Bot - 7 Reviews

Bot Water Concord Grape

Bot Water Concord Grape
In an attempt to appease me with my request for non-colored drinks, Bot has come out with this concord grape water that isn't at all purple. That's a good way to differentiate between a cherry, lemon, grape, chocolate drink; just change the labels.

In all honesty, this drink came out way before I mentioned that novel idea to save companies money and save people's tongues from becoming blue when they drank/ate anything blue raspberry.

If you've never had Bot water, it's good, low calorie, and pretty flavorful. This grape is no different. No, it's not as good as that Blue Plum one I had a while back, but it's good. It does taste like concord grape, but I would say smells more like it than it tastes. They're all about light flavoring and optimum refreshment so this drink is right on par with their little schtick that they're running with. Water that tastes like concord grapes. You want it? Here it is.
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 10/24/11, 3:04 PM
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Bot Water Blue Plum

Bot Water Blue Plum
Ladies, ladies, no need to argue. You can both have what you want. Samantha, you can have a water and Carolyn, sorry, Caroline you can have a nice juice. Now look, I know you both didn't want to meet each other like thing, but I can assure you, no funny business is going on between any of us. Samantha, I enjoy your company because you like to go to the movies, and Caroline, I like to be with you because we go to fancy restaurants. Now although I didn't want you to ever meet each other, perhaps it's a good thing that you met my wife, my kids and I here at Applebees. It gives everyone a chance to air his or her grievances.

Honey, I know you're upset because I've been spending a lot of time at work when, in fact, I've been catching the latest summer blockbusters with Samantha. Samantha, I know you've been upset because I am always full and that's because a lot of times I just came back from dinner with Caroline. Caroline, I know you're at your wits end because I never want to stay over at your house and the answer to that is that I'm a married man and don't sleep around.

Sure, I entertain the company of several women, but I only love my wife, and that doesn't make me a monster, does it? Sure, I've been lying a bit, but it's just to keep you all apart so we don't ruin the good thing that we've got going. Speaking of good things, while I was at the store I picked up this Bot water. This is why I'm happy we can get together and I can please all of you at the same time. It's a blue plum flavor, which I have never heard of, and I'm a botanist. Apparently I'm not a good one. Right ladies? That was a joke. So anyhow, Samantha, you can drink this and be refreshed and quenched because you always drink a lot of water. Caroline, you love juice and order it whenever we go out to eat. Honey, you can drink this in its entirety and just plain old enjoy it because it's delicious. It's just sweet enough that you keep coming back for more. Also, ladies, you'll all come together on this, that it's not bad for you. If you all split this three ways, it would be less than twenty calories.

So lets all sit down, I'll have the waiter bring over one of those Ultimate Trios that we can all split and we can just talk. Ladies, you are all wonderful and since I've been honest, I can honestly hope that you will pick up the tab because I left my wallet in the car.
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 6/17/11, 12:00 AM
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Bot Water Valencia Orange

Bot Water Valencia Orange
I'm pretty sure BOT may have been contracted by NASA to make this beverage. I can think of no other reason why this smells so much like Tang. It's what astronauts drink, in case you didn't know. Not only do they drink it, but Thirsty Mike used to drink an obscene amount of it when we used to live together. He had a huge tub of the powder that me mixed with water in an old juice container. That powder had a very specific smell that has been exactly replicated by BOT. The flavor is also there, but in a subtle way. You may expect this to be just another version of Vitamin Water, but it stands on it's own. It tastes more like flavored water. It's also has more natural ingredients. The bottle boasts, "Low calorie. No Artificial Sweeteners. No Dyes. No Preservatives. No Sodium." BOT has taken the original Tang and made it better. They want to make sure that our fellow Americans in space get their vitamins, electrolytes and antioxidants. They care about our nations heroes. Well at least they do in my head. They were really probably just trying to make orange flavored water, and the whole Tang thing came as an accident, but a boy can dream.
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 5/17/11, 10:47 PM
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Bot Water Mixed Berry

Bot Water Mixed Berry
I'm a stupid idiot. I don't like painted wood. Why did you install wood with it's nice grains if you were just going to paint it. I can't imagine how awesome my house would look if all the wood was stained instead of lazily painted white. So, since I don't like painted wood, and I own my own house, I took all of the doors off the hinges to strip them. Here's a question for the general public; Did you know that stripping wood is exhausting and tedious work and nothing about it is easy? I tried using stripping chemicals and they just kind of melted the paint. I am currently using a heat gun and it's working, but about two inches at a time. It's tiring and when I got done today, I looked through my stock of drinks and knew that I needed something refreshing. Water? Or juice? I saw that red bottle looking at me and I grabbed it. It was nice. A little sweet and a little flavored. More than a lot of the Hint stuff but still less than a juice that would be too sweet. This was good. It's super low in calories and you can slam it until your heart is content, or until it's time to go back out and scrape more wood. Me? I've got three full doors and one half of another one. I'm closer to starting than to finishing and that blows. Once again, I'm an idiot, but a quenched idiot.
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 4/23/11, 3:15 PM
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Bot Water Meyer Lemon

