Honest - 44 Reviews

Honest Green Dragon Tea

Honest Green Dragon Tea
Honest has had a lot of tea on the market over the years. Throughout their dozens and dozens of flavors there have been quite a few green teas under different names. I will go out on a limb and say all of them are wonderful. Honest is a company that doesn't mess around and they make nothing but quality products. Looking online, it seems that this is still just the Green Dragon Tea with Passion Fruit. For some reason it doesn't taste the same as I remember. The passion fruit flavor isn't as strong and it's more of just a “just a tad sweet” green tea with a little lemon in it (and some other light flavors). Whatever you want to call it, it's tasty and I'm not complaining. Green tea is always fantastic when it's not buried underneath ridiculous amounts of sweeteners. I'll just take their word for it and sip in pleasure.
Iced Tea
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 4/15/18, 11:20 AM
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Honest Organic Mango Mate Black Tea

Honest Organic Mango Mate Black Tea
It's never too late to catch up and get with the times. Actually the times seem pretty terrible to me nowadays, so maybe getting with them is not the best of ideas. Let's rephrase that and say it's never too late to change and try to better yourself and expand your world view. Honest gets that. They have an organic line, which is always a plus, but more importantly they have started releasing some mate teas. Sure it's a mix of mate and black tea, but it's still moving in the right direction and I love it. I'm a sucker for mate so any amount of it is a positive to me. I also see this as a great introduction, or a stepping stone if you will, to get people into yerba mate. I can see stepping into it blind being a bit strange as the earthy flavor could be off-putting if you are expecting it to be like black or green tea. This has a mild earth flavor. It's smoother because of the black tea ( and the sugar). It's a great balance between the two. The mango flavor comes from mango puree as well, so that means it's wonderful. I hope they expand their products into a full yerba mate line. Ahh to dream.
Iced Tea
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 4/13/18, 2:33 PM
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Honest Tea Cinnamon Sunrise Herbal Tea

Honest Tea Cinnamon Sunrise Herbal Tea
This looked like a dream. I wasn't even thirsty when I saw it in Whole Foods, but I had a Pavlovian response and there was no choice but for me to purchase it and try it immediately. Cinnamon iced tea with ginger in it sounded like exactly what I didn't know I was looking for. When I picked it up I could see the cinnamon swirling around in the tea and the mouthwatering increased. There was one thing that I didn't take into account though, and that is that cinnamon, and ginger to an extent, don't have the same effect without a little bit of sweetener added to them. This tastes like someone made some rooibos tea and while it was brewing through in some ground up cinnamon and ginger root. In fact that is exactly what happened and what it is. As anyone who has ever been dumb enough to take the cinnamon challenge can tell you, cinnamon has a drying effect. The way it's in the tea does make it feel oddly dry, and the ginger only shows p around the edges. I drink about a gallon of unsweetened tea a day, because I have no self-control, and I love the stuff. I'm at a point in my life now where sweetened tea tasted wrong a lot of the time. In this instance I think the tea could have benefited from just a touch of sugar, may be 10g in the entire bottle. It would have combated that dryness and pushed the cinnamon flavor forward a bit more. Again, this is just me searching for an ideal. As it is this tea is wonderful and I could happily drink a ton of it. Is a liquid ton a real thing?
Iced Tea
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 11/12/17, 9:09 AM
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Honest Ginger Lemonade

Honest Ginger Lemonade
This is going to be a long winter. We're maybe 2-3 weeks into there actually being snow and I'm already done with it. I want it gone and I want everything to be green again. I don't even care if it's all that warm. If 50 degrees is what I was given, I wouldn't complain, as long as plants were green around me. Instead I get white, grey and brown. No one wants that. If they think they do, they are delusional.

