Sports/Dietary Supplement - 535 Reviews

Hydro One Bode Lemon Lime

Hydro One Bode Lemon Lime
I need to start polling everyone I come across like a crazy person and ask whether or not they A. like lemon lime and B. would ever purchase something that was lemon lime flavored for themselves if other options were available. I don't mind the flavor personally, but I could not tell you when the last time was that I purchased something that was lemon lime (with the exception of things to review for this site). If I were forced to take a guess I would say that it was somewhere between 15 and 20 years ago. It's just a boring, base flavor for me.

This is a solid, albeit diet tasting, lemon lime sports drink. I'm sure the company will roll the eyes at this but think Gatorade and you are pretty close. I'm sure if I drank them back to back I could pick out the differences, but from memory they are close, and that is a good starting point. A big difference is that this is sweetened with a combination of cane sugar and a stevia extract, so it's at least somewhat healthier than corn syrup and sucralose. It's got a little bit of a thickness too it, but it doesn't venture into the land of the syrupy. Overall it's not bad, and a nice option to have.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
Hydro OneWebsite@DrinkHydroOne
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 12/3/18, 11:46 AM
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Hydro One REVd Blueberry & Pomegranate

Hydro One REVd Blueberry & Pomegranate
When things clearly say “Sugar Free” on them it makes me nervous. Artificial sweeteners should be filed directly in the filth bin and natural zero calorie sweeteners, while slightly more palatable, are really no prize. Typically I would prefer zero added sweeteners to something with zero calories. Hydro One has things worked out that make their products exceptions though. The beverages are sweetened with a mixture of Xylitol and Stevia, but for some reason they don't cut through the flavor of the drink like nearly every other “diet” beverage out there. I believe that reason is the addition of cinnamon. I don't know if it just happens to fall in the same taste spectrum, but where I would normally taste any variety of diet flavors, all I really get is a faint cinnamon taste. I am really on board with that.

As with the other flavors, to me this is a better version of a diet Vitamin Water. There is definitely a water base, as it is not thick like juice. The blueberry and pomegranate are not super strong, but are there more than enough to give it a proper flavoring. Of course there is that cinnamon riding through it all as well. This is a good option for those watching their sugar or calorie intake.
Diet and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Hydro OneWebsite@DrinkHydroOne
United States
Jason Draper on 10/1/18, 8:49 AM
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Hydro One REVd Pineapple & Mango

Hydro One REVd Pineapple & Mango
What sits before me is a healthy sports drink that doesn't taste like you are drinking the vat of chemicals that the Joker fell into. Sure, it has a slight diet edge to it, but it comes nowhere near the artificial taste of its contemporaries. Yes I know that their Bode line is their actual sports drink, but this is a beverage that falls under the same wheelhouse. If it makes you feel better, we can compare it to a Vitamin Water instead. Either way it has a great taste with zero sugar and zero calories. I believe their secret is that they have included a little cinnamon that really masks the stevia extract that is used to sweeten it. The cinnamon isn't very strong, but what is there sits right where the diet flavor normally hits me.

I wanted to say that the pineapple mango aspect of it could just be listed as “tropical,” but once I separated the cinnamon I can make out both specific flavors. It was formulated to support diabetic health, but against all odds, it's just plain tasty. I never thought I would ever find myself truly enjoying a zero calorie beverage of this sort, but here I am at 10am on Monday sipping away.
Diet and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Hydro OneWebsite@DrinkHydroOne
United States
Jason Draper on 9/24/18, 8:00 AM
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Naked Nutrition Whey

Naked Nutrition Whey
This is simply not for me. I am fairly disgusted by milk and all it entails, unless it's in ice cream form, because I am a child. The protein powders I get are derived from plants or soy. This tastes like someone took powdered heavy cream (if such a thing exists) and then I reconstituted it with water into a thick milky beverage that I could not get more than one sip down. Had I been in a different location in my house I would have probably spit it out. The thing is I can't really complain because it is exactly what it advertises to be, and I cannot fault them for being something that I despise. They are what they are and I am what I am, and I will avoid consuming it again until the end of my days. Those of you out there who love milk get on this train, because it's protein that you will be happy about.
Milk and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Naked NutritionWebsite@nkdnutritioninc
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 7/16/18, 3:48 PM
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Good Idea The Sweedish Sugar Buster Sparkling Orange Mango

