Keurig - 10 Reviews

Celestial Seasonings Black Tea Raspberry

Celestial Seasonings Black Tea Raspberry
How do you ring in the New Year? Do you kiss the person standing next to you? Do you make resolutions about losing weight? Do you drink until you can't see straight and drive home like a total idiot? Not me. I sit around with family watching Dick Clark's New Year extravaganza until about five to twelve when we prepare. We prepare to irritate the neighborhood by blowing horns, spinning noisemakers, setting off car alarms, and banging pots and pans. Five minutes later, we go inside because it is now the first, which doubles as my uncle's birthday. He makes a toast, which, this year was "the golden rule." I don't come from a drinking family, so not everyone drinks. Kids drink non-alcoholic champagne and most of the adults do, too. I drank raspberry iced tea from the Keurig.

It's how I ring in the New Year. New drinks. Thirsty Dudes doesn't stop. 2013 to 2014 is just one more year we do this. This iced tea started the year off right, too. It was lightly sweetened. It tasted like a watered down raspberry Snapple. It had a good raspberry taste and was a lot less sweet than the sweet tea, which I love. This was good and I was actually surprised, even after stirring and making it to the bottom of the glass, that there wasn't a "sweet spot" in there somewhere. It was well blended, well flavored, and a good way to kick in the New Year.
Iced Tea and Keurig
Celestial SeasoningsWebsite@celestialtea
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 1/1/14, 9:16 PM
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Gevalia Mocha Latte

Gevalia Mocha Latte
I enjoy drinks with directions. Oh sure, sometimes I like the only direction to be "Open and enjoy" but sometimes there are times where I like a nice diagram to follow in order to enjoy my drink to the fullest. This is only a two-step process but there are multiple packages and buttons to press before you get to enjoy it.

Step 1: Froth packet. You empty this cat into your drink and you would think to your dumb self, "Well I just add water to this and it makes the magic happen, right? Well you would be wrong if you think that the magic can happen without a little Daryl Hall solo stuff. Also, I think we're thinking about two different types of magic. No, step one is just the froth packet. You put that in and you leave it alone.

Step 2: Standard issue albeit neatly shaped K-cup. Press the button and everything blends together to make the complete sweet treat. If I didn't know better, I would say that step two in itself is just Gevalia coffee and the froth and cocoa is in the aforementioned step but I'm not here to ruin the magician's secrets.

Step 3: Enjoy, which I did. This, to me, and I am a coffee shop novice, tastes like a pretty genuine coffee shop classic. It tastes like a good coffee first with some cocoa and the foam on top. It doesn't taste like hot cocoa with coffee, which is the wrong order if you ask me. It's got that coffee aftertaste that some of you probably enjoy on your tongue but I, for one, would like to immediately chew some gum or use a tongue scraper because this taste is lingering a tad too long. Note: I am not penalizing Gevalia for this is (presumably) the intended action for coffee folk, of which I am not. I am just a guy who stole this from his girlfriend with whom I have never made magic happen with the assistance of a little Daryl Hall.
Coffee and Keurig
United States
Mike Literman on 11/4/13, 9:55 AM
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Cafe Escapes Cafe Mocha

Cafe Escapes Cafe Mocha
Oh sir. You look so cold. Please, please. Come in to my coffee shop and I will give you a drink on the house. Look at you. Your nose is as red as a...well your nose is red and you've got to get that wet coat off. Let me take that, sir. Come in, sit sit sit. I've got something I think you will like. It's a mocha latte. No sir, we do not only serve, how you say, "regular coffee." I've got for you, my cold sir, a hot cup of mocha. Relax sir and just enjoy your cup of mocha.

Well sir, have you enjoyed your coffee? What? Sir, are you accusing me of using one of those dastardly Keurig machines to make our classic Italian coffee? Sir I can assure you...what? You what? You saw in the garbage that there are approximately three dozen used K-cups in there? Well sir, you've got us. Now you're going to tell everyone and our coffee shop will be closed. aren't going to tell anyone? Thank you sir. Also, since you know that secret, you should know that I am really putting on an act with this whole "sir" thing. I did bring you in because you looked like a wet rat, though. That one was rightfully on me. So seriously dude, what did you think of the coffee? Just alright? Why? Yeah, you know what? It does just kind of tastes like a half and half coffee and hot chocolate. Oh, you got that little bit of diet taste, too? Yeah, I don't know. It's not advertised as diet but for some reason it's got that in there.

