Brisk - 10 Reviews

Brisk Iced Tea Mango Flavor

Brisk Iced Tea Mango Flavor
I'm pretty sure that if I was at some sort of gathering for my ladyfriend's family/friends and I was given this to drink, I would lean over and whisper/plead in her ear “Do I have to?” It would be an honest question as well, because I have no concept of how far I have to take social niceties so that I don't seem like a complete mutant. I don't often interact with “normal people” or grownups (yes I know I'm 35, but I swear I'm still a kid), and as a result I don't know how to properly act around them and I have a tendency to anger people or make them feel uncomfortable. So when someone hands you an iced tea by a company who doesn't have a great track record (and you've already turned down their offers for beer and other alcoholic beverages several times), can you say no thank you, or do you just accept it with a smile?

I will say that had I accepted with a smile, I wouldn't have been terribly disappointed. This is lacking the harshness that normally accompanies the Brisk name. It's also sweetened by a mixture of high fructose corn syrup and sucralose, which makes it more palatable. I mean sure it still tastes more like sweetened liquid than it does actual tea, but would you expect anything different?

There is no real mango in here, but it still mimics the taste at least slightly. I have to admit that this is the most reserved flavor of Brisk I have yet to encounter. Nothing is blasting you in the face. It's pretty calm on all fronts. It's still not great, but it's something I can sip on without grumbling too many complaints.
Iced Tea
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 7/31/14, 3:09 PM
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Brisk Half & Half Cherry Limeade

Brisk Half & Half Cherry Limeade
You've got Brisk, aka, the worst "iced tea" money can buy, right? Let's all be civil about this and just come together and agree on this one thing. You've got Israel and Palestine, which no one can agree on. That's fine. I think they call that a "stalemate" right? An unwinable situation. Brisk is cut and dry. Black and white. You've got that. We have to live in this world and lets call it like it is.

You've got Brisk. You mix brisk with lemonade and cherry and you get...drumroll...a weak cherry lemonade juice conglomerate. It's not terrible and it's actually better the more room temperature it gets. Maybe that's the problem I've been having all these years is that I like a nice, cold iced tea and I've been giving myself these things that my body craves but with Brisk, it's the opposite. I should be drinking it like I drink a hot chocolate. Sounds completely unrefreshing but who knows? This, once lukewarm, loses the bite that Brisk has and you can taste some cherry and some lemonade. I should put those in quotes. Let's try that again. It tastes like "cherry" and "lemonade." It's like an artist depiction of those flavors. It tastes like a cherry and like lemonade but isn't one of those things. It's close. If you could have something taste a fraction of what it tastes like, that's what this is. It's not weak, it just doesn't taste like what it's "supposed" to taste like.

There has been a lot of quoting in this. Maybe this whole thing is an art installation. I'm waiting for someone to come in wearing sweater shorts and no shirt with a noose around their neck that says something like "Mother" and music plays that is nothing but someone yelling, "Father." Am I plagiarizing someone's art exhibit? If so, you should stop being an artist and pursue something else, like customer service or call center operator.
Iced Tea, Juice and Lemonade
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 4/25/14, 4:50 PM
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Brisk Half & Half Tropical Lemonade

Brisk Half & Half Tropical Lemonade
Brisk has expanded their list of beverages with their new Half & Half line. We've talked a lot of trash about this company throughout the years, yet they took the high road and sent us some samples of the new flavors. I didn't know they had it in them, but that was a classy move.

When I first saw this, my initial thought was, “Of course it's Brisk, so there is a ridiculous amount of it.” 24oz of their products seemed like more than any human should really ingest. This though, this was something different. For starters in order to cut down the amount of sugar in the drink they mixed high fructose corn syrup and sucralose. The result was only 13g of sugar per serving (39 per tall boy). It sounds like an absolute disaster, but somehow they have made it work. It's not very syrupy and yet it doesn't taste diet at all. Actually it doesn't have that harsh Brisk flavor at all. I was pleasantly surprised that I actually enjoyed this.

This tastes like 3 parts mango and passionfruit green tea and one part lemonade. Actually the ratios might be even more skewed as I hardly taste the lemonade. It tastes like a version of bubble tea (minus the tapioca) that would be available in a gas station. It's not mind blowing, but it has its merits and is much better than I anticipated. I would happily drink this again, I just wish it came in a smaller container, as I have no self control when it comes to beverages and I drink until it's gone. Good thing I don't partake in alcohol, or my life would be a mess.
Lemonade and Iced Tea
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 3/29/14, 3:52 PM
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Brisk Iced Tea & Lemonade

Brisk Iced Tea & Lemonade
How to the people at Brisk sleep at night, knowing the damage they have wrought to the world of iced tea? Brisk is to iced tea what sour apple flavoring is to apples. They are about as far removed as you can be from the original and still share a base name. It just gives iced tea a bad name for those out there who haven't (for some reason or another) tasted real, decent tea.

