Hot Tea - 39 Reviews

Benner Tea Co. Chai

Benner Tea Co. Chai
Chai. I got into it too late. It's good and I love a nice spicy, hot tea. This isn't half bad, either. Should I think less of it because it is an Aldi brand? No. It's probably something else branded to look like an Aldi brand, actually.

This had a good, strong anise taste to it mixed with whatever other magic was in here. I promptly drank it and, presumably ruined it, adding a packet of sugar. It was the morning and daddy needed a little pick-me-up.

To whomever I stole this from that works in my office, thanks. I'll pay you back in whatever the equivalent of one bag of tea is. Pretty sure that's a wet T-shirt car wash.
Hot Tea
Benner Tea Co.
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 1/18/17, 11:40 AM
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Trader Joe's Black Tea Vanilla & Cinnamon

Trader Joe's Black Tea Vanilla & Cinnamon
What is that, a raccoon? Hyper, those raccoons. Them washing all that cotton candy in the stream. Calm down, raccoon. Man. Stop eating all that sugar and drink some of this tea. It's good, subtle and calming. Like chamomile but less on-the-nose. This dude who works here has been sweet enough to let me drink some of his tea and drink it I did. Sure, he's not breaking the bank buying a box of tea from Trader Joe's but who's bringing money into this? No one. He's generous. Let him be.

That raccoon had the right idea with this. Sure he's tangled up in Christmas lights probably doing something he shouldn't be doing but he's at least chilling with a nice, hot cup of tea. The cinnamon is subtle and the vanilla rounds it out. Think of this like the biggest dandelion. You could lift it without even thinking about it. This is like that, as strong as it is, it's still calm and smooth.

Also, for those of you not "in the know," this is the video I am referring to:

Sad, right?
Hot Tea
Trader Joe'sWebsite@TraderJoesList
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 11/29/16, 12:22 PM
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Tea Drift Good Morning Energy

Tea Drift Good Morning Energy
These post-daylight savings time days have got me down. It's dark too early and I always feel like it is way later than it actually is. As a result I've felt worn down for the past few weeks. Tonight was no exception. I didn't want to go full on energy drink, and I remembered that I had this tea stashed away just waiting to be reviewed so here it is.

Tea Drift was nice enough to send us a variety of their flavors and “Good Morning Energy” sounded just like what I needed at 6PM. It's black tea, lavender, rose, bergamot and rosemary. Let me tell you they are not messing around with these flavors. As soon as I opened the package the room was filled with the aroma of flowers. I have a strange soft spot for floral beverages, but this was a bit too much for me. It was more flower than tea. I also always thought that flowers were supposed to be relaxing and not give you energy. I mean they also have a flavor called “Calming Rose.” I'm pretty sure the only boost I'll be getting is from the black tea.

It was actually a chore for me to work through a mug of this, but my ladyfriend loved it and drank hers happily. People like different things, and that kind of makes this website obsolete.
Hot Tea
Tea DriftWebsite@TeaDrift
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 11/27/15, 6:06 PM
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Tea Drift Metabolism Booster Lemon Mint

Tea Drift Metabolism Booster Lemon Mint
This is an entry-level tea for everyone. There is a light green tea, light melon, light lemon and light peppermint. It's subtle everything which makes for a pretty good tea. If some of these flavors were too intense, it would make it too definitive or too much of one particular type but since everything is one the same, low level, you're left with an even, well put together drink.

Sometimes I ice my tea. In this case, this is what I did. It makes for a great iced tea. I think that iced green tea allows the bitterness of green tea to shine through a little bit and that's what green tea should taste like. I think that if I drank it hot, the lemon might have shined through but I would have missed the melon a bit. I think I made the right decision and I think I found a tea that, if I had more of, would be a "go to" in these warm, end-of summer, days.
Hot Tea and Iced Tea
Tea DriftWebsite@TeaDrift
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 9/21/15, 5:13 PM
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Tea Drift Calming Rose

Tea Drift Calming Rose
Some people have things for older ladies. I hate to say it but I'll say it because we're all adults here but the acronym is MILF. Kids, if you're reading this, please don't look that up. Keep doing your homework. Some people, a smaller percentage, go for older ladies. That acronym is GILF. Kids, once again, do no look that up. Continue doing your homework.