Good Idea The Sweedish Sugar Buster Sparkling Orange Mango
This beverage was developed to help those who have normal blood sugar levels handle the sugar spike after a meal. No disrespect meant to the company but is that really necessary? In my nearly 39 years of existence I don't believe I have ever noticed such a thing happening to me. So, I guess if it does happen, it has zero effect on my life. Perhaps other people have a real problem with this, but if they do I am in the dark about it. The only times I ever hear the words blood, sugar and level in the same sentence is either talking about someone with diabetes, or someone is making an excuse for them acting like a jerk. Perhaps I live a sheltered life in this regard and there are millions of people out there who spike after eating and they have some adverse reaction. If those people are out there this compound of amino-acids and chromium that was developed in Sweden is here to help them out.

Since it's sparkling and unsweetened this tastes like a nice seltzer with a little something extra around the edges. Mostly it just tastes like orange mango sparkling water. I'm enjoying it for the taste if not for the intended effects. Chromium Picolinate is the only ingredient listed that I have never heard of. It apparently has use in diabetes and is also used for weight loss. Here it is just meant to help control ones blood sugar. See I learn things from the beverage world that I would probably never encounter otherwise.
Sparkling and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Good IdeaWebsite
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 6/8/18, 6:54 PM
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Protein2o Protein Infused Water Mixed Berry

Protein2o Protein Infused Water Mixed Berry
Welp, this should be a whole lotta grozzzz. Ingredients: water, whey protein isolate (milk), natural flavors, sucralose, dyes. So they have mixed together water, milk, a diet sweetener and “flavoring” (this contains 0% juice). That sounds horrendous, but luckily the end result isn't too bad at all. It's not creamy from the milk, it's just a bit chalky, and the diet flavor is somewhat kept under wraps. A poor man's explanation is that it is a protein based vitamin water, or so the taste would tell you, even though it contains no vitamins to speak of. I don't hate it. I don't love it. It's simply there and it inoffensive, which is all I ask for sometimes. This is a beverage with an intended purpose and it fills that purpose swimmingly.
Diet and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Jason Draper on 6/4/18, 6:18 PM
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Naked Nutrition Pea

Naked Nutrition Pea
Pea and rice are my favorite protein sources when it comes to powders. To me they taste the best and I don't feel gross drinking something that comes from an animal. For the record milk has grossed me out since I was a kid and I will never get over thinking about what it actually is, and how unbelievably unnatural it seems for one species to drink another species milk.

Anyway, this is made from peas, and just peas. Guess what, it tastes like peas. If you use water as a mixer it can be a little bitter. I tried it with water as well as almond milk, and I enjoyed the later much more. Listen, I know mushy peas are the worst vegetable on the Thanksgiving table, but they are much better in this form. It's the texture that makes them gross. I swear. Just buy something like this instead of whey protein, you'll feel better about your choice.
Mix/Concentrate and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Naked NutritionWebsite@nkdnutritioninc
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 5/21/18, 2:45 PM
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Protein2o Protein Infused Water Harvest Grape

Protein2o Protein Infused Water Harvest Grape
I've been kind of into protein drinks lately. I mean as much as you can get into them, which is to say I've been drinking them somewhat regularly. I realized I have a big portion control problem when it comes to eating. If there is food in front of me I will just absentmindedly eat it. The fact that I sometimes eat a ridiculous amount without thinking about it, leads me to overeat during regular meals because my stomach is stretched (that's science right?). I've found that protein drinks help me to not eat between meals so much. I'll have one instead of a snack (which is probably a meal to most) and it helps curb my appetite. It's also nice that it helps with muscle building and it makes me feel like I'm not wasting my time at the gym and I'm getting better results. That is far too much background information just so that I can say I was excited when these showed up in the mail. Good timing is always appreciated.