Honest knows what I'm going through and they are trying to help me through it. I didn't even know I was looking for anything like this drink until I was nose to nose with it in the store. It's no secret that lemonade is the official drink of summertime. As a result I like to trick myself into thinking it's summer by cranking the heat and drinking it mid-winter. It only helps slightly, but I'll take what I can get to help me cope.

This is water, lemon juice, cane sugar and the secret ingredient; ginger juice. As far as the lemon goes it's a tad bit on the watery side, but I kind of like that about it. It fits my mood and I didn't really want something that was overly sour. Any issue I had with that is more than made up for by the ginger though. It's present in flavor, with a bit of a burn in the aftertaste. Best of all it's only lightly sweetened.

It's an understatement to say that I'm into it. It's really great and if I close my eyes and sit in front of the heating vents while I sip on this I can pretend it's a nice (constant) warm breeze blowing over me. Why do I have to love the city I live in so much, even though I hate winter? Buffalo has a hold of me and it's not letting go.
Ginger and Lemonade
United States
Fair Trade Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 12/22/16, 2:25 PM
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Honest Berry Hibiscus Lemonade

Honest Berry Hibiscus Lemonade
Here we are in Buffalo, NY. It's early May and that means the weather went from a potential of snow to 85+ degrees overnight. That's not really an exaggeration either. It snowed like two weeks ago and now I feel like I'm dying of heat. This weekend has been gorgeous outside and I should have been out riding my bike or wandering around the woods, but instead I've been stuck indoors working on my house. Buying a house alone when you have less than rudimentary skills when it comes to fixing things, and doing it all yourself instead of hiring people is probably one of the dumber things I've done with my life, but things are kind of starting to shape up and it feels remotely like a home.

While I may not be basking in the warmth of the sun, I have been sweating away while working and I have been refreshing myself with this ultimate summer drink. Lemonade=Summer. When you add berries and hibiscus to that and you've got the makings for the best summer ever. If I keep drinking this there is no way that my summer won't be filled with late nights, a ton of hikes, exploring, adventures and cliff jumping until my body tells me it can swim no more.

Since this drink is made by Honest that means the sugar content isn't through the roof, which is always appreciated. It's just sweet enough to get the flavor where you want it without feeling like you're going to have a mouthful of cavities. I really can't get enough of this and I need to venture out and purchase more. More companies need to embrace hibiscus. It makes everything better and it blends in perfectly with the berries here to give you just the faintest floral flavor. Honest, you've done it again.
United States
Fair Trade Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 5/10/15, 7:34 PM
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Honest Tropical Green Tea

Honest Tropical Green Tea
Wendy's, I used to hate you and now you've won back my heart. I eat all over the place; fancy places, holes in the wall and everything in-between. Today at Wendy's, I discovered this little guy. I've always loved Honest tea but to see a collaboration with Wendy's, that's nice.

So you go to Wendy's and you get yourself a little Caesar salad and a green tea. You're really taking care of yourself nowadays. This is a lightly sweetened green tea and it has, in the tropical department, a nice mango flavor. There might be more flavor but mango is the strongest, most overwhelming flavor. You'll like it. Trust me. I'm kind of a professional.
Iced Tea
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 4/29/15, 3:59 PM
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Honest Tea Raspberry Fields

Honest Tea Raspberry Fields
It is my understanding that somewhere on this planet there is a black hole of sorts that contains an unending source of Honest Tea flavors. Every time I look at a selection of their products it seems like there is a flavor that I have not tried. I actually bought this bottle for pleasure and not to review. Once I got out of the store I second guessed myself and checked the site; nope we have not reviewed it.