How do you feel, man? Are you better? Warmer? Oh, you're welcome. Come in any time. You know that we charge like five dollars for these cups of coffee and at the rate that we sell them and the fact that they're like a quarter at the quantity that we buy them at, giving you a free coffee when you come in if you promise not to say anything is only fair. Have a good day, man. Oh, hey! If you're not busy tomorrow night, my Chicago cover band is playing down at the Rusty Lobster. You should come down. Oh, you're busy, that blows. Well have a good night.
Coffee and Keurig
Cafe EscapesWebsite@cafeescapes
United States
Mike Literman on 11/3/13, 9:28 AM
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Snapple Keurig Lemon Iced Tea

Snapple Keurig Lemon Iced Tea
All of you guys have your fancy coffees in your fancy tiny cups. Ohhhhh you're soooo cool. Tiny cups for tiny cups of coffee. When is it my turn? Oh, it's my turn now? What do you mean they've had iced tea and regular tea for as long as they've had coffee? Why didn't anyone tell me? Yes, I do feel entitled to know these sorts of facts. I love tea and you guys should have told me. Yeah, I guess you are bad friends. Seriously, if I would have known about these options I would have gone a lot softer on you guys about the whole "tiny cups" thing. I guess it wasn't that hard on you guys. So what do I think? I like it. Even though it's not the primary sweetener, you can tell that there is something diety in there. What's in there? Uhhh...aspartame. Great. It's got a good lemon tea flavor but I would far rather have a bottle of this exact same tea from the store. I just think that it's better, that's why. You know, you're coming on pretty strong about this whole "tiny cups" thing. Are you really that offended? Yes? Really? Really. Well in that case maybe we shouldn't be friends any more. If things like that are going to break us apart than this friendship doesn't stand a chance. Good day, shopkeep.
Iced Tea and Keurig
United States
Mike Literman on 10/11/13, 1:50 PM
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Grove Square Cider Caramel Apple

Grove Square Cider Caramel Apple
It as if nature knew I had bought this cider because it decided to drop the temperature twenty five degrees. All of a sudden, I want to just walk around wearing a hoodie with headphones on and not acknowledge anyone or anything, as I enjoy doing because I can be a bit of an introvert and sometimes enjoy when people think I'm just creeping around. I'm not, I just want everyone to leave me the hell alone for a little bit. If those same people knew that I was thinking of things like apple cider, they would probably be alright with me lurking around the city.

I rarely eat candy apples and eat caramel apples even less. Why? Well, a beard does not mesh well with a ball of sticky candy, for one. For two, they are impossible to eat on their own. I thought that if I got this I could drink the fall up in an old coffee cup. Was I right? Sure, if you are concerned about drinking all that fall has to offer and, even in your imagination are concerned about your weight.

This initially tastes very strong. The first two or three sips really taking some getting used to as this cat is a sweet treat if I have ever had one. Subsequent sips are a mix between a pretty good rendering of a liquid caramel apple and a rendering of a liquid caramel apple of your gluttonously and stupidly dipped your caramel apple into aspartame. Ahh, yes. The ingredient that we all loved in the early nineties but now venomously despise is back and hiding in our caramel apple drinks. The sweetener is very strong but the flavor of the cider is pretty good and close to it's model so I can only penalize it so much. It tugs me in both directions so much that I can only cop out and give it a three and wonder how long it's going to take me to get through the other seventeen K-Cups. Dilemma.
Cider, Diet and Keurig
Grove Square
United States
Mike Literman on 9/3/13, 3:37 PM
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Celestial Seasonings Perfect Iced Tea Sweet Lemon

Celestial Seasonings Perfect Iced Tea Sweet Lemon
I missed about five minutes of fireworks to make this? Why? Well the Keurig we have at work allows all sorts of sizes of cups. This makes it easy when it comes times to brew over ice. When you do not have adequate cup real estate, you have to improvise and I don't know if it was because it was late or I was too excited to see fireworks but it took me quite some time to come up with the rather obvious solution that I ended up with; brewing it not over ice and promptly pouring it over ice once brewed.

As far as lemon sweet tea goes, this is good if you don't expect a "Southern Style" sweet tea. Celestial Seasonings, makers of entry-level tea as far as I'm concerned, did an alright job with this. They didn't want to overshadow the drink with sugar so they didn't overload it. It's as simple as that. It's black tea with lemon lightly sweetened. It still has some bitterness and a decent lemon taste.

After all was said and done, I had a nice, tall glass of iced tea to enjoy while enjoying fireworks, something my two and a half year old could somehow care less about. I don't think he's human.
Iced Tea and Keurig
Celestial SeasoningsWebsite@celestialtea
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 7/5/13, 10:14 PM
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Snapple Keurig Peach Iced Tea

Snapple Keurig Peach Iced Tea
You make coffee, hot, tea, espresso, and iced tea? Keurig. You've really done it. You also don't make garbage sweet tea. You can cram some real magic in those little cups. I feel like a giant holding a cup of yogurt when I handle those things. I'm a short giant, like twenty feet tall. Does that scale correctly? I would say that it's a third the size of a cup of yogurt so three times of what I am now would be between eighteen and twenty feet. I gave myself the benefit of the doubt and said an even twenty. Twenty feet sounds a lot bigger than eighteen feet for something reason. For the same reason that $10 sounds like a lot more than $9.99.

