel soda and I wouldn't be able to tell the difference. If I were someone who couldn't drink real sugar and had to rely on zero calorie alternatives, I'm sure this would be absolutely wonderful. As a consumer of actual sugar it doesn't do anything for me. If only a sugared version of this existed I would be in heaven.

Diet, Ginger and Soda Pop
Brooklyn OrganicsWebsite@BklynOrganics
United States
Organic Stevia
Jason Draper on 9/21/17, 10:09 AM
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Nudie Veggie Nudie Carrot Apple Orange Ginger

Nudie Veggie Nudie Carrot Apple Orange Ginger
I keep hearing how great Nudie juices are. the thing is that every time I pick one up I see that it has banana in it, which means I might as well put my money directly in the trash because that is where that juice belongs. Man, bananas are one of the worst.
Luckily I stumbled upon this one which is trash free. People were right, it's completely delicious. It's mostly carrot and orange, which sounds odd when you first think about it, but it's one hell of a combo. Add a little apple juice to it for sweetness and a dash of ginger for a kick and you have a juice to write home about. This is 100% pure juice with no added sweeteners and I could drink it all day long, or at least until I got a gnarly stomach ache. It would be such a tasty pain though.

Ginger and Juice
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 6/26/17, 9:25 PM
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Bunderim Ginger Beer & Guarana

Bunderim Ginger Beer & Guarana
I've been in Australia for about two weeks now. Let me tell you, eating vegetarian and avoiding eggs and cheese is not an easy task here. As a result I've spent my fair share of time at grocery stores cobbling together meals that I don't need to cook. I kept seeing 4-packs of this ginger beer, but I've been trying to limit my soda intake so I was hoping I would come across single cans in a gas station. It didn't happen, but I did find a 4-packs today on sale for less than a single bottle of Bundaberg is, so I grabbed it to share.

This is fantastic. I wasn't quite sure how the guarana would mingle with the ginger, but they got "right chatty" as I'm sure someone around here would say. As it turns out they combine into something great. The result really reminds me of Skeleteens sodas from the 90s (Brain Wash/Love Potion 69).
The ginger doesn't have a typical burn. It's transformed into something new. It tastes intense and almost hurts your throat to drink it. I mean that in a very positive way. So much for limiting my soda and sharing. My mom is going to be so disappointed in me.
Ginger and Soda Pop
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 6/25/17, 7:38 AM
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Busy Bee Yerba Mate Ginger Limeade

Busy Bee Yerba Mate Ginger Limeade
Busy Bee is batting 1,000. That's sports talk for rating perfectly, correct? If not, then whatever the analogy would be to say that they have achieved perfect marks is the one we will go with. I mean I guess it was no shock that if you mix yerba mate, ginger and lime you're going to have a winner on your hands. Actually for most people that might be something new and unheard of. To me it's a delicious dream.

Like all of their beverages the yerba mate is the driving force. The other flavors are just an added bonus. You can taste the ginger a decent amount, but it does not give you any burn. Normally that would equate to a complaint from me, but this drink doesn't need the burn to carry it. It is perfect just the way it is. The lime is there in a limeade fashion, as the label suggests. This is almost like the mate/limeade version of an Arnold Palmer, but with the mix 75/25 in favor of the tea.
I really can't get enough of these drinks. They are my favorite beverage that I have come across in quite some time.
Ginger and Iced Tea
Busy BeeWebsite@busybeemate
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 5/30/17, 5:25 PM
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Trader Joe's Brewed Ginger Beer

Trader Joe's Brewed Ginger Beer
Ahh ginger beer. Always a welcome guest in my house. Gosling's, Goya and now Trader Joe's. Sure, there are other ones. What? Do you want me to make a list? Well it's not going to happen. Alright, fine. Here. Happy?

This is good. It's sweet. I could put this in the category of "entry level" since it's not going to burn the skin off your mouth. Tame. Could you give it to kids? Sure if the kids you are giving it to aren't wimps and if their parents aren't around. If I saw you giving my kids pop, I might say something. If I saw you giving my kids ginger beer, I might say something after I saw the look on their dumb, wimp faces as their tiny, young mouths are on fire.

This is sweeter than I like my ginger beer but makes up for in earthy, ginger flavor. It's like losing a game only to come up a couple points short in the fourth quarter. Everything was against you and you are still going home a loser just not as much of a loser.
Ginger and Soda Pop
Trader Joe'sWebsite@TraderJoesList
United States
Mike Literman on 2/2/17, 1:53 PM
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Bee Sweet Lemonade with Ginger

Bee Sweet Lemonade with Ginger
Want to hear the most adorable thing you'll come across all day? This company is owned by an 11 year old lady named Mikaila. It started when she was trying to come up with an idea for a children's business competition. She got stung by a bee, twice and received her grandmother's cookbook with the lemonade recipe in it. Through that she became obsessed with saving bees and donates a percentage of her profits to organizations working to help bees. It kind of makes you feel like you've wasted your life, right? I wish I cared about anything as much as this girl cares for bees. In doing so she also produces a delicious beverage.

The ingredients in this are water, lemon juice, cane sugar, honey, ginger and flaxseed. It's simple. It's delicious. It has digestive benefits. You can also feel good spending your money on it because you're helping a child help bees. The ginger and the lemons overpower the honey a bit, but you can still taste it. I like when beverages taste heavily of honey, but I'm not one to argue with ginger (which has a kick that's on the mellower side in here).

I'm not going to spend the rest of the day staring at the wall trying to figure out how I can be a better person.
Ginger and Lemonade
Bee SweetWebsite@MikailasBees
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 12/29/16, 1:40 PM
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Honest Ginger Lemonade

Honest Ginger Lemonade
This is going to be a long winter. We're maybe 2-3 weeks into there actually being snow and I'm already done with it. I want it gone and I want everything to be green again. I don't even care if it's all that warm. If 50 degrees is what I was given, I wouldn't complain, as long as plants were green around me. Instead I get white, grey and brown. No one wants that. If they think they do, they are delusional.

Honest knows what I'm going through and they are trying to help me through it. I didn't even know I was looking for anything like this drink until I was nose to nose with it in the store. It's no secret that lemonade is the official drink of summertime. As a result I like to trick myself into thinking it's summer by cranking the heat and drinking it mid-winter. It only helps slightly, but I'll take what I can get to help me cope.

This is water, lemon juice, cane sugar and the secret ingredient; ginger juice. As far as the lemon goes it's a tad bit on the watery side, but I kind of like that about it. It fits my mood and I didn't really want something that was overly sour. Any issue I had with that is more than made up for by the ginger though. It's present in flavor, with a bit of a burn in the aftertaste. Best of all it's only lightly sweetened.

It's an understatement to say that I'm into it. It's really great and if I close my eyes and sit in front of the heating vents while I sip on this I can pretend it's a nice (constant) warm breeze blowing over me. Why do I have to love the city I live in so much, even though I hate winter? Buffalo has a hold of me and it's not letting go.
Ginger and Lemonade
United States
Fair Trade Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 12/22/16, 2:25 PM
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