One would think that a raspberry tea would be one of the standards for a company, but I don't remember ever coming across this. Perhaps it's a rebranding of a different flavor. The only thing I do know is that it is delicious and tastes like a better version of the junk raspberry tea that times the coolers of gas stations everywhere around the US. First off, it contains actual raspberry juice, which does not normally occur. The flavor is better for it. Secondly, it only contains about half the sugar that you would get in an Arizona or a Snapple tea. Let's work on getting drinks like this more commonly into gas stations and mini marts. I want better options, and Honest is a pretty big player in the game, so I think they can actually make that happen.
Iced Tea
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 4/22/15, 9:51 AM
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Honest Fizz Orange Pop

Honest Fizz Orange Pop
After enjoying about half this can my ladyfriend came in the room and I handed it to her for a sip. She instantly asked if it was diet. I said yes, as I am not a known liar, but that it wasn't bad and overly diet. She took one sip and the look of utter revulsion crossed her face. I believe she then called it “diet death” and quickly handed it back to me.

My point here is that if you are not used to diet drinks you're not going to like this, or any zero calorie sweetened beverage. They are in an entire different universe from “normal” sodas. As much as I wish it wasn't true, it's a sad fact of life.

The opposite side of things is that once you become acclimated to these sweeteners, some of them (aka erythritol/stevia) aren't that bad. Sometimes for the sake of health you have to accept things that aren't initially attractive to your taste buds. For many people soda is a way of life, but those same people tend to end up overweight from consuming it far too much. This is a nice option for changing things. Yes, it does have a bit of a diet taste, but I assure you stevia is far better tasting then any of those other guys out there.

This is the most acceptable zero calorie orange soda I have ever tried. As a person who drinks far too many beverages you should probably take that as some sort of gospel.
Diet and Soda Pop
United States
Jason Draper on 2/28/14, 1:16 PM
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Honest Fizz Lemon Limey

Honest Fizz Lemon Limey
Marshall, you are a good dude but you've got some faults. You are a great runner but you...well Marshall. I don't know any other way to tell you this, but you stink. I think, and this is coming from love, that the reason that you are winning all these races is because the kids you're racing against are coughing and they aren't hearing the signal to go off. Now, you're not obese but you could stand to lose some weight. Look, like I said, you're doing great. You are a fast runner but I don't know if you're fast because you are actually fast or you are fast because you are stinking all your opponents to high heaven.

I don't know what you eat or drink but I've got a suggestion. Two actually. One is that you take a shower. I can actually see a strand of spaghetti in your hair that has been there for three days at least. You're covered in what I can only assume are ketchup and mustard stains. Maybe you should cut back on the hot dogs, buddy. Since we're talking about cutting things out, a quick way to lose some weight is to cut out some of the pop in your diet. No more of this twenty-ounce pop before each race thing. I'm helping you more than you know. Here, try this. I've been drinking it for a while now and I like it. Sure it's a little "modern diet" because you can taste the Erytritol and Stevia but it's better than your mama's diet cola. It tastes like a pretty regular lemon lime pop which is saying a lot since it's zero calories.

Now look, today and today only. Stink up the joint and bring us to county finals. Then the change begins. Now get out of here before I throw up and if I see that spaghetti in your hair tomorrow you're off the team. You hear me, Marshall, off the team.
Diet and Soda Pop
United States
Mike Literman on 1/21/14, 5:05 PM
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Honest Fizz Professor Fizz

Honest Fizz Professor Fizz
Doctor. Doctor. Doctor. Professor. Wait…€¦what? I thought we were a group of esteemed physicians here giving each other nice salutations. Now there's this professor in the mix. He doesn't even have a doctorate, just a measly masters degree. Like someone with an inferior education to us could ever show us a thing or two about a thing or two. Fine, I'll try your stupid soda that you created with your lower level education. Hmm, this is actually…€¦kind…€¦of…€¦good. I didn't expect that. I saw the cherry on the can and I didn't even process the implications of the name you gave it, since you know I have a doctorate and I need not pay attention to lowly professors. This isn't cherry at all, not even black cherry. Okay, I lied there's cherry in there, but it's the way that my college over there Dr. Pepper has cherry in it. It's a close facsimile to his product, but why would the market need this? Wait you're telling me there is no sugar and zero calories in this beverage? How can that be so, it doesn't taste like diet poison?!?! It's sweetened with erythritol and stevia? Well then, I really wish you possessed that sheet of paper that would allow me to be friends with you because you have created one heck of a beverage there. I normally detest all things diet, but this really tastes wonderful. I don't know how you've done it. Perhaps we can get Pepper's degree transferred over to you for your scientific breakthrough in the world of soda. He's been working on cracking this code for decades and has never even come close to your products.
Diet and Soda Pop
United States
Jason Draper on 12/12/13, 1:25 PM
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Honest Fizz Root Beer

