Organic Honey - 6 Reviews

Goldenbrew Green Tea and a touch of Honey

Goldenbrew Green Tea and a touch of Honey
What a refreshing treat. This is kind of the perfect green tea for me. Little bit of bitterness and a subtle sweetness. It tastes like honey and you know that it's green tea. I think at this point, we ignorant Americans can tell the difference between "Far East" tea and good, ol' fashioned British tea. America, sometimes you can be real morons. I shouldn't even have to write that but quite honestly, and this is not part of the review, but this country is in a state of disrepair. How did I get here from a beautifully crafted green tea? Well your ignorance and inability to accept foreign norms with open arms because you're so close minded and worried that something is going to happen if you do. Open your hearts, you turds. Seriously, just be cool. Open your mind.

This is a great tea. If you see it, put down that cola and put down that energy drink, take a breath, and prepare to close your eyes and take sips while envisioning yourself with your feet dangling off a pier. In this vision, your feet can be in or out of the water. It doesn't matter. It's the place and state of mind that matters, not your wet toes. Relax. Be cool. Drink this green tea. Doctor's orders.
Iced Tea
United States
Organic Honey
Mike Literman on 8/24/16, 12:57 PM
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Golden Brew Apple Cider Vinegar Tonic Wildflower Honey & Cinnamon

Golden Brew Apple Cider Vinegar Tonic Wildflower Honey & Cinnamon
Who doesn't love the most refreshing beverage in the universe, vinegar? You douse your French fries in it. You use it to color Easter eggs. You use it as a cleaning agent. Sometimes when you don't shower for a week you smell like a combination of it and old onions. Wait, vinegar is horrible and I never want to ingest it outside of it being used in salsa. It's actually one of my most hated flavors and many a food has been ruined by it, yet here I am consciously drinking a bottle of it. The things I do for Thirsty Dudes.
When you first take a sip of this a wonderful honey and cinnamon taste washes through your mouth. I thought, holy crap this is actually really, really good. It tastes very natural and I can't believe I'm enjoyi…€¦. Before I could finish my thought the vinegar was there, ruining the party like it always does. I had other people try this and they said it was pretty mild and they enjoyed it. Me, as a sworn enemy of vinegar couldn't do more than a couple sips. I'll let my friend's enjoyment weigh on my rating though. If you don't mind vinegar then this is probably awesome. I mean the cinnamon flavor was possibly the best I've ever had in a beverage and the honey was quite good as well. I wish I could enjoy the rest of the ingredients, but nope, it's not for me. I'm sure it's super healthy though. People drink vinegar for health, right?
Golden BrewWebsite
United States
Organic Honey
Jason Draper on 8/18/16, 4:20 PM
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REBBL Super Herb Elixer Matcha Latte

REBBL Super Herb Elixer Matcha Latte
What is the secret to making a good iced green tea latte? I've tried numerous times at home with mediocre success. When I get them in a coffee shop, or buy a higher-end prepackaged one, such as this, I really enjoy them. Maybe I'm just not using a high enough quality green tea. I'm not brewing bottom of the barrel stuff over here, but it's not super nice either. Oh well, I guess it's not all that important. It's not a beverage I often crave, so when I do I have options to purchase it.

Rebbl has put their hat in the ring with this latte that is made with coconut milk. Unlike the Maca Mocha the coconut in here does not taste toasted, and that is an improvement from my perspective. It's pretty creamy and I almost want to say it is too heavy on the milk, but that green tea flavor still cute through nicely, so I guess I really have no complaints. It's smooth and it tastes like the quality green tea that I am apparently not using.

In addition to the tea and the milk there is also honey ,vanilla extract, spirulina, quillaja, pink salt and stevia in the mix. First off I would like to note that I can't taste the stevia at all, so good for them. Other than that you might find yourself asking what need is there to add so many extra ingredients into this recipe. Well normally I would be right there with you, but Rebbl drinks are “Super Herb Elixers,” so they always add extra stuff to give you some health benefits in ways that doesn't mess with the flavor at all. I'm all for it. None of those ingredients are detrimental to your health at all, so I'll take the benefits and I'll drink the latte and I will like it.
Iced Tea
United States
Organic Honey
Jason Draper on 1/29/16, 1:57 PM
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Suja Elements Cold Brewed Tea Jasmine Pomegranate

Suja Elements Cold Brewed Tea Jasmine Pomegranate
Over the past two years or so, cold brewed coffee has been all the rage. From your local coffee shop, to overly priced bottle at the grocery store the young, disenfranchised, too cool for school youth has been keeping a handful of companies afloat. Being as that I am a coffee drinker I cannot vouch that this brewing method really tastes all that different or, if people have just been drinking it because it's what they are told they should like. This was my first encounter with a cold brewed tea, and I was excited to see what all the hubbub was about and taste the rainbow so to speak.

