Blenheim - 2 Reviews

Blenheim Hot Ginger Ale

Blenheim Hot Ginger Ale
This is the red cap stuff, the hot stuff. Rumored to blow the lid off your mouth. I might disagree. I'm not looking for torture, but I think that the medium, gold cap might have been hotter. That being said, this still burns. Burps hurt. Sneezes hurt. Breathing through your nose when you have some in your mouth hurts. It could be considered torture, but they are so nice to treat you to a nice, sweet taste after that you can't stay mad at them. Like if your husband hit you and then bought you a box of exquisite chocolates. Wait, that's probably not the best example. How about if you played little league baseball and the pitcher beamed you and then when you were back up to bat he lobbed you one and you knocked it out of the park. I say little league because that kind of garbage wouldn't fly in the majors, or even high school baseball. Is that better, though? I don't want you to think that domestic abuse and ginger ale are the same thing or even at all parallel, because they aren't.

This is a repeat beverage. I like the hurt that it gives me and the sweet it leaves me with. It's a good "shock" drink that you could drink and keep a straight face and give you brother's stupid girlfriend and burn her mouth off her face. It's as good for pranks as it is for quenching legitimate thirst.
Soda Pop and Ginger
United States
Mike Literman on 11/30/10, 1:20 PM
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Blenheim Ginger Ale

Blenheim Ginger Ale
Well hello there, friend. Where did that burn come from? I did not expect that. Someone was nice enough to recommend the Blenheim red cap, "hot" ginger ale and when Jay got back from tour, he came back with this one. I knew the name looked familiar when I saw it today in the fridge. This is just the "medium" ginger ale but it's got a serious punch that I am proud to say that I liked through and through. I like ginger ale a lot and this isn't your Pep Pep's ginger ale. It's sweet, but the burn quickly takes over. Don't worry, though. It leaves you with a nice mid-sweet/mid-hot aftertaste.

I can't say enough good things about this drink. Get some and leave some comments about your impressions. I can't wait to get my hands on a red cap.
Soda Pop and Ginger
United States
Mike Literman on 11/16/10, 11:11 AM
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Amazon.comGalco’s Pop Stop
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