This tastes like a peach iced tea. Big whoop, right? It comes from a cup of dust so give it a break. It could have given you a lot less and you have gotten a lot less without the restriction of the ingredients being crammed into a tiny cup. If anything, my sole gripe would be that it's a bit too sweet. I really mean "a bit." It's enough to bump it down a rung.

Put more things in these mystery cups and let me make it myself. I want some different stuff like sweetened yerba mate with cinnamon in it or something. Experiment, science dudes and dudettes. That's why you got into that racket, isn't it? To make me a custom tailored drink that around twelve people will really enjoy?
Iced Tea and Keurig
United States
Mike Literman on 6/26/13, 4:47 PM
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Celestial Seasonings Perfect Iced Tea Half and Half

Celestial Seasonings Perfect Iced Tea Half and Half
Coffee coffee coffee. Enough, alright? We get it. The Keurig is the invention of the decade. I'm not even arguing it. Swarms of people who previously couldn't make a decent cup of coffee to save their lives are now regular baristas. You know, just writing this makes me feel bad for actual baristas. I bet Starbuck's, Tim Horton's, and Dunkin' Donuts sales went down since the invention of that thing. I imagine that if you even breathe the word "Keurig" to someone who works at a coffee place they just shudder and their hand involuntarily turns into a fist.

I'm not taking bread out of anyone's mouth with this guy, though. Half iced tea and half lemonade lightly sweetened. It's lightly sweetened. Did you hear me? Real sugar sugared just enough to still be able to taste the tea and the lemony lemons. It was pretty good. I've had two or three of them and intend on drinking that whole, what do K-Cups come in, 24? 16? Whatever. I'll drink all of them.

Starbuck's et al; you will be fine. Something will come out that says that there is a high content of fecal matter in the cups and everyone will come crawling back for forgiveness. That's when you use your foam skills to spell something lewd to which they deserve.
Iced Tea, Keurig and Lemonade
Celestial SeasoningsWebsite@celestialtea
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 6/3/13, 9:36 AM
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Twinnings Earl Gray

Twinnings Earl Gray
Growing up, my best friend's parents were from England, right off the boat. Liverpool, if you must know. I would spend many nights and most weekends over there whether it be playing video games, listening to music, making fake radio shows on cassette tapes, or other kid stuff.

Being British, they stereotypically love tea. They drank it all the time. They also loved 70's prog-rock, which I wish now I could tell fourteen year old me to pay attention to. They bought me loose tea, which to this day, I prefer to bagged tea, and would keep it "local" and get me Earl Gray. I went a decade without drinking it after I went to college but now we have a Keurig and it came with this tea. I like this stuff. Yes, I add a smidge of sugar to it, but it's still keeping in the British way. This tea has a pretty nice lemon taste, which I don't really remember in my old cups of tea. It's good though and I have made multiple cups of it since we got the box of it. I might be the only one.

Growing up I never talked about the queen but we talked primarily of the Queen as in Freddie Mercury. Phil Collins, Genesis, Yes, Jimi Hendrix, and the like. They listened to their music loud, too. I miss that house. Maybe I'll pay a visit next time I visit my parent's. My son loves the mom because she always gives him ice cream. How could you not?
Hot Tea and Keurig
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 1/16/13, 1:40 PM
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Celestial Seasonings Black Tea Southern Sweet

Celestial Seasonings Black Tea Southern Sweet
Oh boy. The entirety of the South is going to be upset. Celestial Seasonings, the entry-level tea company that we don't have any reason to hate, is going to get themselves into trouble with this little guy. I've said it a lot, but I'll say it again. The key to a good sweet tea is the lack of ingredients. Celestial Seasoning knows what time it is and they know tea but for some reason, they never made the jump from regular, inexpensive hot tea, to cold brew tea. Now they have and people should watch out.

This tea is wonderful. It tastes like a great, homemade sweet tea. It's just the right amount of sweet and still tastes like a real tea. It's all contained in that tiny little container, too.

I only bought one type of Keurig K-Cups prior to this and that's the dark hot chocolate. Spending $2 on a drink is alright. It's right at the cusp of where I can take it or leave it. You can't buy less than sixteen of these and it costs usually around $11, which, to us Thirsty Dudes, it astronomical because we only need one drink and sometimes that is too much. In hindsight, I'm alright with spending that much now. Not because it comes out to less than $1 per glass, but because it's good enough that I will easily drink it again and again.
Iced Tea and Keurig
Celestial SeasoningsWebsite@celestialtea
United States
Natural Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 7/15/12, 9:35 PM
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