This bottle has 15g of whey protein. I generally prefer to get my protein from plant sources, but exceptions can be made. It's grape flavored, but it contains no juice, so that means it tastes like a melted Free-Z-Pop, which I am more than okay with. Normally fake fruit flavors bother me, but for some reason I'm into fake grape. The whey protein gives it a slightly milky taste. It's not so much like an orange cream, but it's there around the edges. The grape is still in the foreground though. Mike said that the Tropical Coconut one he had was a bit chalky, but I'm not getting that with this flavor. It's sweetened with sucralose, which I didn't realize until after I had finished it, which is also a good sign, because I didn't taste anything diet in there. Overall this is pretty nice for a grab and go protein drink.
Diet and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Jason Draper on 5/12/18, 3:29 PM
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Naked Nutrition Goat

Naked Nutrition Goat
As someone who drinks dairy extremely rarely, I have to say this really grossed me out. I can't tell you when the last time I took a sip of cow's milk was. If I had to guess I would say at least 15 years. Sure I've eaten my fair share of ice cream since then, but there is something very different about drinking dairy. Oh did I also mention that I only like mozzarella cheese and all other types also gross me out? I say that because this tastes like it was half frothy milk and half some weird liquefied cheese that I would never eat in its solid form. This is grass fed whey protein that is derived from goat's milk. I've never had goats milk before and I'm guessing I would not enjoy it. I could have told you that before I tried this. Having that made into a powdered protein is even less appealing. I'm sure there are people out there who would be really into it, but I am most definitely not one of them. I will stick with pea and rice proteins.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
Naked NutritionWebsite@nkdnutritioninc
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 5/10/18, 6:26 AM
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Protein2o Protein Infused Water Tropical Coconut

Protein2o Protein Infused Water Tropical Coconut
Pina colada. Not too shabby, right? It's a little cup of summertime. I think it's illegal in most states to sell it when it's not summer. It would devalue it too much. It would also taste bad since the environmental climate is unbalanced in respect to the required prerequisites of the pineapple and coconut. Science stuff, man. Just trust us.

This is full of protein and you can taste it in every sip. There is no getting around it. It's amazing this is a liquid and not sludge. 15 grams of protein is no joke. It tastes a bit chalky, as you would probably guess. Even six hours of refrigeration can't save you from it. It tastes alright, though. Chalk aside. It has a good pina colada taste but you can taste the immense amount of protein and you can also taste the sucralose that makes it a little gross but a whole bottle clocking in at sixty calories is not an easy feat. Cut whatever corners you have to.

All in all, if you are trying to bulk up (bro) this isn't a bad place to start. Gains.
Sports/Dietary Supplement and Water
United States
Mike Literman on 5/2/18, 12:19 PM
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Ocean Spray Pact Cranberry Raspberry

Ocean Spray Pact Cranberry Raspberry
If this is Ocean Spray giving their take on Vitamin Water, they are a bit late to the game. If it's just them trying something new, well it's not really a novel idea, but I still enjoy it. I feel like this is some trick to save them money. It's essentially the same as their normal juice , except the hfcs or sugar are swapped out for the zero calorie Erythritol and I'm pretty sure they just added more water to the juice so it was thinner and less strong. It doesn't taste watered down, but it also no longer feels like a juice either (they aren't marketing it that way). It really tastes like a naturally diet cran-raspberry vitamin water. I know I made it seem like this beverages existence is nefarious, but it's just a tasty drink that is exactly what it says it is.
Sports/Dietary Supplement and Water
Ocean SprayWebsite@oceansprayinc
United States
Jason Draper on 4/30/18, 6:21 PM
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Naked Nutrition Rice

Naked Nutrition Rice
Vegan protein powders are surprisingly on the rise. I've been seeing a bunch of them that are mostly made from pea protein. They are also normally flavored (chocolate or vanilla) and sweetened with stevia. I could definitely do without the last part. I would rather no sweetener in the protein shake than have that flavor lingering around. Naked decided to go in a different direction and made this out of brown rice protein. Keeping true to their name there is also no other added ingredients in here. It's simply 25g of rice protein. It also just tastes like watered down brown rice. That sounds bad, but it's fairly pleasant. This is a natural, vegan protein supplement that I can get behind. Death to zero calorie sweeteners.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
Naked NutritionWebsite@nkdnutritioninc
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 4/26/18, 2:45 PM
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Canvas Fiber + Protein Shake Cocoa

Canvas Fiber + Protein Shake Cocoa
Cocoa I'm familiar with!

