Barrilitos - 3 Reviews

Barrilitos Sabor De Mexico Tangerine

Barrilitos Sabor De Mexico Tangerine
There is something about sodas from Mexico. All of the fruit flavored pop I've ever tried from that southern nation all have a similar taste to them. I don't really know what it is, but it is not present in other fruit flavored pops I've had. It's this certain sweetness that I just can't put into words. If you've tries Barrilitos, Jarritos or Goya you may know what I speak of.

So this has that specific Mexican sweetness, but it also has a fake tangerine flavor. This is to tangerines what Crush is to oranges. They don't really taste like the fruit, but we like them anyways. If tangerine sodas were in the everyday spectrum of sodas in your grocery store, this wouldn't stand out at all, but since it's rare that you get to taste a pop of this flavor I am a fan of it.

I would also like to state that I am proud of myself for not being a glutton. In the past I would have downed this 24oz bottle of soda in 10-15 minutes. It's now 5 hours later and I still have half a bottle. It's the little things, you know?
Soda Pop
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 6/4/12, 8:22 PM
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Barrilitos Pineapple

Barrilitos Pineapple
Franklin really should have been paying more attention to his travel agent when she explained the dangers of wandering outside of the tourist areas of Mexico. When she started going into her spiel of things to avoid his mind began to wander to all of the rad things he was going to do while down south of the border. He assumed she was just going to talk about not drinking the water, and he was no dummy, he knew all about that. Franklin had also watched enough television to know all about bribing the Tijuana. He was all set. Now the only thing left to do was envision trading small children sticks of gum for tours of secret wondrous locations. As I said Franklin had watched a lot of TV and he knew how things worked, or so he thought. It's now three months later and he has been tied up in some cellar beneath what he thought was a corner store. With the bag over his head he could no longer keep track of the days, but he's pretty sure he's been down there for at least a week.

Oh Franklin, where did you go wrong? Oh yeah it was that like always you didn't listen to those who knew more than you. You strayed away from the path set out for those who want to safely visit the country of Mexico, because of that insatiable thirst of yours. You saw an old faded sign on the side of a building for Barrilitos soda. You knew it was an authentic local pop, and you really wanted to try your hand at a bottle of the pineapple. You sauntered into what you thought was a store, but which turned out to be an outpost for a drug cartel and here you are in a dirty basement with no food or water, and a bag over your head. Sharon must be worried sick, but you do always find a way out of these situations. We have faith in you.

Oh yeah, I know you've been holding onto the idea that as soon as you get out you're going to celebrate with a bottle of pineapple Barrilitos. I hate to be the one to have to break this to you, but you are in for a disappointment. I know you've built up the flavor in your mind into something incredible, but it's really a sub par soda. It tastes remotely like pineapple candy on the first couple of sips, but the more you drink, the less it tastes anything like pineapple. The more you imbibe the more it just tastes like a nameless citrus soda that isn't very good. I suggest you get yourself a Jarritos instead. Please, please listen to your travel agent next time that is if there is a next time.
Soda Pop
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 3/5/12, 10:26 AM
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Barrilitos Apple

Barrilitos Apple
Dear Mexico,

It's nice to know that you and I have finally met. I have wanted to visit you for a long time. I would say that as long as I've known that tacos come from you I have wanted to visit your arid region. I don't mean that in a sexual way, and if this pen were erasable, I would have taken care of that potential double entendre. Since it is essentially written in stone, you're going to have to live with it knowing that I did not mean it.

Moving on, your locale was wonderful. If I was in the market for a 70's Volkswagen Beetle or a 90's Jeep Wrangler, I know that if I can't find one in these United States, I can always go to your area and find a trillion. I did not have a lot of time to spend on your shores and for that reason, I missed out on picking up some of your homegrown Barrilitos. You keep things simple there. Here in the states there is all sorts of marinating, saturating, and other food and drink related activities that happen that take up all our free time. You make a product like Barrilitos and take a siesta. I am envious of your "laid back" lifestyle. This drink just tastes like carbonated apple juice. Apple juice is great. Pop is great. Putting them both together is great. Tacos are the best food ever and everything can basically be taken out of can and dumped onto a tortilla; that is if you are alright with everything being cold.

In closing. I already miss you. I didn't know it got as cold as it did when we were together, but that's because I am geographically retarded and don't know what happens south of Buffalo in terms of weather patterns and no, I don't mean South Buffalo. I know what happens there and it's nothing good, I can assure you that. I hope you are having a great time without me and I know one day we will be together drinking nice glass bottles of Coke and Barrilitos.

Mike Literman
Soda Pop
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 1/6/12, 5:07 PM
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