My first thought was that this doesn't really taste like jasmine tea. I got no floral after taste in it, which is a bummer, because that is a flavor I love. Perhaps the floral aspect was lost with the addition of lemon. It's not often that you see a lemon jasmine tea. Actually, I think this may be the only instance in the history of time, and space. You can't forget space. I can tell you why no one has done it before. The reason is that lemon flowers are weird and no one wants them. On the other side of the flavor coin, the pomegranate was very present, so at least they weren't too far off in their naming of the flavor.

The bottle tells me that the benefits of cold brewing tea are that it extends the shelf life and maintains vitamins, minerals, and enzimes. Those are all good things, but I have to be honest, I did not taste anything special in the flavor. If someone handed me a glass of this I would assume it was regularly brewed tea, and never in a million years question otherwise. That is perfectly fine. I love normal tea. Sure I wish the jasmine taste was stronger, but overall this is a decent tea that I would happily drink again.
Iced Tea
United States
Organic Honey
Jason Draper on 3/18/15, 10:22 PM
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EnerBee Organic Energy Lemon Green Tea

EnerBee Organic Energy Lemon Green Tea
Quick, if you had to be one sort of insect, what would you be? A spider? Too much work my friend. You spend almost all of your life constructing intricate little webs that get destroyed in an instant by some unappreciative oaf of a human. Flies deal with a lot of poop, so they are out of the running. Caterpillars are just too creepy, if they are even considered insects. Ants might be cool; you get to have crazy strength, but a lot of your life is spent in search of food. If I had to choose number one with a bullet would be the bee. You are feared, your spit is sweet and you get to spend you days lackadaisically just flying around just smelling some flowers, hanging out in the sun. Now that is a life of leisure I could get down with.

Being a bee must take a lot of energy though. Flapping your winds that fast has to be exhausting at some point. It's a good thing bees know where to get the best natural energy. They just head down to the store and get themselves a can of EnerBee. Wait, that's only Bumble Bee Man from the Simpsons, but I like his style. People, myself included, drink far too many chemical energy drinks to help them get through their days. This here is organic and natural. Who needs all that artificial junk when you have green tea, yerba mate, ginseng and B vitamins to get the blood flowing? Also, there is royal jelly in here, which kind of creeps me out. It's what bees feed their larvae when they want to breed a new queen. It messes with genetics people! If I drink enough of this will I become royalty? Will I gain special bee powers? Only time will tell.

This tastes mostly like yerba mate, with a bit of green tea in it. It has a fairly strong lemon flavor, and you can really taste the honey in it. I think everything about it is perfect, with the exception of two things. I guess that doesn't make it perfect then, does it. First off, if you drink this when it's really cold it's better. Once it starts to warm up you can taste the stevia in it a lot more. I actually didn't even realize it was sweetened with the plant, until I was near the end and some time had passed from the initial crack of the can. Secondly, this whole lightly carbonated business is just weird. It's so light that I wasn't sure if there were bubbles in it at all, or if the flavor was just sharp. When it comes to carbonation I say go big or go home. This is a tea, it doesn't need bubbles. That's just this drinker's opinion though.

A lot of people don't pout stock in natural energy drinks, as they say they don't get the job done. I assure you this one had me bouncing off the walls when I drank it. It was as if I was bouncing from flower to flower, collecting the precious pollen for my queen.
Energy Drink and Iced Tea
United States
Organic Honey
Jason Draper on 7/26/14, 1:54 PM
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Honest Tea Moroccan Mint Green Tea

Honest Tea Moroccan Mint Green Tea
This review is a big stepping-stone for me. Until now, I have not reviewed any unsweetened iced tea. This has been by choice because until recently I hated any iced tea that wasn't loaded with sugar. The turning point was when Jay and I were on a road trip this summer and he freaked out when he found a lot of this jasmine tea for $1 each at a Big Lots. It was a really hot summer day so he opened one in the car and offered me some. I quickly understood what the fuss was all about. It was delicious.

Then a couple months later I realized, I had been looking at unsweetened iced tea completely wrong. I kept thinking it would have as much flavor as sweetened iced tea but obviously it won't due to the lack of sugar. Knowing this has allowed me to enjoy iced tea that is better for me now.

Since I'm new to the unsweetened iced tea world, you'll have to forgive my ignorance with this review. I was expecting this to have a stronger mint flavor than it does. I thought it was going to be like a mouthful of breath mints, but it's more of a mint aftertaste. Green tea isn't my favorite, but this is good and light. I could see this being really refreshing on a hot day, so I probably shouldn't have waited until it was 48 degrees in Buffalo to drink this.
Iced Tea
United States
Organic Honey
Derek Neuland on 10/21/11, 5:10 PM
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