Through all the grit and grime of this drink, I found it to taste pretty good. What "grit and grime" you say? Well, this being a protein drink laden with grains, nut bits and coconut parts, it tends to have a bit of a texture to it. This, if you are at all familiar with protein and/or fiber drinks, is common. Let's start with the "bad" which is more informational than literally bad or gross. This contains coconut milk which can tend to give drinks a bit of a chalky taste or texture to it. If you have drunk anything with coconut milk in the past, you know what I am talking about. This was relatively cold but the chalk had already taken over. Personally, unless coconut milk, flavored or not, is ice cold, it tastes like that to me. Protein drinks have a bit of grit to them because the more protein you add to a drink, the thicker or grittier it gets because you can only mush up foodstuffs so much. This contains 11g of fiber and 8g of protein at the same time so it's got some thickness to it.

But who cares about all of that, right? How does it taste. It tastes good. It tastes like a good quality cocoa. Lighter than a chocolate milk but a good, honest cocoa. There is some (coconut) sugar and coconut milk so it's at least smooth and sweet and not some revolting, bittersweet chocolate that tastes more punishing than good.

This one, as opposed to the chai, I would drink again. I bet you could use this as a meal replacement. People would be jealous that you are drinking chocolate instead of wasting your time with pesky things like tacos, pizza and ham. Chewing is for idiots, right? Don't be a follower. Don't be an idiot. Drink to live. Drink for life.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Coconut Sugar
Mike Literman on 4/25/18, 6:20 AM
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Canvas Fiber + Protein Shake Chai

Canvas Fiber + Protein Shake Chai
It's been quite some time since I've drank something with so much substance. It's gritty and grainy and if you are not into these types of drink or like protein rich foods and drinks, walk on past this guy because she is thick. She's also not too shabby. I admittedly don't drink a lot of chai. I like it but I don't drink a lot of it. Why? Some things just happen.

Remember that episode of Seinfeld where Elaine is mad about having to shake orange juice and Jerry makes fun of her by lightly shaking it? This is like that but I feel like you constantly have to shake it. It might be so concentrated that there is no room for anything to "settle." It might just be dense. Thick and dense. I think that I'm drinking the drink incantation of myself.

To the flavor. It's a good, honest flavor and good representation of chai but somehow allows all of the ingredients to shine through. Cashew, coconut, ginger, chai, turmeric, salt. It's all in there and it all tastes good. It's a good drink. Would I drink it again? Eh, no. That just has to do with me not drinking chai. I've got other flavors I might not be so quick to dismiss.

In short, if you like chai and aren't afraid of a little grit, you've got a champion contender on your hands. If you are wavering on any of the aforementioned criteria, this might just be strange.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Coconut Sugar
Mike Literman on 4/18/18, 6:24 AM
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Naked Nutrition Energy Fruit Punch

Naked Nutrition Energy Fruit Punch
Oh boy, this one is a doozy! We don't review many non-ready-to-drink beverages, but when a company contacts us about sending samples for review we aren't going to say no. I mean, they are still things you drink, it just takes a little more work on your end. I was really expecting to be sent a one serving sample of this, but Naked were very nice and sent a full sized 1lb container. It is much appreciated.

So it's been a slow Sunday in mid-April and the weather is pure garbage. I had no plans this afternoon, so I decided to go to the gym and take this for a test drive. The directions say to mix one of two scoops into 8oz of water (or your favorite beverage and mix it thoroughly. The nutritional facts say that one serving is two scoops so I did just that. Unfortunately I have to say that it did not taste all that pleasant. The fruit punch flavor was very much overshadowed by the taste of supplements. It's a bit chemically. I would advise someone to mix it into something other than water to avoid that. If I use it again I'm going to try mixing it into some vanilla seltzer, which seems weird to drink before working out. I'm gonna be all burps.

