BodyArmor - 12 Reviews

BodyArmor Super Drink Tropical Citrus

BodyArmor Super Drink Tropical Citrus
In my sick position, I think I need to sit back and evaluate the amount of citrus I have coming in and going out of my system. I've been really good this winter and now that it's coming to a close, I think that in the change of seasons, I seem to have contracted a bit of a cold. What better way to combat it than with a barrage of EmergenC, honey, green tea and other stuff. I think that this is doing a pretty good job. It's citric and tastes primarily of pineapple. It got a picture of a coconut, grapes, oranges and pineapple on the front although none of them are credited on the back of the bottle. That's strange. I'll keep that in the back of my mind for another time.

This is good, though. I enjoy the taste of it and I think that it might have a base of coconut water that is delightfully covered up by said taste. It's certainly citric but nothing specific. That rhymes. Hey Danny Brown, use that on your next record. "Citric" and "specific." Do with it what you want. Just come out with another record. I'm so anxious.

This is good, though. I enjoy the taste of it and I think that it might have a base of coconut water that is delightfully covered up by said taste. It's certainly citric but nothing specific. That rhymes. Hey Danny Brown. Use that on your next record. "Citric" and "specific." Do with it what you want. Just come out with another record. I'm so anxious.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 3/11/15, 3:33 PM
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BodyArmor Super Drink Strawberry Banana

BodyArmor Super Drink Strawberry Banana
I'll tell you something and you're not going to like it, Carlos. I don't like bananas. I know you're crazy about them joints but me, man, I don't like them. You just handed me this drink and I don't know man, I don't think I can handle it. I'm not allergic or anything but I just don't like them. You don't have anything else to drink? Man. You know what, dude? I'll do it.

Carlos, I might owe you an apology. Maybe you know me better than I thought. Maybe you know me better than I know myself because this drink isn't bad and even though there is a hint of banana, I'm not about to spike it in your living room like you would a controller when I whoop you in Halo. This is mostly strawberry, which everyone loves and you can't taste the coconut too much and this has been sitting there for a while. That's when coconut blows is when it's warm. The banana, yeah, it's in there but I'm not eating a banana and this is accompanied by better, stronger fruits.

Dude, alright. That grief I gave you earlier, you didn't deserve it. I had a bad day. I ate a bad breakfast burrito and it disagreed with me. I'm alright now, man. Sorry. Now grab that controller. I'm'a whoop you!
Coconut and Juice
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 6/30/14, 2:42 PM
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BodyArmor Super Drink Blueberry Pomegranate

BodyArmor Super Drink Blueberry Pomegranate
The beverage world, and the flavor world at large went crazy with pomegranate a few years back. It was everywhere. They started mixing it with other fruits and the results were largely positive. Then someone decided to throw acai in the mix because of the health benefits, and that's where I lost interest. Before long it seemed that everywhere you turned pom and acai were teamed up like the Justice League of antioxidants. The thing is acai doesn't taste all that great. Sure it's palatable, but it's nothing I would go out of my way for.

When I got this drink it brought a smile to my face that that dumb super fruit was nowhere to be found. I'm going to associate acai with Superman here. They both have powers, but they are overall dumb characters that always seem like they are cheating. I suppose that would make pomegranates Batman then. They are dark and mysterious with secrets hidden below their thick outer shell. I can get behind pomegranates. I was also glad to see that pom is working together with blueberries in this mix. We'll call them Nightwing because they are working together and not as a superhero/sidekick team.

This is a wonderful drink that fights antioxidants (crime) enough to keep them out of your body (Gotham) long enough for it to recuperate. They do it in a tasty and enjoyable way with a little bit of help from coconut water (Oracle…€¦see I told you Nightwing was more appropriate). This is actually more of a blueberry adventure with pomegranate backing it up. Speaking of which, why are there not more, if any, blueberry coconut waters. I would drink that up by the gallon.

This drink will leave you refreshed and rehydrated whilst leaving a sweet taste on your tongue. I'm going to assume that most of my references were lost on a majority of you, but just know that if I'm associating a beverage with Gotham's finest; I mean business.
Coconut and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 10/30/13, 4:07 PM
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BodyArmor Super Drink Orange Mango

BodyArmor Super Drink Orange Mango
Carlos was a man who knew his juice. He drank it all the time. He never drank pop and probably drank more juice than water. He drank more juice than he ate fruit. He likes the good stuff, though. He didn't drink run of the mill "drink" type juices. He went for the higher end stuff.

One day he was in a lull of drinks. There was nothing new and nothing interesting. All of a sudden he came across a bottle of Body Armor. He was attracted to the nice packaging. He read the ingredients and saw that it was gluten free which was a plus, and it was filled with not only orange and mango juice but also vitamins and minerals turning this into the "Super Drink" it said that it was.

He bought it without hesitation, cracked it open, and took a sip. He was pleased. Not only did he get a good tasting orange juice but also the mango kick was a good pair. There was also a ten percent bonus coconut water in there, too.