While I disagree with this line, I have to admit that this flavor is a little bit of alright. It is not amazing, it's not even really all that good, but I did have a one liter bottle of it, and over two sittings I drank the entire thing. None of it got dumped down the drain, like I had expected. White it definitely has their classic “iced tea” in there, the lemonade makes up for it. It gives it a nice balance, and on a nice hot day like today I will begrudgingly say it hits the spot.

I am concerned that the ingredient list reads: water, high fructose corn syrup…€¦. Seriously, the sweetener so high on the list? That's just kind of disgusting. Shockingly there are only 44g of sugar in this entire bottle. I expected it to be in the 60s, but that is still a lot.
Iced Tea and Lemonade
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 6/20/13, 4:52 PM
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Brisk Sweet Tea

Brisk Sweet Tea
If there is one thing I've learned in my 33 years on this planet it is that Brisk is the bastardization of tea. It doesn't even particularly taste like tea. It's more of flavored sugar water. One might think that with that being the way the world is perhaps Brisk would be able to make a decent sweet tea, since it also entails a butt load of sugar. One would be wrong, so very wrong. Not only does this not taste like any tea that you would brew (which sometimes is an okay thing, it's just a different flavor), but they also used high fructose corn syrup instead of real sugar. In my world, and the world's of a majority of the people in this country it's not sweet tea unless there is real sugar involved. It's the taste of the sugar that makes it a sweet tea. So they got the tea aspect wrong, and the sweetener. The only real thing this has going for it is that kids aren't very familiar with the taste of proper tea and they love super sweet drinks, so they will probably drink this by the gallon. Luckily for them this comes in a one liter bottle, which is supposed to contain 4 servings, but you know most of the slobs that would buy this would drink it all in a sitting.

Note to our readers: I drank less than a quarter of this. As a grown ass man I don't need this garbage in my life.
Iced Tea
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 3/8/13, 11:55 AM
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Brisk Raspberry

Brisk Raspberry
Sometimes I feel dumb reviewing things everyone in the world has had but then I think that someone out there wants to hear what I have to say about something that they know rather than something that they don't know. I will say this; iced tea should not let out an audible "psst" when you open the cap. There is nothing in iced tea that is natural that should do that so it's either their high pressure sealing technique or something else but I don't like it. I do think that this is light years better than their regular Brisk. That stuff is undrinkable. I feel that the raspberry kind of takes the edge off a bit. Raspberry is the mediator between good and evil.

This came in a giant bottle for a dollar and that's a bit much. I would have paid more for less if the quality were there. I have done it before and would do it again. Look, I know this isn't anything that people don't know and think every day like "tacos are delicious" but I'm putting it out there so someone reads it and turns things around. No one would be offended if Lipton dropped the Brisk line all together and focused on their PureLeaf or 100% Natural line because this tea is cheap garbage. I mean that in the nicest way, Lipton.
Iced Tea
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 4/17/12, 2:32 PM
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Brisk Peach Iced Green Tea

Brisk Peach Iced Green Tea
If you were a teenage slacker in the 90's like I was, you probably made several trips a day to a corner store/mini mart. They were a right of passage for our kind. It was somewhere to waste time and get junk food; a win-win situation. I drank more Brisk in my day than anyone probably should. I didn't know better. I was young and new to the iced tea game. I thought Brisk was great. I would have drunk it by the gallon if it was available in that large of a quantity. Basically, I was an idiot. Now I'm a grown ass man and I am a bit of a tea coinsure. I understand that Brisk is garbage tea. Actually, it probably shouldn't even be classified as tea, as it's more sugar than actual tea. Is there even any real tea in Brisk? That being said I haven't touched the stuff in quite a while.