Bot Water Meyer Lemon
For a while now I've seen these little guys sitting on the shelf of Wegman's natural drink aisle. They used to have a different design with robot animals on them. It looked like a kids drink, and I'm not a huge fan of flavored water so I always passed it by. I can only imagine that there was a meeting at the company where they decided to change their image in order to reach a wider market. I keep picturing the Paul F Tompkins bit about peanut brittle. Someone surely must have yelled "I want five modern fonts on my desk by five o'clock! That's right five by five!" I think the decision they made was a wise one. The new look of Bot looks "new" and "fresh," but at the same time it could still be alluring to children. Bright colors will do that.

On to my other concern: do you remember in the 90's when flavored water was all the rage? I certainly do. I can also tell you that every one that I tried was terrible. The water would be flavored, but for some reason the companies felt compelled to add artificial sweetener. It's water people. It doesn't need to be sweetened. A little fruit flavor in there and you should be all set. The powers that be and I did not see eye to eye. As a result I avoided flavored waters.

About ten years ago or so Vitamin Water popped up. For the longest time I didn't try it because of my previously mentioned reasons. When I finally did I was shocked to see that I actually enjoyed it. It was a gross between the gross flavored waters of the 90's and Gatorade. Similar companies started popping up. Bot is going for something along those lines as well. The thing is that their water drinks are a lot thinner than their counterparts. This has more of the consistency of water than other ones I've tried. The flavor is also lighter, but it's definitely there and enjoyable.

Does this taste like a bottle of water with a lemon in it? No. Does it taste like a syrupy mess? Also, no. It's in the middle ground right where I like it to be.
United States
Raw Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 4/18/11, 3:32 PM
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Bot Water Key Lime

Bot Water Key Lime
Tonight, I was accompanied by a tickle in my throat. It was an unwelcome guest that I couldn't get rid of fast enough. I didn't ask for it, and it's not like I didn't drink anything all day. I drank many glasses of tea and no water. I know, I should drink more water, but it's hard when there is tea in the fridge. It's unsweetened tea, so I don't want to hear anything from dentists, dentist apprentices which just occurred to me is a pretty killer rhyme but I don't know where I would use it in a rap lyric, or any other profession that cares about teeth. I don't need you professionals or 2-week course takers telling me what to do. I know what's going on in my mouth and although I don't floss as much as I would like/need, I eventually get around to it and if you accompany me on the bus in the morning, you will rate me in the high percentile of dental hygiene. Seriously, there was a dude on the train last month in 20-degree weather sweating profusely in only an unzipped hoodie. So don't tell me.

While you're not telling me anything, don't tell me that I should have had a key lime pie by now because some people just don't have time to experiment with new pie flavors when there are apple and pumpkin pie lying around to be eaten. That being said, I have had key lime jellybeans and although they're not my favorite, they're not terrible and I feel, a fair representation of the general idea behind key lime. This drink was pretty good. It was lighter than the
grape Bot drink, but this was more quenching and less juice. It was good. Light on the flavor, lighter on the sweetness, and quite fulfilling for what I needed it for, the aforementioned throat tickler.

My throat is now fine and I owe it all to you, Bot. Thanks.
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 4/6/11, 8:41 PM
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Bot Water Grape

Bot Water Grape
Dear Bot,

I would like to take this opportunity to apologize for what I said earlier. Do you recall many years ago when I first had your berry flavored friend and I didn't like it? I was young. I don't know what I was thinking. Do you remember those ten days I had dreadlocks? Do you remember that time that I long-boarded down that hill, fell off my board, and fell head first down and scraped up my hands? Do you remember the time that Connor and I soaked a tennis ball in gas, lit it on fire, and then proceeded to play hockey in the cul-de-sac growing up? I was a very stupid kid. I did a lot of dumb stuff. This is just three of the gallons and gallons of things that I did that weren't so smart. Loving you was one those things.

I know Valentine's Day has come and gone and, once again, I have forgotten about you. I never claimed to be a good companion. I have said, "I love you, Lisa" to a girl called Sarah.

There are a lot of things that I've messed up in my life, and not drinking you for so long has been one of them. After drinking you today, I forgot that you're a borderline juice. You are light, flavorful, and actually quite good. I wish I had you on ice, rather than lukewarm, but all the same, you tasted great and will be a nice addition to my "flavored water" family. You always were just the right amount of sweet and just the right amount of fruit.

So, in closing it's not you, it's me. It always has been, and for that, I'm sorry.
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 2/17/11, 1:39 PM
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