He felt good. He didn't feel like it was too sweet and actually the coconut water gave it a little bit of a different dimension with bite. He had found a new drink that made him a happy man.
Coconut and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 9/27/13, 3:35 PM
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BodyArmor Super Drink Fruit Punch

BodyArmor Super Drink Fruit Punch
Hank went on a cruise. Hank loved cruises. He would go anywhere that the boat told him to go. He was like a lemming when it came to sight seeing. The people at the docks would say, "Sir. Do you want to go to swim with the dolphins?" and he would almost never not do it. The only time he would say no would be when he saw a souvenir shop in a country that he hadn't been to and just needed to get a key chain to add to his collection.

Hank loved going to shore as much as he loved going on the ship but when he was on the ship, he would eat a copious amount of fruit. One day, he came from the shore with a coconut. He knew that he would have to use it before he got back to the States because they couldn't bring it back into the country. He decided to have some fun with it.

He went to the cafeteria at night and got a bowl full of fruit. He got cherries, apples, pineapples, and oranges. He brought them to the kids pool which was now empty as the kids were asleep. He hated getting sticky so he went into the pool with all the fruit. He started mushing up all the fruit into a cup; one fruit at a time into the cup. Finally, when all the fruit was properly mushed up, he put some of the coconut juice into the cup. He took one sip and regretted not doing it sooner. It tastes like a fruit punch that was properly sweetened not with corn syrup but with the natural sugar from the fruit as well as some raw sugar packets from the cafeteria. It was slightly chalky because of the coconut water but still very drinkable.

Just as he finished his drink, some of the deckhands saw him and chased him out of the kid's pool. He ran away holding his cup but dropping a trail of squished fruit and seeds along the way. The security aboard the ship found his room easily and just told him not to make a mess in the pool anymore. He obliged and sat quietly in his room and drank what was left of his concoction.
Coconut and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 9/19/13, 5:30 PM
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BodyArmor Super Drink Mixed Berry

BodyArmor Super Drink Mixed Berry
Body Armor is back with a couple new flavors and a few old ones reworked a little. The release of the new “mixed berry” flavor is an update to their Raspberry, Blueberry Goji beverage. The packaging is basically the same as the old version, and the flavor isn't that far off as well. It tastes of many berries, antioxidants and coconut water, which is good because that is exactly what it is.

It's nice that there are so many options out there in a world that for years was Gatorade or nothing. I would say that 8 out of 10 times I would choose this over a classic sports drink. As an added bonus to the flavor with each bottle you get 2.5 times the electrolytes as a bottle of Gatorade and 2 times the vitamins that are in Vitamin Water. You're getting flavor and more functionality. It looks like this is a win-win.
Coconut and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 9/9/13, 10:55 AM
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BodyArmor Super Drink Pomegranate Acai Green Tea

BodyArmor Super Drink Pomegranate Acai Green Tea
In my opinion, which is an opinion of a self-appointed, semi-professional drink reviewer, I have been on the fence about Body Armor. I know what they're doing and I know what they're going for, but something in their mix hasn't played well with my palate. They've got a real "health food" approach to juice. "It can be good and good for you" and all that jazz. I appreciate that, I really do.

As I have said on multiple occasions, acai is pretty gross. It is pretty bitter and always leaves a bad aftertaste. All the time, every time. I have liked it in some cases, but there is no in between. It's either really prominently bitey or not too bad and I'm impressed and think, "Hey, maybe I do like acai." but then I get a drink like this that has it in it and I hate it again.

Since I'm playing with fake ratios and percentages like a science teacher who accidentally made his way into an algebra class but stayed there because the superintendent was in the class sitting in and he didn't want to look like a total loser, I will continue on my way. This drink is 75% good. First sip, to swish, it's good. Real nice drinkability. You get some pomegranate in there, you like it. You get some other stuff in there, whatever that is, and you like that, too. Then you swallow because you can't just drink and drink and drink and not breathe. Do you think that Body Armor wants that on their hide? Nope-ahh. Suffocation? No. They don't. I will skip right on past their PR manager on that one and answer for the company with no need for their clearance. Then, when it's done and you've swallowed, thar she blows. Acai. Crap factory.

As a whole, this is a good drink. One rotten fruit will not hold me, or this company down. I would like to let the world know, that because a fruit is labeled as a "superfruit" does not mean you need to use it in everything. You know what's delicious? Cantaloupe. Use that in more drinks.
Coconut and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Mike Literman on 9/9/11, 5:19 PM
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BodyArmor Super Drink Strawberry Banana Guava

BodyArmor Super Drink Strawberry Banana Guava
I had no idea this was 10% coconut water before I opened it. Judging by the taste, you'd think they'd want to put that in the flavor name. It has a strawberry-coconut-guava taste that is really good! I don't usually enjoy banana juices, but I was looking forward to trying this due to the banana. I was hoping it was going to be delicious and make me like banana drinks. Sadly, this was not the case because I didn't taste any banana in it. Replace the banana with coconut in the name and it would more accurately describe this flavor.
Coconut and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Derek Neuland on 9/3/11, 6:41 PM
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BodyArmor Super Drink Orange Mango Black and Green Tea

BodyArmor Super Drink Orange Mango Black and Green Tea
Sitting here all day...working...but waiting...waiting all of the day. Waiting for what? Waiting for a new computer for my work. I'm anxious because it's always fun to get a new computer. Setting up everything the way you want it and removing everything you don't is what's fun. I love it. A nice, speedy new machine is fantastic. Now it's twenty to four and FedEx still hasn't gotten here even though they said they were going to be here. They'd better not be a pile of liars or I'm going to be really upset.