Honest Fizz Root Beer
It's no secret that us here at Thirsty Dudes are very large fans of root beer. I was going to say junkies, but then I realized that we're not guzzling any version of the stuff we can find to get that sweet, sweet (literally) fix that we need. We have a bit of a refined palate when it comes to this particular beverage. Sure, if we're at a party and someone offers us store brand, we will drink it, but we search out those sodas whose companies have spent some time perfecting their brew. With all of that in mind, I would like to inform you that diet root beer is the devil. It is the liquid form that the dark lord takes to steal souls from the living on this planet we call Earth. It is always the lowest grade of root beer that has had its sweetener swapped out for something zero calorie; usually aspartame or sucralose. It's blasphemy and I want nothing to do with it.

All of the above is what I would have said to you until I tried this can of Honest Fizz. This product went up against all of the odds and came out victorious. First off, it's in a can and not a glass bottle, which does not bode well for it. Properly brewed root beer simply does not come in cans. Yes, that is the snob in me coming out. Of course it's also fighting again being the most unholy force in the universe. The thing is Honest did the unthinkable and they made a zero calorie root beer, that I not only could stand drinking, but that I down right enjoyed. I think the secret is that they started with a quality product before adding the sweetener (erythritol). This doesn't taste like an everyman root beer. This tastes like something that was microbrewed. It has a darker taste than something your local supermarket would produce. Sure, once they added the erythritol there is a bit of diet flavor in the aftertaste, but the superb quality of the root beer does a nice job of covering it up, unlike all of the rest whose products taste more like diet than root beer.

I liked this so much that I could see myself drinking it on a semi regular basis. With zero calories and no sugar, my body will be sure to thank me for that.
Diet, Root Beer and Soda Pop
United States
Jason Draper on 11/28/13, 3:30 PM
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Honest Tea Sweet Tea

Honest Tea Sweet Tea
I'm standing in the aisle and a woman walks past me and says, "Too many choices." I promptly respond with, "Not enough choices." I swear, as soon as I pass the New York line, my fame and fortune is forgotten because if we were in New York and not New Jersey, I would have swarms of people surrounding me pondering what drink I will pick. That would obviously be followed by a loud cheer and sometimes but not always, confetti. I think there is a confetti brigade that follows me around but they are very stealth and I can never see them in the open.

I picked this tea because it was "not too sweet" which is what I needed because I have been eating like absolute garbage this whole trip. Not poorly, just in excess.

This tea was alright, though. Not too sweet but a little off. I couldn't place it but it's not like the sweet tea I am used to. It was black and sweet but didn't add up to "sweet tea." That lady should have picked my drink for me because I could have done better.
Iced Tea
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 5/26/13, 6:12 PM
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Honest Splash Goodness Grapeness

Honest Splash Goodness Grapeness
It's not often that you see concord and white grapes hanging out together. They're both grapes so you think they would be friends but no. I heard something happened at a family reunion where white grape brought a sexy banana to the barbecue and concord grape ended up making out with it behind the shed. Concord, you should never take you best friend's woman. Perry Farrell taught me that. White grape, you should be man enough to know that bananas will come and go and that that one was no good for you any way.

Maybe they made it up after a decade or so of a childish grudge and decided to collaborate again and come together on this little guy. The problem is that they wouldn't get out of the pool when they made this drink because it tastes watered down. The flavors are all there but it tastes weak. I like weak drinks but I think that with these two grapes together, a nice unaffected mix would have been nice since it is such a rarity.

