Activate - 7 Reviews

Activate Workout Passion Fruit

Activate Workout Passion Fruit
I think I've reached my limit with stevia. I know it's healthier because it's a zero calorie sweetener and it tastes much better than the dreaded aspartame and sucralose, but I feel like it's in 80% of the new drinks that have come out this year. I'm just getting sick of it.

I really wish I could try this drink with real sugar. I think I would absolutely love it. A lightly passionfruit flavored water drink with some vitamins added to it sounds great. Unfortunately the stevia cuts through a little too much. I've heard that stevia helps bring out the natural flavors in a drink, but to me it has a very specific flavor that can combat the actual flavor of the drink a bit too much for my liking. The aftertaste of this is too stevia for me. The entire passionfruit flavor is lost after you swallow. It's unfortunate. Minus the stevia this is a great drink. I would truly enjoy this other than that.
Mix/Concentrate, Sports/Dietary Supplement and Diet
United States
Stevia Rebaudiana Leaf Extract
Jason Draper on 10/13/12, 11:24 AM
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Activate Workout Grape

Activate Workout Grape
I know that after a while this would get old, but I wish everything had the ability to mix in your own flavors like this. I guess it would be hard to do things that involved syrup and stuff so let's say all drinks that can be separated by water and drink mix should do this. What's more fun that making your own drink by twisting a cap? Well...a lot but you get me, right? It's the little things in life.

This drink, price aside, renders grape Kool-Aid obsolete. It tastes like a wonderfully blended, perfectly mixed grape Kool-Aid with a little Stevia taste but the flavor is the same. I assume that you could ask any near-toothless eight year old boy if this is Kool-Aid and he would say that it was. What a dumb kid. You know what it is but he doesn't. What a dumb little boy. He doesn't know anything about the disaster area that is the inevitable life ahead of him. If he only knew what the next ten years of homework and school and girls and Top 40 radio held for him. You can't tell him all that in one go, though, because that would destroy him. It would turn him into the cynical jerk that you have become from your years of desensitization and chronic disappointment.

This tastes like grape Kool-Aid but it's atrocious for you. You and eight year old kids agree so it has to be true.
Mix/Concentrate, Sports/Dietary Supplement and Diet
United States
Stevia Rebaudiana Leaf Extract
Mike Literman on 9/13/12, 1:25 PM
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Activate Workout Pink Grapefruit

Activate Workout Pink Grapefruit
The thing I hate about Vitamin Water is my intake of stale vitamins. There's nothing worse than taking a nice big gulp of a cool refreshing beverage and getting a mouthful of old vitamin. This is apparently what Activate wants you to think. I don't know if it's even possible for vitamins to go stale, and it has never affected the taste of my Vitamin Water, but I do like the novelty of the Activate line.

These drinks come in two parts; a bottle of water that is sweetened with stevia and a cap full of powdered vitamins. You twist one part of the cap and the vitamins drop into the water, which you then shake up. The idea is that the vitamins are healthier because they are fresh. Aren't the vitamins the same age whether they already come in the water or not? I suppose it doesn't really matter, it's still fun.

This tastes like what a modern grandmother would have for breakfast. Every morning my grandmother would cut a grapefruit in half and dust it with sugar, then chow down with the tiniest knife and spoon I have ever seen. I think she may have stolen them from some tiny race of people in the forest, but I can't be sure. So yeah, I can only assume a more health conscious modern grandmother would dust her grapefruit with stevia. If you ate said grapefruit right after eating your chewable kids vitamins, then took a sip of water then you would know exactly what this drink tastes like. The flavor is light and faint. The stevia is there, but not overpowering. Just like it should be. Well played activate. Now I just need to see if your vitamins really are fresher and healthier, or if you're just a big stupid liar head.
Sports/Dietary Supplement, Mix/Concentrate and Diet
United States
Stevia Rebaudiana Leaf Extract
Jason Draper on 1/18/12, 5:07 PM
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Activate Workout Lime

Activate Workout Lime
All week I've been gardening. I filled two giant city garbage totes with scraps of ugly rose bush shrapnel, weeds, old perennials that never really came to fruition, and rocks that someone who lived in my house before me thought was a compliment and not just annoying. Have you ever tried to take one thousand small rocks out of dirt? It blows. Today I finished weeding my whole backyard; weed treated and then laid down a layer of weed blocker. My soil is shot and it needed to be tilled like you wouldn't believe. Not to mention that it hasn't rained in a week, which I'm not complaining because I'm living the wettest summer that this city has ever seen. I don't mean that dramatically, I mean that almanatically. I planted peppers, strawberries, brussel sprouts, and as you can see in the picture, a little jelly bean plant. I saw this guy and had to buy it. I don't have the greenest thumb, but with a succulent, you have a bit of give.

