Barq's - 3 Reviews

Barq's Red Creme Soda

Barq's Red Creme Soda
I never thought I would ever find a red cream soda better than Crush Soda Mousse. Avid readers of Thirsty Dudes are probably sick of me talking about my love for the delicious cream soda from Canada, but I don't care. It's damn good! But sadly, it's throne as the best red/pink cream soda has been taken over by this wonderful soda I have in my hand.

This soda is a tad heavier, due to the corn syrup used. Even with that handicap, the taste on this is much better. It's creamier and smoother than other red/pink cream soda's I have had. The cherry taste is also much more prominent. I know Barq's is most well known for their root beer, but both of the cream soda's that I've had by them have been incredible. My advice to Barq's: use the wide distribution network that you use for your root beer line and get these cream soda's in stores all around the country. People will buy them. I know I will.
Soda Pop
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Derek Neuland on 2/22/12, 11:20 PM
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Barq's French Vanilla Cream Soda

Barq's French Vanilla Cream Soda
Seeing as Barq's root beer is famous for untraditionally having caffeine in it, I was half expecting this also to have it. Sadly my hopes of finding a cream soda with caffeine in it will have to wait another day. This definitely lives up to having a French vanilla flavor. I gave Sheena a sip and she said it was "really sweet, and kinda salty." It's weird but she's right. It does sort of have a salty aftertaste, but it is really awesome. I found this in a gas station in the middle of Louisiana but have never seen it around Buffalo before. Hopefully i will come across it again because it is great.
Soda Pop
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Derek Neuland on 11/1/11, 12:09 AM
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Barq's Root Beer

Barq's Root Beer
Barq's is a fairly controversial root beer. I feel the populace either hates it or adores it. I will admit that in a former life as a caffeine junky I was a fiend for the stuff. At the time I thought, "Root beer with caffeine? I believe there is a god!" Yep, the often-mentioned bite in Barq's is caffeine.

It's been a long time since I've had a Barq's and I didn't know if I would ever say hello to this old friend again. When I went out to eat this evening I got a combo meal thing that was cheaper than if I got the items I wanted separately. It also included a drink. There wasn't much to choose from the in the old cooler, so I went for a Barqs. I don't mean to sound like a snob, but I've become accustomed to a fairly high standard of root beer. When I took a sip of this, it had a familiar root beer taste, but it missed the mark of what I remembered it being like. You can tell it has more spices than your run of the mill root beer, but it almost has a cola-esque undertone. Did I mention that it's really syrupy?

I will admit that it's better than I expected it to be, but it's nothing close to great. I think it's happened I think I've finally become a "grown-ass man," and I can leave the syrupy candy sodas in my past.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 4/14/11, 8:08 PM
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