This tea would be the "secret sauce" to get the older ladies in the mood to put in the real work. A little rooibos, vanilla, safflower and rose in this guy and those ladies will be talking about the Victorian era and all sorts of old crap. This smells like an older lady but it tastes pretty good. I'm not saying that older ladies don't taste good but I don't often touch my tongue to them. Sorry older ladies. Maybe one day. Kids, if you're still reading this, your daddy is going to be sore at you for not finishing your homework.

This tastes fine. I was worried. I have had rose drinks before, mostly from India but this one, in all its domestic nature, is weaker than that. We're new to it. Please forgive us, India. Please forgive us daddies for not letting your children get their homework done because of their curious nature. We warned them otherwise. They don't listen. They're kids. Maybe you should make them some of this tea to calm them down and make them more suitable to bring to your parent's house.
Hot Tea
Tea DriftWebsite@TeaDrift
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 9/8/15, 12:23 PM
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ViPova Black Tea with Finest CBD Oil

ViPova Black Tea with Finest CBD Oil
You know how for decades stoners have been shouting from the rooftops (more likely their parent's basements) that marijuana is a magical plant that can fix everything? Well it seems like they might have been (partially) right. Scientists have come out to prove that there are many health benefits that can be derived from the plant and it can actually be used to treat a good deal of diseases and such. It's due to this that we have medical marijuana. According to the little packet I received with this tea it's the cannabidiol (CBD) that is the ingredient in the plant that has all of the health benefits and not the tetrahydrcannabinol (THC) aka the part that gets you high. So here is where the line gets drawn between those who actually care about health and those who were just looking for excuses so they could get high legally. I also learned that hemp and marijuana are actually two different varieties of the same herb and that hemp has very low amounts of THC and doesn't really get you high. I wonder how many stoners know that fact.

ViPova has taken CBD oil and added it to a black tea. Instead of rolling a joint, or packing a bowl you simply boil some water, pour it into your favorite mug and let the tea bag steep and you're on your way to promoting health and fighting disease. Here at Thirsty Dudes, we are generally more concerned with flavor over functionality, but I have to admit that this is really interesting information that I read today. Sure this tea has a higher price tag than normal teas you'd find in the grocery store, but this is essentially medicine, so it makes sense.

I have drunk other beverages derived from hemp before and they all have had a rope-ish taste to them. Since this not brewed hemp and just CBD oil added to black tea that taste was not there are all. It really just tasted like black tea that had a splash of milk added to it (it contains non-fat dry evaporated milk for some reason). From a tea point of view that is not very impressive, but when you think of how terrible most medicine tastes that fact that it is this good for you and just tastes like tea is pretty fantastic.
Hot Tea
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 8/25/15, 10:03 AM
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Good Earth White Tea Mango Me Crazy

Good Earth White Tea Mango Me Crazy
Dear Good Earth, it is summertime. It's hot out and I have no reason to drink hot tea. I don't drink many hot beverages, even in the dead of winter, but especially not now. I hope that you are okay with the fact that I brewed a big pot of this tea, with several bags and then put it in the fridge to cool down so I could make my own iced tea. Actually I don't really care if you're bummed because it was delicious tea. Truth be told it's what I've been doing with most of your products and I have enjoyed each and every one of them in its cold form.

If white teas were more popular I could see myself getting over it really quick (I'm a green tea man myself), but when I have them every once in a while their subtleties are nice. This has a strong white tea base to it, and then an even stronger fruity overtone. Yes there is mango in there, but it's the mangosteen that really stands out. Everything is actually in a really nice ratio and the flavors kind of come in waves. I'm sure this would be great hot, but until the snow returns I'll be drinking it in its opposite form.
Hot Tea and Iced Tea
Good EarthWebsite@GoodEarthTea
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 6/27/15, 10:42 AM
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Tazo Sweet Cinnamon Spice

Tazo Sweet Cinnamon Spice
I might have broken the law. If I drink something that's listed to be a hot tea and I drink it iced, it's kind of up to me. If I buy a hamburger and bring it home and put peanut butter and jelly on top and gummy bears on the bottom, I can do that. If I buy a bag of chips and put M&M's in there, I can do that.