These two are fine now but they lose a decade of their lives being angry at each other. We will ramp up to an uncut double grape juice but until then we have this, which is almost totally awesome.
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 4/10/13, 3:04 PM
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Honest Splash Super Fruit Punch

Honest Splash Super Fruit Punch
I'm having dèjà vu here kiddies. This tastes so familiar, that I had to go back and read our review for Honest Kids Super Fruit Punch. Just as I thought, this is basically the same light fruit punch, except with one little upgrade; there is no sugar added. I'd like to believe that I was partially responsible for that, seeing as it was the only complaint I had about it in pouch form. See, people do read us! This isn't a waste of time!
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 3/21/13, 1:36 PM
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Honest Splash Berry Good Lemonade

Honest Splash Berry Good Lemonade
Kids nowadays. You are spoiled brats. When I was a kid, we had orange juice, apple juice, and Hugs. Juice was terrible in comparison to now. You brats. This juice is so good. It's light, tangy, fruity, organic, and doesn't have any artificial flavors or any sugar. As lemonade it's great and as juice it's great. It wins all over the board. Kids, you are jerks because of the garbage that I had to drink. I know it's not your fault. You should know it's not your fault but I'm still holding you a little responsible. It's not really a jealousy thing either since even though I'm an adult, I can still drink whatever you drink. I don't care if it's for kids. You can't have it all to yourselves and also, I'm an adult and you have to respect me. As your (immature) elder, you have to allow me to drink your juice. You know what? You're grounded. I'm taking all your juice, especially if it's this good.
Juice and Lemonade
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 3/15/13, 4:04 PM
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Honest Ade Limeade

Honest Ade Limeade
I think someone once told me that is life gives you lemons, make lemonade. That's all well and good, but what happens when life gives you limes? Oh that's right, you make guacamole and mojitos. The problem is that I am plum out of avocados and mint, so there goes that plan. I suppose my back up plan could be to make some limeade. Is limeade the rarest of all ades? No, I think that award would go to Citron's guava or papaya ades.

For those of you who are only familiar with lemonade, this may be a bit of a disappointment. It doesn't make your cheeks pinch in that sour way that great lemonade does. It's basically watered down limejuice, but that is a good thing. Have you ever tried drinking straight limejuice? I do not suggest it unless you want to look like this guy.

This is tame and mild and only slightly sweetened (12g of sugar for an ade is not very common). I could have gone for a bit more lime, as I do love an intense ade, but this would do in a pinch.
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 2/7/13, 12:32 PM
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Honest Tea Community Green Tea With Maltese Orange

Honest Tea Community Green Tea With Maltese Orange
Somewhere in Asia there is a community garden where they mostly grow tea. I know it sounds ridiculous to designate so much public land to a garden of this variety, but think about it, who doesn't love a glass/mug of some nice green tea? Also, who are we to judge what brings a community together. Whether it's growing a few carrots and peppers or a small field of tea plants if it brings people together, then it's good for the community.

The real problems begin after the tea is harvested and it is drying. That is when arguments arise about how they will flavor the tea. There are many who are purists who just want it to be straight green tea. They believe adding anything to it disturbs the integrity of the drink. Others wish to flavor it with flowers. There are still some that want to add fruit flavor. Every year it's the same argument and every year they settle it the same way; with an old-fashioned street brawl. Everyone who has an opinion gathers in the middle of the now desolate field, where the tea had recently been harvested from and they have it out. The last one standing has their way (eww, not like that) with the tea.

This past season the top brawler had wanted some orange tea. He had kept his mouth shut about it for years, because he knew his training wasn't finished. For years he hit the gym daily to bulk up in order to ensure he would win the battle. His efforts paid off. The rest of the town was no match for him, and the brawl set a record for being the shortest in history.