So with all of this going on, and me not having a servant that would bring me a cool glass of water, I decided to go through my stock and grab something that would be both quenching and have a purpose. I picked this Activate drink up not too long ago and it was the perfect drink for the day.

Yes, its intended purpose is for workout, but seriously go to a Curves and look around. Would you say that me hand tilling, digging, planting, lifting buckets of dirt, and just general yard work is more or less than putting the treadmill on "turtle" and watching "The View"? More, right? So I don't need to necessarily "workout" to drink this now, do it?

I liked it a lot. It was a good, genuine lime flavor. The Stevia did a great job of letting that shine through. It really was nothing more than a sweetened lime flavored water. It was a bit "from powder" or "from concentrate" but I'm not holding that against them because it was. I saw it. I made it. I liked it.
Sports/Dietary Supplement, Mix/Concentrate and Diet
United States
Mike Literman on 6/12/11, 11:51 PM
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Activate Antioxidant Berry

Activate Antioxidant Berry
This drink is just plain fun. It's clear and then when you twist the cap vitamins and flavors are dropped into the drink. You shake it all up and you have yourself a fresh tasty drink. It's ingenious really. It keeps the vitamins fresh and it's more entertainment for the drinker.

Both of these that I have tried taste like children's vitamins. That is a compliment in my world. Unfortunately this one tastes a bit more diet than the other ones we're reviewed. It's sweetened with stevia, so it's not too bad, but it still has a definite diet taste. That being said I would definitely drink this again.
Sports/Dietary Supplement, Mix/Concentrate and Diet
United States
Stevia Rebaudiana Leaf Extract
Jason Draper on 5/26/11, 4:47 PM
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Activate Immunity Orange

Activate Immunity Orange
More drinks should be interactive. Ramune is the perfect example of a fun, interactive drink. It's so fun to knock that marble down into the drink. This is equally fun. Twisting the top orange part and letting the powder fall into the drink, helplessly, like someone pulled the ground from under it. It's actually pretty incredible how dark this drink gets with how little powder actually goes into it. Also, I did say powder, but they did an awesome job of formulating it so that it doesn't have that gritty, "too much powder" taste like you are drinking half juice and half sandy juice. It tastes like if you mixed orange Flintstone vitamins and Tang, two things that remind me of childhood. If I had this as a child, I could cross two things off my list. A multitasker. This drink is good and good for you. It's clichè, I know, but it's true.

It reminds me of some James Bond poisoning technique, a bit. Obviously not orange because Mr. Bond would be hip to whatever Goldfinger is trying to do to him. If he, or probably Oddjob, would use something similar to those clear fiber powders, but mixed it with a truth serum/powder, all would be lost. You and I would be living in a gold-free environment. Fort Knox would be Goldfinger's because James Bond was thirsty.

Buy it for yourself, buy it for your kids, buy it for your lover. If anyone doesn't like it, tell them that you'll never buy them anything ever again, but do it in that voice, you know the one, the one that makes it sound so personal that the other person feels like garbage and buys you a Whopper because they feel bad.
Sports/Dietary Supplement, Diet and Mix/Concentrate
United States
Mike Literman on 5/13/11, 4:12 PM
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Activate Vitamin Fruit Punch

Activate Vitamin Fruit Punch
I had very little interest in this beverage when I first picked it up, but since I had never seen it before I felt an obligation to this website. It has zero sugar; only five calories and the light color did not make it look very flavorful. None of that is very enticing to me.

The saving grace/overall coolness of this drink is the fact that there is a compartment of vitamins hidden in the cap. When you're ready to drink it you twist the red part of the lip and they drop into the drink. I've never come across a drink like that before, and it's pretty rad. The reason for it is that vitamins deteriorate and lose their potency in water. This way you get the most bang for your buck if you will.

This flavor really tasted like Flintstones Chewable Vitamins. Do they still make those? If not they should. They are tasty and made me want to take vitamins as a kid. Barney was always the best one. Do kids even know who the Flintstones are? Would Fred selling cigarettes even work nowadays? Who would be peddling those wares these days?

The use of stevia was a wise choice. It keeps the diet flavor to a minimum, and actually makes the drink enjoyable.
Diet, Sports/Dietary Supplement and Mix/Concentrate
United States
Stevia Extract
Jason Draper on 4/29/11, 3:09 PM
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