Asante - 2 Reviews

Asante Antioxidant Dragon Fruit

Asante Antioxidant Dragon Fruit
You'd think that Vitamin Water would just buy all the flavors and close all these companies out. Sure, it would cost them a bit of money to research and test all these to make sure they are right for work. It's just that they were there first (they might not have been but I can't remember any other ones) and I just associate flavored, vitamin-enriched water with them.

So Asante found one that slipped through Vitamin Water's cracks and made it. Good for them. One more "good for them" goes towards the fact that it's pretty good. I guess these vitamin waters (notice the no caps) are just watered down juices. It's hard to say. It is different. I do like them. I like this. This is like a three quarter dragon fruit and one quarter strawberry. I like it. I don't know where Jay got it, but he got it, and I drank it, and I liked it. What more is to be said for that?
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Crystalline Fructose
Mike Literman on 8/17/12, 4:28 PM
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Asante Immune Mandarin Orange

Asante Immune Mandarin Orange
Houston, we have a problem. We've been orbiting out here in space for a few weeks now and the most disastrous of problems has come to fruition. Houston we are out of Tang! How do you expect us to be proper astronauts without this life giving powder?

Buzz, we got you covered there. Head back to the cargo bay and pop open the container that is supposed to have your back up oxygen. There you will find a few cases of Asante Immune Mandarin Orange drink. It's basically pre-made Tang. It tastes like it was made from a powder and it's just an orange flavored drink. Now Buzz, I know you would have rung my neck if you had found out we had replaced your auxiliary oxygen with drinks, but aren't you thankful now?


Buzz? Are you there Buzz! Oh no....looks like they ran out of oxygen. Oops.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Crystalline Fructose
Jason Draper on 3/8/11, 11:24 AM
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