Now that the tea has been brewed and chilled, our warrior sits on his back porch with a dusty old dog and sips away. It's a very strong, bitter green tea with slight accents of orange peels. He added just a touch of sugar to it to take the edge off, but no one in their right mind would ever refer to it as a sweetened tea. As he sat there he decided that it was a nice tea. It tasted like green tea should taste, but that if he had wanted it to be perfect he would have been better off either using orange juice instead of rinds, or a different fruit altogether.
Iced Tea
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 6/29/12, 10:33 AM
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Honest Kids Super Fruit Punch

Honest Kids Super Fruit Punch
Do you think the CEO of Capri Sun contacts his lawyer whenever another drink comes out in a metallic pouch such as this one? Do they have a patent on this sort of packaging? They should. When I was a kid I thought Capri Sun was the coolest, solely based on the packaging. Well that and because when you were done you could blow them back up and stomp on them to make them explode. That is the sort of thing that companies should keep in mind when packaging drinks for kids; will they be able to have annoying fun with the packaging when the juice is gone?

The juice that Honest uses here is very light. I believe the watermelon is to blame for that. Is there any fruit that is more watered down in it's natural form than watermelon? The flavor in this pouch is well rounded. If you concentrate enough you can taste each specific fruit that is shows on the label. The lightness of it may be a problem for kids in today's society who are used to over-sweetened, over the top extreme juices. This is what they should be drinking. MY only real complaint is why did they add sugar to this? Sure it's cane sugar, but it's juice, which is naturally sweetened, and I always thought that Honest was a healthier beverage. Oh well, it's still tasty, and if I had kids I would feed them these over normal juice boxes any day. Now it's time to go outside and blow up this package.
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 3/2/12, 11:56 AM
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Honest Tea Moroccan Mint Green Tea

Honest Tea Moroccan Mint Green Tea
This review is a big stepping-stone for me. Until now, I have not reviewed any unsweetened iced tea. This has been by choice because until recently I hated any iced tea that wasn't loaded with sugar. The turning point was when Jay and I were on a road trip this summer and he freaked out when he found a lot of this jasmine tea for $1 each at a Big Lots. It was a really hot summer day so he opened one in the car and offered me some. I quickly understood what the fuss was all about. It was delicious.

Then a couple months later I realized, I had been looking at unsweetened iced tea completely wrong. I kept thinking it would have as much flavor as sweetened iced tea but obviously it won't due to the lack of sugar. Knowing this has allowed me to enjoy iced tea that is better for me now.

Since I'm new to the unsweetened iced tea world, you'll have to forgive my ignorance with this review. I was expecting this to have a stronger mint flavor than it does. I thought it was going to be like a mouthful of breath mints, but it's more of a mint aftertaste. Green tea isn't my favorite, but this is good and light. I could see this being really refreshing on a hot day, so I probably shouldn't have waited until it was 48 degrees in Buffalo to drink this.
Iced Tea
United States
Organic Honey
Derek Neuland on 10/21/11, 5:10 PM
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Honest Ade Pomegranate Blue

Honest Ade Pomegranate Blue
For a company that was made famous for their teas, Honest sure knows how to make juice drinks as well. This falls under their "Ade" line. To me an Ade is a drink that is just fruit juice, sugar and water. If this was just pomegranate, blueberry, sugar and water I think it would be pretty out of control spectacular. Simple and effective. Honest added grape and lemon juice (probably to cut back on costs) and I think the flavor suffers a bit because of it. I still think it's a great drink, but you can definitely taste the grape sneaking it's way into the mixture. Pomegranates and blueberries have such distinct intense flavors that I just don't think it needed anything else. Perhaps I just need to find something to complain about with everything, because no matter what I say here I really do enjoy this drink. It's rare that Honest lets me down, and for that I am grateful.
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 10/19/11, 3:22 PM
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