AJ Stephan's - 3 Reviews

AJ Stephan's Root Beer

AJ Stephan's Root Beer
Flagstaff is an interesting town. I would have never guessed it was in Arizona if I woke up there one day. It feels more like a small town in the mountains of Colorado. It's cold and the streets are lined with little shops. In a word, it's 'quaint'. It reminded me of that TV show Everwood. I don't think many people have ever watched it because no one ever gets my references to it.

I found this root beer in one of said shops. I probably would have never gone in if I didn't see the display of root beer bottles in the window. They had a decent selection, including this fine bottle. As I expected, it was a delicious root beer. Creamy with a nice classic taste to it. Not much bite to it, but it complimented the cool air of Flagstaff really well.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
AJ Stephan'sWebsite
United States
Cane Sugar
Derek Neuland on 11/16/11, 12:24 PM
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AJ Stephan's Birch Beer

AJ Stephan's Birch Beer
This little guy almost killed me. I opened the bottle, took a swig and I somehow swallowed it wrong and started to choke. It felt like bubbly sugary soda felt like it was dripping down into my lung sacks. For a split second I thought I was going to die. Every breath was filled with gurgling liquid. Luckily I persevered, and I am able to write you a review.

Is there such a thing as bad birch beer? If so I've never come across it. There are three categories of it, micro-brewed, county fair and candy-esque. All of them have their merits, with very little drawbacks. This falls under the candy category. It's doesn't have a gross candy flavor, but it's just way sweeter than other birch beers. It really feels like it should just be a root beer, but then the unmistakable aftertaste sets in and it's birch beer city. It's not spectacular, but it's better than most sodas. I can't complain about that.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
AJ Stephan'sWebsite
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 6/27/11, 11:46 PM
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AJ Stephan's Olde Style Raspberry Lime Rickey

AJ Stephan's Olde Style Raspberry Lime Rickey
Hey bartender, serve me up a nice cold sarsaparilla. What, you don't have any? What kind of western bar is this? Okay, then fix me up something olde timey. Don't go slippin' no alcohol in there either. No I don't want a Shirley Temple! What do I look like a child to you? A non-alcoholic rickey you say? What on Earth is that? Oh a grown up version of a Shirley Temple. I guess I could try one of those. Let me get this right. This is half a lime squeezed into a glass of carbonated water? There normally is some sort of alcohol added, but you can replace that with any juice? Sir you have sold me on this drink. I will take one with raspberry juice. I do find it odd that of all the juices in the world you have some of the raspberry variety behind that rickety old bar.

This is outstanding. It definitely has an olde time feel to it. On my first couple of sips I couldn't pinpoint exactly what it reminded me of, but when it hit me there was no denying that it tasted like a fancier Shirley Temple. I believe I may be a fan for life.
Soda Pop
AJ Stephan'sWebsite
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 5/3/11, 7:22 PM
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