Okay, so the flavor is not all that great. That can be acceptable, as it is a functional product and not meant for the pleasure of one's taste buds. This is some strong stuff though. It's meant to help push you in your workouts and give you “clean” energy. I can attest that it does that very much. I also had some side effects though. Now, it's happened very rarely, but it has happened that I have gotten the “Niacin Flush” from certain strong energy drinks. For those who don't' know what that is, it is when you take too much vitamin B3 and you get warm, look like you have a sunburn, and experience a tingly/burning /itchy sensation. In the past when it has happened It was in my face and top of my head. With this product my whole body felt insane. If I didn't know what it was I would have been highly concerned, searched Wed MD and convinced myself I was dying from some exotic disease. Being in the know, I just went on with my workout and this product definitely pushed me more than I normally would have. I did feel completely crazy the entire time and was just aware of my entire body. Then when I toweled off sweat my body just wanted to be touched more (not like that you creep). I've never taken Ecstasy, but from how I've seen it portrayed in movies and tv, I'm guessing it feels like this to a way crazier extent. Keep in mind I'm not saying this will happen to everyone, but I would suggest starting off with only one scoop and see how that works out for you. I'm going to try again in a few days on my next gym outing and lower my dose and see how that treats me. Hopefully not feeling like a maniac.
Energy Drink, Mix/Concentrate and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Naked NutritionWebsite@nkdnutritioninc
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 4/15/18, 11:07 AM
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Canvas Fiber + Protein Shake Latte

Canvas Fiber + Protein Shake Latte
This drink brings up an interesting question, out of all of the protein drinks and powders that we have come across in the wild how is this the first one that is coffee flavored? I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that coffee is more than likely the #1 most drank beverage in the country and I feel like excluding it a large market (and profit) is being missed. I could see that it might be hard to get a decent coffee flavor in a powder form, but for the ready to drink variety of protein shakes, I don't see an excuse.
Canvas are no dummies and they know a good product when they see one. They have created what Editor Dan (back from the dead) has called a “Dessert Shake” with a decent coffee flavor. It's not super strong, but then again they call it a latte so the milk (coconut milk) is carrying some of the load. Like the Matcha shake of theirs that I have tried this is thick and grainy (in the best way). The only difference is this time the flavor of the coconut sugar is cutting through a bit more. I'm not the biggest coconut fan, so it's a little distracting to me, but for people who are on the coconut train that is going to be nothing but a positive. This is tasty, healthy and ethical. Can you do better than that?
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Coconut Sugar
Jason Draper on 4/11/18, 3:16 PM
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Canvas Fiber + Protein Shake Matcha

Canvas Fiber + Protein Shake Matcha
Probiotics have been all the rage over the past few years. We, as Americans, tend to have terrible diets and our digestive system gets all out of whack. To combat this, companies started putting out probiotics, which are living bacteria, similar to those in our bodies to help with digestion and immune defenses. Canvas thought this was all nice and all, but they took things in a different direction and put prebiotic fiber in their shakes that feed and support the bacteria that already exist in your body. Basically it's like saying, “Why give up for yourself and call in reinforcements when your troops just need some provisions to get them through the great digestive wars?” I don't know which way is more productive, as I'm not that kind of scientist. What I do know is that Canvas makes some delicious shakes.

I have to admit that it probably would help you enjoy these beverages if you already had somewhat of a healthy diet. This is “real” food and it tastes as such. If you are used to fast food and soda, and don't necessarily eat a lot of fruits, vegetables or other natural foods, this might be hard to gulp down. If that is the case you are also the type of person who would benefit the most from this, so hold your nose and chug away to force it down. This drink is thick and gritty. It is mostly made up of spent grain isolate (let's just say grains) and cashew milk. It is also sweetened slightly with coconut sugar. The base of it tastes very much like liquid nuts and grains, what weren't quite blended all the way. That probably sounds like a turn off, but I think it's great. For extra flavor that put in some matcha (aka green tea) and it makes it all so very wonderful. If you've never used matcha powder before it has a very specific taste and is like concentrated green tea flavor. It's one of my favorites and as a result I love this shake. My guts love this shake too. I bet yours would as well if you would just put down the liter of cola and chicken nuggets and eat like you were sitting down to dinner in a 1950's sitcom. (I can only imagine food was healthier then).
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Coconut Sugar
Jason Draper on 4/5/18, 10:30 AM
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Gatorade Flow Smooth Finish Watermelon Mist

Gatorade Flow Smooth Finish Watermelon Mist
Get the hell out of the way! The new, limited edition Gatorade's are here! What? What do you mean they're nothing special? What do you mean they just taste like regular Gatorade? What do you mean my fly is down? Man, why am I running then? When they say "Limited Edition" I feel the urgency in my bones and have to get it before it's too late. I guess they wouldn't take it away in less than a day so we can walk together. I'll buy you one.

