Hydro One - 4 Reviews

Hydro One Bode Lemon Lime

Hydro One Bode Lemon Lime
I need to start polling everyone I come across like a crazy person and ask whether or not they A. like lemon lime and B. would ever purchase something that was lemon lime flavored for themselves if other options were available. I don't mind the flavor personally, but I could not tell you when the last time was that I purchased something that was lemon lime (with the exception of things to review for this site). If I were forced to take a guess I would say that it was somewhere between 15 and 20 years ago. It's just a boring, base flavor for me.

This is a solid, albeit diet tasting, lemon lime sports drink. I'm sure the company will roll the eyes at this but think Gatorade and you are pretty close. I'm sure if I drank them back to back I could pick out the differences, but from memory they are close, and that is a good starting point. A big difference is that this is sweetened with a combination of cane sugar and a stevia extract, so it's at least somewhat healthier than corn syrup and sucralose. It's got a little bit of a thickness too it, but it doesn't venture into the land of the syrupy. Overall it's not bad, and a nice option to have.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
Hydro OneWebsite@DrinkHydroOne
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 12/3/18, 11:46 AM
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Hydro One True Green Tea

Hydro One True Green Tea
Lot's of science in this bottle. Not a lot of ingredients but the ingredients in there are very much one of two things:
1: Scientific names for simple ingredients.
2: Scientific ingredients.

Either way let me put into terms that idiots like you and myself can understand:
This is lightly sweetened green tea. It's ultra-slightly bitter like a green tea should be and some of that bitterness is from the Reb A/Stevia alternative sweetener. It has zero calories and doesn't taste like something your divorced aunt would give you the two times a month you visit her disgusting apartment.

There are a whole lot of empty promises about how this will help you lose weight but it's all based off the promise that you will continuously buy this drink in hopes that you lower your calorie count. While it's not a false claim, this drink doesn't do anything but quench your thirst. It tastes good. I would drink it again but I wouldn't hold it to any sort of standards or promises. That would be ignorant of me. I'm stupid, not ignorant.
Iced Tea
Hydro OneWebsite@DrinkHydroOne
United States
Mike Literman on 10/3/18, 9:04 AM
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Hydro One REVd Blueberry & Pomegranate

Hydro One REVd Blueberry & Pomegranate
When things clearly say “Sugar Free” on them it makes me nervous. Artificial sweeteners should be filed directly in the filth bin and natural zero calorie sweeteners, while slightly more palatable, are really no prize. Typically I would prefer zero added sweeteners to something with zero calories. Hydro One has things worked out that make their products exceptions though. The beverages are sweetened with a mixture of Xylitol and Stevia, but for some reason they don't cut through the flavor of the drink like nearly every other “diet” beverage out there. I believe that reason is the addition of cinnamon. I don't know if it just happens to fall in the same taste spectrum, but where I would normally taste any variety of diet flavors, all I really get is a faint cinnamon taste. I am really on board with that.

As with the other flavors, to me this is a better version of a diet Vitamin Water. There is definitely a water base, as it is not thick like juice. The blueberry and pomegranate are not super strong, but are there more than enough to give it a proper flavoring. Of course there is that cinnamon riding through it all as well. This is a good option for those watching their sugar or calorie intake.
Diet and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Hydro OneWebsite@DrinkHydroOne
United States
Jason Draper on 10/1/18, 8:49 AM
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Hydro One REVd Pineapple & Mango

Hydro One REVd Pineapple & Mango
What sits before me is a healthy sports drink that doesn't taste like you are drinking the vat of chemicals that the Joker fell into. Sure, it has a slight diet edge to it, but it comes nowhere near the artificial taste of its contemporaries. Yes I know that their Bode line is their actual sports drink, but this is a beverage that falls under the same wheelhouse. If it makes you feel better, we can compare it to a Vitamin Water instead. Either way it has a great taste with zero sugar and zero calories. I believe their secret is that they have included a little cinnamon that really masks the stevia extract that is used to sweeten it. The cinnamon isn't very strong, but what is there sits right where the diet flavor normally hits me.

I wanted to say that the pineapple mango aspect of it could just be listed as “tropical,” but once I separated the cinnamon I can make out both specific flavors. It was formulated to support diabetic health, but against all odds, it's just plain tasty. I never thought I would ever find myself truly enjoying a zero calorie beverage of this sort, but here I am at 10am on Monday sipping away.
Diet and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Hydro OneWebsite@DrinkHydroOne
United States
Jason Draper on 9/24/18, 8:00 AM
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