Aloe Very - 3 Reviews

Aloe Very Lemonade

Aloe Very Lemonade
Talk about gross. Look, I like lemonade as much as the next guy. I like aloe drinks more than the next guy. This marriage will most certainly end in divorce because it is like an oil and water mix. It's sour but it's a bitter, undesirable sour. What's good about this? It can't be all bad.

You can taste each of the flavors. If you could somehow separate the liquid in your mouth to one side aloe and one side lemonade, you would be satisfied. Touch them together and it's a chemical reaction that could melt a house. I don't know how that's so. Maybe it's the smooth and sweetness of aloe and the bitter sourness of lemonade just compiling in to a "too many flavors" in your mouth. Whatever's happening, the fish in the Niagara River are going to have to enjoy the rest of this because I quit.
Aloe Vera, Chunky and Lemonade
Aloe VeryWebsite@AloeVeryDrink
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 1/8/15, 4:31 PM
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Aloe Very Original

Aloe Very Original
"It probably tastes like grapes." I say. "That's what it usually tastes like." I follow up. My friend Dan took this out of the fridge. I told him whatever he picks he has to take the first sip to which he agreed. He took a sip and oh, the disgust on his face. It worried me because we're usually on par when it comes to drinks. I took my own sip and man was he right. This sucks.

So let's draw a picture here as to why I came up with that blanket description. For one, it tastes medicinal. It tastes like something you would rub on a burn you got from making Jiffy Pop and trying your best, but failing, because you put your hand close to the heat. The chunks are in there but the flavor...ugh. It's a mix between plastic and rotten grapes. It's sour and bitter but it tastes as if they made it there by accident and it's not intentional.

This drink, much like that tattoo you have of a Creed lyric, is a mistake.
Aloe Vera
Aloe VeryWebsite@AloeVeryDrink
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 11/14/14, 3:17 PM
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Aloe Very Green Tea

Aloe Very Green Tea
If there are two beverages that I truly enjoy in this world it would be green tea and aloe juice. I drink at least a half-gallon of unsweetened green tea daily and back before I was watching my sugar intake so much I used to down those giant 50oz bottles of aloe all the time. The thought of that now makes me feel disgusted with myself, but man are they tasty.

This product combines those two wonderful beverages with low calories and low sugar. While that sounds great on paper, I think the lack of sugar/use of stevia takes away from the allure of the aloe. The way it is I don't like it aloe very much. See what I did there? Terrible joke. The aloe flavor that I love is nowhere to be found. I'm guessing it's obscene amounts of sugar that give it the wonderful white grapeish flavor. In addition to that the tea flavor is not very strong.

I've told you what this drink is lacking and now I'll tell you what it delivers. What I get when I take a sip is a watered down green tea that has been mixed with not-very-sweet aloe that gives it a taste that makes me think of a cleaner. All of that is sweetened with a mixture of cane sugar and stevia with a hint of honey thrown in for good measure. Doesn't sound very good, does it? Luckily it does deliver a nice smattering of vitamins and it is also very refreshing. I can only imagine drinking this on a hot summer day would quench your thirst quite nicely. Make sure you're prepared for a flavor that isn't terrible, but also one that doesn't live up to it's potential.
Aloe Vera and Iced Tea
Aloe VeryWebsite@AloeVeryDrink
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 10/27/14, 8:36 PM
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