This intrigued me because it had oh so many things to enjoy; sarsaparilla, anise, cinnamon and much more. It was good. It was cool and pretty refreshing. It was a bit "rooty" due to, and I'm going to assume, the chicory root. I mention that more as a feature, not a complaint. If I complained about it, it would be something to the likes of, "Ugh, this drink tasted like someone carved it out of a tree." or something way too much since we clearly suck at writing reviews. It's not an overwhelming drink. I know people are pretty black or white on anise but this contains less than you would think, regardless of the gigantic star anise on the box. More like a cinnamon red tea.

This was good, though. I've got nineteen bags left that I don't anticipate gathering dust like some of the other ones I've got up there. It's just different enough that maybe for every five bags of black tea I make, I'll swap in this or the chai black. You've got to keep things fresh, you know? Like when you wear the same socks for four days in a row. Change them out. They're stretched out and need to get back to where they belong. Yeah. It's just like that.
Hot Tea and Iced Tea
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 6/18/15, 12:06 PM
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Traditional Medicinals Holiday Chamomile

Traditional Medicinals Holiday Chamomile
Oh chamomile. You're usually so boring. You are made of boring flowers and are used by old people to manage getting through the day. This, though. This is different. I can't place it but it's stronger and perhaps more floral than the typical, boring old chamomile. Also, I have to at least type this because I know you're all thinking it; Chamillionaire. There. I said it. You know what? Now that I mention him, maybe he'd be into this. Even hard rappers need to calm down and enjoy the simple, relaxing times. Sure, I'm working behind a computer as I pathetically do every day of my G.D. life but it can be stressful. You think that Chamillionaire has it easy being a rapper? You, right now, give me sixteen bars. Not so easy. See? Everyone needs time to look out the window and watch boats go by. No phone calls, just a nice flower-based tea. Maybe I'll give Chamillionaire a call. He'd probably like to hang out with me.
Hot Tea
Traditional MedicinalsWebsite@tradmedicinals
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 2/6/15, 3:37 PM
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Stash Black and Green Tea Christmas Morning

Stash Black and Green Tea Christmas Morning
I certainly don't remember any historic Christmas mornings where I drank black and green tea. Certainly black tea is wonderful and jasmine green tea is equal if not better and together this is a great drink but it doesn't scream "Christmas" to me. Throw a single, measly dash of nutmeg or cinnamon or something in there. This is a fine tea but a bit of a misnomer. This is just a black and green tea which, like a girl I dated, nondenominational. Sure, this tea doesn't have as awesome boobs as she did but who does? Boobs: like a million. Tea: probably close to a million. As I type that out it's probably a closer race than I initially thought it out to be.
Hot Tea and Iced Tea
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 1/22/15, 6:56 PM
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Stash Organic Green Tea MerryMint

Stash Organic Green Tea MerryMint
The holidays are (finally) over and now we're left with the broken reindeer yard figures and "slightly used" inflatable snowmen. We're also left with the skids of Christmas tea. They certainly do churn those cats out and having a "basically mother-in-law" that works at the general merchandise section of a grocery store, now I am the proud owner of all sorts of...things.

This thing is a fine mint tea. It has loads of mint and different varieties of mint; spearmint and peppermint. Not just one and maybe more. The green's not really bitey but the mint is so present that it makes up for it. I do enjoy a good, quality green tea but the mint seems to be filling up my desire for the cheek pinching power of green tea.
Hot Tea
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 1/20/15, 12:03 PM
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Yogi Ginger

Yogi Ginger
Oh my stomach. I can tell that I have not been eating well when it constantly feels like I have a brick in my stomach. I assume, and am probably wrong, that this is what the second trimester of pregnancy feels like. Just like a thing is in your stomach and you feel like you're going to take an award winning poop and all will be fine.