Last week Mike and I went on a little shopping spree at a local super market to pick up some of the more common drinks that we have overlooked thus far for Thirsty Dudes. I ended up with this bottle of peach green tea Brisk. I knew it was going to be pretty gross, and at a liter it was going to get continuously worse. I drank it throughout the day at work and I was pretty spot on. I checked the ingredients and there is no mention of actual tea in it at all. The peach flavor is super intense. It doesn't taste like real peaches at all. It tastes like those gummy peach rings in the bulk section. It's basically fake peach flavored sugar water. Since it doesn't contain actual tea, it's not surprising that it doesn't taste like green tea. I would actually say that their version of green tea is really just a lighter version of their normal tea, which kind of remotely tastes like tea. Lipton I know you have it in you to make some quality teas. I'm tasted them and they are great. I think it's time you put the Brisk line to rest. You're better than it. You know it. I know it. The whole world knows it.
Iced Tea
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 4/7/12, 4:07 PM
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Brisk Lemonade

Brisk Lemonade
I really like ice cream. Who doesn't? It's great. It comes in a million flavors and now that I've got a girlfriend who doesn't like peanuts in her ice cream, or in anything, I am very limited to the slew of varieties available. Yesterday we psychically saw into each other's deepest desires and both thought that we needed ice cream. I went to the bodega across the street and, like always and because I'm me, I had to check out the drink selection. I came across this dude and bought it without looking back. I also bought classic cookie dough ice cream, because it's delicious and doesn't have nuts in it. A prerequisite.

I was thirsty so I slammed the can pretty quickly and like most Brisk drinks, it's got a little bit of a sting, but you can easily confuse the sting of the corn syrup and whatever garbage they put in there with the natural, inherent sting of a good lemonade. If you just give the drink the benefit of the doubt, this isn't bad. It's also nice to think that you might have an alright lemonade available to you year round. It's a good "in a bind" lemonade and it's not at all natural but sometimes your body just needs crap in it. Like why I go to McDonald's once every six months, so I can truly appreciate "the good stuff."
Juice and Lemonade
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 10/20/11, 11:18 AM
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Brisk Mango Dragonfruit

Brisk Mango Dragonfruit
If I were the Green Lantern, I would have no idea what to do since I have never read a single line about him. Silver Surfer rides on ice roads over the city. That's awesome. Batman has an underground lair with a mansion above. That's awesome. Spiderman...Spiderman has sweet video games where you can climb to the top of the city swing all the way down and grab onto a light pole and save your own butt. I guess I'm giving superheroes credit that they deserve and kind of talked down to superheroes that I just don't know anything about.

I've recently been upset that I didn't get into graphic novels and comic books as a kid. I don't read real books and fall asleep to anything that's not a programming manual. Picture books are great. A couple lines of text and some great action and images are what an idiot like me needs. Clearly in this particular case, I needed the previous knowledge to know what I'm talking about. I don't care. I'll get there eventually.

If the Green Lantern had a drink that was made exclusively for him, this isn't a bad start. I know, it's a lot for me to say, but honestly, it's a pretty good flavor overall. The Brisk iced tea is tooth destroying. This doesn't really taste a whole lot like green tea and you actually have to take a couple sips before you can get over the high fructose corn syrup sting, but here's the thing, after about 3 or 4 sips, it's actually really good. A genuine mango taste and another taste I can only assume is dragonfruit. I'm not totally familiar enough with dragonfruit to pick out the flavor but I can tell you that "the other" flavor is good, not bad.

While all the other superheroes are having fun kicking butt, slinging webs, and doing whatever Green Lantern does, all the rest of us normal folk need to feel like a superhero. While most of us are too old for superhero underwear, this drink will have to suffice.
Iced Tea
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 5/9/11, 9:15 PM
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Brisk Strawberry Melon

Brisk Strawberry Melon
What year is this? 1995? Even if you're reading this in "the future", in my opinion, vending machine dollar slots should have improved over the years. Remember when you wanted a can of pop as a kid and you would put your wrinkly and potentially/probably wet dollar bill in the machine? You would get so mad when it would spit back out at you. Then when you grew up, you learned a couple tricks of the trade. Namely, that one trick where you flatten the bill by holding both sides and stretching it over the corner of the machine. Often, that would work.

Now, many years later, technology has soared to places we never could have imagined. I can take pictures with my phone and put them online in seconds. Cars drive with cruise control and auto adjust the speed based on the cars ahead of them. Someone invented a hoverboard that works. Why can't all bills work in the machines? My bill was creased, but fine. It wasn't taped or had bent corners or anything. Just creased. I actually didn't want this drink. I wanted a V8 Splash, which I paid for and the slot I paid for was empty so I paid for the ability to open a door.

I was wicked thirsty and this drink was actually refreshing. I didn't know that they made Brisk in juice format. I thought that it was only iced tea. This has a bit of that "Brisk sting" but it's tolerable. The strawberry is very prominent but you can tell that there is some undiscerning taste in there that you can just safely assume is melon.
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 2/12/11, 10:31 PM
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