Busy Bee - 4 Reviews

Busy Bee Yerba Mate Honey Mint

Busy Bee Yerba Mate Honey Mint
I don't know what to say. I'm rarely in this position but I am at a loss for words. I do not know, and I've tried, if I like this. Yerba mate has never been high on my list of things that I really like but I am 95% done with this bottle and drank all of that with an open mind. Where has that gotten me? Nowhere, really. I've been sipping on it for an entire day and I don't know what to make of it.

It's bitter. Yerba mate is bitter. It's not punishing but it doesn't go down smooth, that's for truth. The honey is masked by the flavor of the tea and the mint is nearly non-existent. I'm not penalizing it for what it is and I'm not punishing it for what it could be. This is an honest yerba mate if there ever was one but it is, for me at least, a tough pill to swallow. It's lightly sweetened but it's not for kids. If a kid likes this, they have really crunchy parents and probably real all the time. Put that in your dad's medicine pipe and smoke it if you live in whatever states weed is legal in.
Iced Tea
Busy BeeWebsite@busybeemate
United States
Wildflower Honey
Mike Literman on 6/13/17, 5:59 AM
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Busy Bee Yerba Mate Ginger Limeade

Busy Bee Yerba Mate Ginger Limeade
Busy Bee is batting 1,000. That's sports talk for rating perfectly, correct? If not, then whatever the analogy would be to say that they have achieved perfect marks is the one we will go with. I mean I guess it was no shock that if you mix yerba mate, ginger and lime you're going to have a winner on your hands. Actually for most people that might be something new and unheard of. To me it's a delicious dream.

Like all of their beverages the yerba mate is the driving force. The other flavors are just an added bonus. You can taste the ginger a decent amount, but it does not give you any burn. Normally that would equate to a complaint from me, but this drink doesn't need the burn to carry it. It is perfect just the way it is. The lime is there in a limeade fashion, as the label suggests. This is almost like the mate/limeade version of an Arnold Palmer, but with the mix 75/25 in favor of the tea.
I really can't get enough of these drinks. They are my favorite beverage that I have come across in quite some time.
Ginger and Iced Tea
Busy BeeWebsite@busybeemate
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 5/30/17, 5:25 PM
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Busy Bee Yerba Mate Orange Blossom

Busy Bee Yerba Mate Orange Blossom
There is magic in that mate. It has to be as simple as that. I don't know if it technically is classified as a tea, but for my purposes I will chose to call it that. To that end yerba mate is my tea of choice when it is in its iced form. Guayaki is the company that turned me on to this wonder, but busy Bee may be the ones who perfected it. The quantities I could drink of this are absolutely ridiculous. I don't know when the last time I was this excited about a tea was, and to that end I believe magic is involved. Now I'm not saying there are dark arts involved. It may just be some guy in the bottling plant that pulls rabbits out of hats to assume the other employees (you know the ones who look at him with disdain) breaking health code violations all day long. I believe that that enough could somehow force a little something extra into this product to make it the wonder that sits in front of me, or rather the wonder that once filled the empty bottle that sits in front of me. Is it really gone so fast?

The base of this is clearly the earthy flavor of yerba mate. It apparently is unsmoked. I didn't know that was a thing because I am a yerba mate-dummy. They are apparently doing things right though because it tastes wonderful. On top of that is a wonderful combination of orange and wildflower honey. It all melds together into greatness. Nothing is overpowering the other flavors and that is the way things should be. It tastes like it was made by someone's zany grandmother who doesn't believe in black tea and only drinks mate. She's a wise old lady with a tale for every wrinkle on her body.

Busy Bee is somehow connected to Texas Tea, which I can find around Buffalo. I can only hope this new brand/flavors make their way this far north so I can guzzle them all day long.
Iced Tea
Busy BeeWebsite@busybeemate
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 5/21/17, 3:41 PM
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Busy Bee Yerba Mate Lavender Lemonade

Busy Bee Yerba Mate Lavender Lemonade
This, my friends, is no joke. You see little old me had a sore tummy like the big baby that I am, but I really, really couldn't pass this up. I figured it was going to be extremely strong/sour and that it would upset my stomach even more. As it turns out it was completely perfect. For the most part this is a mate tea, where the lavender and the lemon are more just a flavoring than leading roles. You may find yourself asking, “What is the point? The flavor should be up front!” For some beverages you may be right, but for this everything sat just where it needed to be. This is nice and earthy with a sweetness that doesn't get too crazy. I love it. It is a bit strange to have a flavor that is known for its calming effect mixed with a stimulant. I will say that it does give it a nice flavor though.
Iced Tea and Lemonade
Busy BeeWebsite@busybeemate
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 3/4/17, 3:21 PM
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