So what do you think? Here's what I think and I'm not happy to say so. It just tastes like the same old Gatorade that's always existed. If they call it "Flow Smooth Finish," which is perhaps the most difficult phrase I've ever said, I might give them the benefit of the doubt and say that it might be smoother. Was I asking for a smoother Gatorade? No, but I suppose that it's always welcome. Why wouldn't you want the smoothest possible drink? Seems luxurious. As far as flavor goes, I know what a watermelon tastes like and this tastes like a candy watermelon just not as sweet. Maybe it falls between difference between a real watermelon and a fake watermelon. It's not bad and I am having no problem crushing this whole bottle.

When it's gone, it's gone. By the time it leaves, I'm sure there will be several other limited edition Gatorade's that come and go. It's not like they're hard to find. They sell them everywhere. We will watch the tides of Gatorade change like the seasons. Like toxic, watermelon and fruit punch flavored waves which shall bring upon the inevitable death of all mankind and organic life.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Mike Literman on 3/20/18, 8:43 AM
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100 Plus Original

100 Plus Original
Do you know what American athletes are missing that those in Asia have access to? Carbonated sports drinks, that is what. Can you imagine being in the middle of a match of some sort, you are exhausted and dripping with sweat, and your trainer hands you a can o “carbonated isotonic drink?” What on Earth is refreshing about that? I was once given sparkling water while playing a show and I nearly spit it everywhere because bubbles are not what you need to quench your thirst. Water is all I want in such times, and I'm not even exerting that much energy. Even the minimum sugar in other sports drinks is a bit off putting to me in such times. Somehow this beverage has persevered for decades. Apparently they have done so without updating their look either, as this can looks more 70's Olympics than anything else I've ever seen.

If you can find it in yourself to look past this products intended purpose the taste isn't all that bad. It's strange, but not horrible. It's like someone mixed Squirt with lemon lime Gatorade. I don't know why anyone would do such a thing, but apparently someone in Malaysia did and liked the results enough to mass produce it. I really feel that if the grapefruit aspect of this was left out the taste would greatly suffer. Just carbonated Gatorade would be unwanted on all fronts. This way it at least has something interesting about it.
Soda Pop and Sports/Dietary Supplement
100 PlusWebsite@my100plus
Jason Draper on 1/29/18, 11:59 AM
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MET-Rx NOS Pumped Nitro Grape

MET-Rx NOS Pumped Nitro Grape
Are you ready to get PUMPED?!?!?!!? You know, jacked, swole, juicing your pecs? Yeah, me either. I go get exercise, and go to the gym a few times a week, but I'm not looking to get super muscular like a body builder. I just want to be healthy (physically and mentally) and feel good about myself. Being as I feel a bit worn down, due to staying up late watching bad horror sequels, and that I've spent all morning/afternoon painting my basement because I am an idiot that gets ideas in his head and needs to see them through. Seeing as today is a gym day for me it seemed like a good time to drink this little one down. It contains caffeine to give your work out a boost. I'm sure today it will bring me back up to a normal state. This beverage also contains Arginine to aid with circulation as well as glycerin to hydrate you. There is also Citrulline Malate in here, but it doesn't say what it's for. The assumption is something work out related, but perhaps it's for mind control or to track your internet searches. Who knows?

Now that I know, or assume to know, what this is doing to my body I can concentrate on the taste, which is that of a melted Freez-E-Pop, that hasa slightly diet flavoring to it. I have to be honest , although that isn't the greatest flavor, it's exactly what I was hoping it would taste like. I wanted that nostalgia and fake grape taste. Welp, I got it and I'm ready to run 20 miles, or two. More likely two. Possibly three. I'm really bad at running.
Diet, Energy Drink and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Jason Draper on 1/24/18, 12:48 PM
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