In order to sooth my stomach and my head, a generous coworker brought me a bag of this tea which I made immediately. I sat down and didn't expect what would happen next. Wait...let me try to make that a little more BuzzFeed.

I drank the tea for the first time. What happened next you won't believe.

Better. So I drank it and there it was. Just as promised. Ginger. Spicy, dirty ginger. I enjoyed this entire cup of tea because it was like I let a bottle of ginger beer go flat in the sun and then decided that I didn't want to waste money so I was going to drink it anyhow. It wasn't sweet but there was a bite with every sip regardless of how much I drank.

BuzzFeed, if you want to link to this review, I already wrote your headline and I don't think anything is spelled wrong so you don't need to edit it. I guess I'll just expect my check in the mail then, right? Thanks, guys.
Hot Tea
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 8/28/14, 12:07 PM
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Good Earth Black Tea Sweetly Twisted

Good Earth Black Tea Sweetly Twisted
"Twisted" might be an understatement. The contortionist that your tongue becomes while drinking this drink is enough to make a circus performer get queasy. It's one of the strangest hot teas I have ever drank and reminds me of when I drank chai for the first time. Is it spicy? Is it sweet? Who knows? Who cares, really since it's so good, sometimes. I like the no-milk chai way more than the milky chai. This is on a different plane all together.

I think the base of this is an herbal tea since it's a black, hibiscus tea. Then all hell breaks loose with ingredients like licorice, lemon, blackberry leaf, vanilla, and rosehip. There are more ingredients than that but it's just a constant jumping from one to another like the guy in Pitfall jumping from rope to rope trying his hardest to not make it into those pesky crocodile's mouths. So pesky. This tea is sweet which some people won't like but I didn't mind because I like Stevia and it's faint enough that it's not overpowering. It's far from a sweet tea and if anything is just being added as a flavor rather than a sweetener. Man, those crocodiles. Much pesky. So wow. Very rope swing.
Hot Tea
Good EarthWebsite@GoodEarthTea
United States
Mike Literman on 5/15/14, 3:17 PM
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Good Earth Black Tea Cocoa Tango

Good Earth Black Tea Cocoa Tango
Daryl, this chocolate is great. Most chocolate is great but we need to step it up. No one wants regular "mom and pop" chocolate forever. We've made our name at this farmer's market by making quality chocolate but we need to step it up. The people have spoken and they are bored. Let's get something that figuratively punches them right in the face. Something different. Something to set us apart. Something like...pickles! No. That's gross plus the vinegar from the pickles will mix with the milk from the chocolate and provide nothing but an instantly spoiled mess. What else? Candy inside chocolate is hackneyed. Cereal? Bleh. No thanks. What else. Oh, I've got an idea, hold on a sec.

Look at these. Chilis from Sharon over there. I gave her a chocolate bar and she gave us a handful of chilis. If we mince these up, boil them down and extract the flavor and heat, we could cook it with the chocolate and have spicy chocolate. Yeah, I know it's been done before but I think that people here at this market would appreciate a little pain with their pleasure. Look at that old lady over there. You know she needs a little kick in the pants. Let's do it. I just want to try it first here in its raw format. Oh, Daryl, this is something else. Try this, dude. Wait...where are you going?

Where did you go? Is this a cup of tea? Thanks man, I appreciate...wait...what is this? This is a liquid version of what we just made. This is a packaged tea? Good Earth made this? It''s just like what we made. It's spicy and has a pretty strong chocolate taste with a hint of Stevia which we don't use but is actually pretty good in this tea.

