Mighty Leaf - 3 Reviews

Mighty Leaf Green Tea Tropical

Mighty Leaf Green Tea Tropical
You know what, Joe? I have been taking care of your Bronco for years now and I think that it's time to get a new car. You've had a good run with her, man. It's good almost 200,000 miles on it and she's been pretty good to you. Sure, we've replaced everything but in the twenty plus years you've owned it, you have come out on top. This last inspection needs all new struts, the undercarriage is pretty well rusted, and there are holes that would cost a lot to patch up in order to pass inspection. What will it cost? Well, about seven grand and that's because I like you. Any other guy would cost about ten thousand. You want to sit and think about it? Alright, hey, I'll make you a cup of tea.

Here you go, Joe. It's this new stuff my wife bought for the shop. It's green tea tropical. Sure, not something you would typically find in a garage but sometimes you have to have the finer things in life. Yeah, I have had it. It smells great and tastes like a nice bitter green tea with notes of fruit. I think they said that there was guava and pineapple in the mix, which you can smell more than you can taste. The green tea is a really nice, authentic taste. I found the tea calming and thought that it's what you might want in this troubling time.

Joe, this is a tough decision to make and whatever you want to do, I'll do it. We are booking up fast though so you kind of have to make a decision soon. You want to scrap it? Alright? That's fine. You know what? You might make some money on the deal. Some of it can be salvages so instead of leaving seven thousand dollars lighter, I can actually give you five hundred dollars for the price of the car. If I get any more for the trade, I'll send it over. Let me know what you get. I can't wait to work on it for the next twenty years. You're a great guy, Joe. Sorry for your loss. Don't forget to take your Yosemite Sam mud flaps.
Hot Tea
Mighty LeafWebsite@mightyleaf
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 3/25/14, 11:53 AM
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Mighty Leaf Chamomile Citrus

Mighty Leaf Chamomile Citrus
I want a divorce. I just can't take it anymore. We have grown apart and I don't know if we have anything in common anymore. We've had a good run though, right? Seventeen years? Our kids are pretty well grounded and I think they'll take it well. It just kind of seems like we don't like the same things. I like pop and you like rock. I like red wine and you like white. I like going to parties and you like going to concerts. I like oranges and you hate them. Wait...you...you what? You like oranges now? When did this happen? How did this happen? What's this? This is chamomile tea. I know that it says that there is citrus in the title but that doesn't mean that you like actual oranges. Try it? Alright, considering all we've been through I will drink this tea. Wow. Daryl, you are right. This is good tea. It's calming but very citrusy. It is like someone just filled a teapot with chamomile tea and orange zest.

Where did you go? Daryl?! I was talking about how good this tea is. Where are you? In the kitchen? Alright, I was just...Daryl. What are you doing? Are you...are you eating an orange. Daryl, I'm so attracted to you. You can disregard what I said about the divorce earlier. This tea and you sensually eating that orange has saved our marriage. We've got twenty minutes before the kids get home from school. Let's take care of sexy business.
Hot Tea
Mighty LeafWebsite@mightyleaf
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 3/19/14, 10:50 AM
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Mighty Leaf Organic Earl Gray

Mighty Leaf Organic Earl Gray
Calm down America, there is a lot going on but there always is, isn't there? Fights about fracking, missing airplanes, large airplane mergers, government spying, Russia, The Rapture just broke up, Acura discontinued the ZDX and so much more. Calm down. Have a cup of tea. Did you know that tea isn't just for the British? It's true. Take a listen here.

This is a fantastic, entry-level tea. It's not bitter, kind of floral, and not really offensive in any way. Some might call that "boring" but listen, dude, listen, it is great tea. It smells like drinking tea in a garden, which just oozes laziness and placid times. It hits you in all the right places that you would want a tea to. It's warm, smooth and welcoming.

People. Look, I know things suck. These are trying times but you've got to remember that you can't control everything and you can't fix everything. You know what can fix you, though? A nice cup of tea. Now shut up, turn off your phone for fifteen minutes, and sit in that nice chair you just had to have, turn down the lights, look out the window and drink some tea.
Hot Tea
Mighty LeafWebsite@mightyleaf
United States
Non-GMO Sweetener Blend
Mike Literman on 3/14/14, 1:22 PM
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