Naked Nutrition - 5 Reviews

Naked Nutrition Whey

Naked Nutrition Whey
This is simply not for me. I am fairly disgusted by milk and all it entails, unless it's in ice cream form, because I am a child. The protein powders I get are derived from plants or soy. This tastes like someone took powdered heavy cream (if such a thing exists) and then I reconstituted it with water into a thick milky beverage that I could not get more than one sip down. Had I been in a different location in my house I would have probably spit it out. The thing is I can't really complain because it is exactly what it advertises to be, and I cannot fault them for being something that I despise. They are what they are and I am what I am, and I will avoid consuming it again until the end of my days. Those of you out there who love milk get on this train, because it's protein that you will be happy about.
Milk and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Naked NutritionWebsite@nkdnutritioninc
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 7/16/18, 3:48 PM
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Naked Nutrition Pea

Naked Nutrition Pea
Pea and rice are my favorite protein sources when it comes to powders. To me they taste the best and I don't feel gross drinking something that comes from an animal. For the record milk has grossed me out since I was a kid and I will never get over thinking about what it actually is, and how unbelievably unnatural it seems for one species to drink another species milk.

Anyway, this is made from peas, and just peas. Guess what, it tastes like peas. If you use water as a mixer it can be a little bitter. I tried it with water as well as almond milk, and I enjoyed the later much more. Listen, I know mushy peas are the worst vegetable on the Thanksgiving table, but they are much better in this form. It's the texture that makes them gross. I swear. Just buy something like this instead of whey protein, you'll feel better about your choice.
Mix/Concentrate and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Naked NutritionWebsite@nkdnutritioninc
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 5/21/18, 2:45 PM
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Naked Nutrition Goat

Naked Nutrition Goat
As someone who drinks dairy extremely rarely, I have to say this really grossed me out. I can't tell you when the last time I took a sip of cow's milk was. If I had to guess I would say at least 15 years. Sure I've eaten my fair share of ice cream since then, but there is something very different about drinking dairy. Oh did I also mention that I only like mozzarella cheese and all other types also gross me out? I say that because this tastes like it was half frothy milk and half some weird liquefied cheese that I would never eat in its solid form. This is grass fed whey protein that is derived from goat's milk. I've never had goats milk before and I'm guessing I would not enjoy it. I could have told you that before I tried this. Having that made into a powdered protein is even less appealing. I'm sure there are people out there who would be really into it, but I am most definitely not one of them. I will stick with pea and rice proteins.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
Naked NutritionWebsite@nkdnutritioninc
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 5/10/18, 6:26 AM
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Naked Nutrition Rice

Naked Nutrition Rice
Vegan protein powders are surprisingly on the rise. I've been seeing a bunch of them that are mostly made from pea protein. They are also normally flavored (chocolate or vanilla) and sweetened with stevia. I could definitely do without the last part. I would rather no sweetener in the protein shake than have that flavor lingering around. Naked decided to go in a different direction and made this out of brown rice protein. Keeping true to their name there is also no other added ingredients in here. It's simply 25g of rice protein. It also just tastes like watered down brown rice. That sounds bad, but it's fairly pleasant. This is a natural, vegan protein supplement that I can get behind. Death to zero calorie sweeteners.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
Naked NutritionWebsite@nkdnutritioninc
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 4/26/18, 2:45 PM
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Naked Nutrition Energy Fruit Punch

Naked Nutrition Energy Fruit Punch
Oh boy, this one is a doozy! We don't review many non-ready-to-drink beverages, but when a company contacts us about sending samples for review we aren't going to say no. I mean, they are still things you drink, it just takes a little more work on your end. I was really expecting to be sent a one serving sample of this, but Naked were very nice and sent a full sized 1lb container. It is much appreciated.

So it's been a slow Sunday in mid-April and the weather is pure garbage. I had no plans this afternoon, so I decided to go to the gym and take this for a test drive. The directions say to mix one of two scoops into 8oz of water (or your favorite beverage and mix it thoroughly. The nutritional facts say that one serving is two scoops so I did just that. Unfortunately I have to say that it did not taste all that pleasant. The fruit punch flavor was very much overshadowed by the taste of supplements. It's a bit chemically. I would advise someone to mix it into something other than water to avoid that. If I use it again I'm going to try mixing it into some vanilla seltzer, which seems weird to drink before working out. I'm gonna be all burps.

Okay, so the flavor is not all that great. That can be acceptable, as it is a functional product and not meant for the pleasure of one's taste buds. This is some strong stuff though. It's meant to help push you in your workouts and give you “clean” energy. I can attest that it does that very much. I also had some side effects though. Now, it's happened very rarely, but it has happened that I have gotten the “Niacin Flush” from certain strong energy drinks. For those who don't' know what that is, it is when you take too much vitamin B3 and you get warm, look like you have a sunburn, and experience a tingly/burning /itchy sensation. In the past when it has happened It was in my face and top of my head. With this product my whole body felt insane. If I didn't know what it was I would have been highly concerned, searched Wed MD and convinced myself I was dying from some exotic disease. Being in the know, I just went on with my workout and this product definitely pushed me more than I normally would have. I did feel completely crazy the entire time and was just aware of my entire body. Then when I toweled off sweat my body just wanted to be touched more (not like that you creep). I've never taken Ecstasy, but from how I've seen it portrayed in movies and tv, I'm guessing it feels like this to a way crazier extent. Keep in mind I'm not saying this will happen to everyone, but I would suggest starting off with only one scoop and see how that works out for you. I'm going to try again in a few days on my next gym outing and lower my dose and see how that treats me. Hopefully not feeling like a maniac.
Energy Drink, Mix/Concentrate and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Naked NutritionWebsite@nkdnutritioninc
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 4/15/18, 11:07 AM
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