So what do we do? We still pursue it, right? It's still a good idea. We need to change it up. Using this tea as a model, we will make fantastic new chocolate bars. Thanks, Daryl. You're a good partner. Let's try to think of other things we can concoct. Broccoli? Gross. Farm fresh eggs? No. Daryl, do you want this or not?
Hot Tea
Good EarthWebsite@GoodEarthTea
United States
Mike Literman on 5/6/14, 12:04 PM
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Bigelow Cinnamon Stick

Bigelow Cinnamon Stick
False advertising. I call shenanigans on this bag of tea. I might go as far as say that this tea is a liar and I don't use that phrase lightly. This smells like it would make a good tea but don't be fooled. This tea is the push-up bra of tea. You go in for a sip and it's almost bitter. I've had Bigelow stuff before and it's not bad. It's not high quality tea but I don't care. It's fine. I actually have an Earl Gray at home that I really like. This is just lipstick on a pig. It doesn't really taste anything like cinnamon and if I had to stretch it, which I will, it's as if you had a cup of black tea and put a cinnamon stick in it for a couple seconds. I'm sure that's where they get the name "cinnamon stick" from but they should have let that little buddy marinate for a little bit longer because if it did anything, it ruined everything.
Hot Tea
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 5/2/14, 11:22 AM
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Mighty Leaf Green Tea Tropical

Mighty Leaf Green Tea Tropical
You know what, Joe? I have been taking care of your Bronco for years now and I think that it's time to get a new car. You've had a good run with her, man. It's good almost 200,000 miles on it and she's been pretty good to you. Sure, we've replaced everything but in the twenty plus years you've owned it, you have come out on top. This last inspection needs all new struts, the undercarriage is pretty well rusted, and there are holes that would cost a lot to patch up in order to pass inspection. What will it cost? Well, about seven grand and that's because I like you. Any other guy would cost about ten thousand. You want to sit and think about it? Alright, hey, I'll make you a cup of tea.

Here you go, Joe. It's this new stuff my wife bought for the shop. It's green tea tropical. Sure, not something you would typically find in a garage but sometimes you have to have the finer things in life. Yeah, I have had it. It smells great and tastes like a nice bitter green tea with notes of fruit. I think they said that there was guava and pineapple in the mix, which you can smell more than you can taste. The green tea is a really nice, authentic taste. I found the tea calming and thought that it's what you might want in this troubling time.

Joe, this is a tough decision to make and whatever you want to do, I'll do it. We are booking up fast though so you kind of have to make a decision soon. You want to scrap it? Alright? That's fine. You know what? You might make some money on the deal. Some of it can be salvages so instead of leaving seven thousand dollars lighter, I can actually give you five hundred dollars for the price of the car. If I get any more for the trade, I'll send it over. Let me know what you get. I can't wait to work on it for the next twenty years. You're a great guy, Joe. Sorry for your loss. Don't forget to take your Yosemite Sam mud flaps.
Hot Tea
Mighty LeafWebsite@mightyleaf
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 3/25/14, 11:53 AM
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Mighty Leaf Chamomile Citrus

Mighty Leaf Chamomile Citrus
I want a divorce. I just can't take it anymore. We have grown apart and I don't know if we have anything in common anymore. We've had a good run though, right? Seventeen years? Our kids are pretty well grounded and I think they'll take it well. It just kind of seems like we don't like the same things. I like pop and you like rock. I like red wine and you like white. I like going to parties and you like going to concerts. I like oranges and you hate them. what? You like oranges now? When did this happen? How did this happen? What's this? This is chamomile tea. I know that it says that there is citrus in the title but that doesn't mean that you like actual oranges. Try it? Alright, considering all we've been through I will drink this tea. Wow. Daryl, you are right. This is good tea. It's calming but very citrusy. It is like someone just filled a teapot with chamomile tea and orange zest.

Where did you go? Daryl?! I was talking about how good this tea is. Where are you? In the kitchen? Alright, I was just...Daryl. What are you doing? Are you...are you eating an orange. Daryl, I'm so attracted to you. You can disregard what I said about the divorce earlier. This tea and you sensually eating that orange has saved our marriage. We've got twenty minutes before the kids get home from school. Let's take care of sexy business.
Hot Tea
Mighty LeafWebsite@mightyleaf
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 3/19/14, 10:50 AM
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Celestial Seasonings Holiday Tea Nutcracker Sweet

Celestial Seasonings Holiday Tea Nutcracker Sweet
If you drink enough tea like me, you really get a feel for quality. For instance, a tea that comes in a tin that you can see the fruits (if applicable) or leaves or any sort of additives, that's a good tea. It's proof that what they say is in there is in there. You can see it. That's a chunk of chocolate. That's a dried strawberry. That's a strand of dried green tea leaves. That's tea.