As I wait, this last hour I have been milking this Body Armor drink. It's not bad at all. It's got a sincere citrus flavor. I would say more orange than mango and I couldn't really taste any tea in it but since it's so many (four) flavors, they all kind of blend together. I mean that in a good way, like when you've got V8 and you're like, "There is no way that all of these vegetables taste good at the same time blended up like this." Boy, are you proven wrong every single time.

So it's been ten minutes and the computer isn't here and now I'm out of this drink. Not my day.
Coconut, Iced Tea and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Mike Literman on 8/15/11, 3:57 PM
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BodyArmor Super Drink Tropical Mandarin

BodyArmor Super Drink Tropical Mandarin
For as long as I hold this drink in my mouth without swallowing, it tastes exactly like I bit into a mandarin orange. I'm completely shocked with how authentic and natural it tastes, especially with the number of ingredients that are in here. As soon as you swallow the taste of the coconut water sets in. It's smooth and refreshing. This is great ice cold, but I can imagine it would taste like garbage if it were warm.

The label would have you believe that this is one of the healthiest drinks in existence. Who am I to argue? It is chock full of vitamins and minerals.
Coconut and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Jason Draper on 7/29/11, 11:28 AM
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BodyArmor Super Drink Cranberry Citrus

BodyArmor Super Drink Cranberry Citrus
Yesterday I went on a boat. I am not good at boats. I took some Dramamine in hopes that it would eliminate my sickness but the seas were rough that day, my friend. Up and down and up and down. I tried that trick where you look at the horizon but it was to no avail. I was feeling ill and no amount of worthless medicine could help. If anything, the Dramamine made me nothing but tired and antisocial. In retrospect, I would have rather not taken the medicine, thrown up, and been done with it. Atop of that, we decided to bring Max, my ever pleasant/jerk son who decided to cry half the time.

Here we are, post boat, and I feel awful. My head is spinning and I can't do anything about it, but I hate taking medicine and refuse. I really don't know why I took that Dramamine. I need something to fix me. I reached for some Body Armor in hope that it can truly "prevent and protect" me from any further feelings of disgust.

I was surprised to see that coconut worked his pasty white face into this drink. I couldn't taste him (gross) but he was in the mix. There are also a handful of vitamins and minerals to keep you "right" but I didn't get a lot of either cranberry or citrus. Maybe a little of each, but not enough to really call it "Cranberry Citrus". Had they just called "Prevent + Protect" that would have been different because I wouldn't go in expecting anything.

The taste isn't bad but you know that there is something in there that is good for you because the flavor isn't that of a juice. Maybe that's coconut man rearing his head, blending with tasty things and mixing them all up. It a bold, fruity flavor but don't expect a juice because you couldn't be more wrong.

My headache is still here and this drink didn't do anything except quench my thirst. You know what cures headaches? Sleep. You know what doesn't cure headaches? Blaring SikTh's "Death of a Dead Day", which is what I'm doing now.
Coconut and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Mike Literman on 7/18/11, 6:29 PM
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BodyArmor Super Drink Raspberry Blueberry Goji

BodyArmor Super Drink Raspberry Blueberry Goji
Dude Mikey you're totally getting slaughtered in your D&D campaign. Every hit you take is nearly killing you. You really need to step up your defense. That elf just slapped you and it took away half of your remaining hit points. That is no way to live my friend. You should probably down this Body Armor drink. It says right on the bottle that it's made to “prevent and protect.” I imagine that it will turn your game right around and you can crush that backhanding elf. What do you mean that's not the way the game works? This stuff is chock full of ingredients that will protect you. There's even a little chart on the label that tells you what's in it to help you recover and it also will keep you hydrated because of the coconut water and various other things it contains. I mean sure the goji berry overpowers any other flavor that is supposed to be contained within and makes you think that oxidants are running away in fear, but isn't that what you wanted; to be safe and to recover? What do you mean that you appreciate the drink, but that's not how the game works? What are you talking about dice for? Wait, you have to roll dice to decide on your levels. Well that just seems boring. I just wanted to deal with some sweet dragons. Apparently that's never going to happen here because you're now deceased due to a slight breeze. Learn to roll your dice better next time.
Coconut and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Jason Draper on 7/13/11, 9:08 PM
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