This tea is not terrible but it is most certainly of a lower quality than a lot of the hot tea I have been drinking as of late. What's good about it? Well it tastes pretty good is what's good. It's a black tea that actually does have some natural tea taste with some cinnamon and I think some vanilla for good measure. It is certainly a "black tea with cinnamon" versus Good Earth's Sweet & Spicy, which is like a fantastic Fireball. It's not bad. It's certainly not a summer tea because something about the taste just reminds me of winter. In this state of what winter has done to my psyche, I want winter to be as far away from me as possible.

Personal sentiments aside, it really isn't bad at all. Whoever I "borrowed" this from at my office, thank you. I will repay you with one bag the seemingly endless tea bags upon my desk of your choice.
Hot Tea
Celestial SeasoningsWebsite@celestialtea
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 3/18/14, 11:32 AM
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Mighty Leaf Organic Earl Gray

Mighty Leaf Organic Earl Gray
Calm down America, there is a lot going on but there always is, isn't there? Fights about fracking, missing airplanes, large airplane mergers, government spying, Russia, The Rapture just broke up, Acura discontinued the ZDX and so much more. Calm down. Have a cup of tea. Did you know that tea isn't just for the British? It's true. Take a listen here.

This is a fantastic, entry-level tea. It's not bitter, kind of floral, and not really offensive in any way. Some might call that "boring" but listen, dude, listen, it is great tea. It smells like drinking tea in a garden, which just oozes laziness and placid times. It hits you in all the right places that you would want a tea to. It's warm, smooth and welcoming.

People. Look, I know things suck. These are trying times but you've got to remember that you can't control everything and you can't fix everything. You know what can fix you, though? A nice cup of tea. Now shut up, turn off your phone for fifteen minutes, and sit in that nice chair you just had to have, turn down the lights, look out the window and drink some tea.
Hot Tea
Mighty LeafWebsite@mightyleaf
United States
Non-GMO Sweetener Blend
Mike Literman on 3/14/14, 1:22 PM
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Tazo Herbal Tea Cocoa Mint Mate

Tazo Herbal Tea Cocoa Mint Mate
Number one: I don't know the definition of the word "savory." It seems that with food television, everyone is a regular Bobby Flay. Sure, some people are an Alex Guarnaschelli and some are a Yan but everyone is someone now and everyone has to use phrases they shouldn't know unless they serve time in a French kitchen. Calm down. They're just chicken fingers from a bag. Where is your stamp of approval from Guy Fieri that says you have a license to say the word "brunoise" or "papillote." I realize the humor in that statement, so don't give me guff for it.

This tea advertises a "savory-sweet herbal infusion." That seems like a bit much. This is not a heavy tea. I have had heavy tea. This is not it. This is a medium flavored tea with a lot of great ingredients, most that you really have to focus to find, much like a "Where's Waldo" book. To you overseas readers, I am aware that his name is "Wally." I know more than you give me credit for.

Mint? It's in there. Cocoa? Lightly in there. Don't think chocolate and don't think dark. Think about opening cocoa powder and smelling it once the dust settles from you vigorously opening the top. As for the other ingredients, you cats ain't pullin' your weight because I didn't taste any vanilla, licorice, or bitterness from the yerba mate.

It's a fine tea, don't get me wrong, but you just did the tea equivalent of fluffing up your resume. That's going to make your employer mad and make more work for you. People that talk about knowing Microsoft Word on their resume have zero job experience and people who know fifteen programming languages are recent college grads who have spent a day with each and aren't proficient in anything. You're welcome, I've cracked the code.
Hot Tea
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 2/25/14, 5:26 PM
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