Coco Joy - 2 Reviews

Coco Joy Coconut Water Strawberry

Coco Joy Coconut Water Strawberry
I bet Baymax would encourage his patients to drink this. Sure, he's kind of the spokesperson for the drink and has a little weight in the game, but between his dedication to well-being and his cigar smoking, ill-fitting suit wearing, slicked back hair having, bad breath having manager, they're pushing this product hard.

Say you break your arm and Baymax is around. He would ask you what your pain is on a scale of frown to smile. Then he would offer you a sucker. If you said that you were allergic to suckers, he might analyze you and say that you did not indicate that you were lying since no one is allergic to suckers. Then he would offer you some of his custom branded coconut water in which to refresh you. He would endorse this because it's just coconut water and strawberry flavor. Bare essentials. He's a bot of health. He's not going to give you something that would hurt you. That's not very health bot of him.
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Mike Literman on 8/4/15, 11:30 AM
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Coco Joy Coconut Water Natural

Coco Joy Coconut Water Natural
Herbert loved to travel. He especially loved to sail. He was on a trip to Thailand and was sailing around when his boat hit some coral and took on some water. He docked at the closest island to investigate what could be the problem.

He tied up his boat and started to look around at the damage. A tall man approached him with a package and said, "This is for you." Herbert looked inside and there was some rice, vegetables and a can of coconut water. He sat down on the dock and ate and it was very good. He especially liked the coconut water. It was different than the coconut water he had in the States. It was sweeter but still unsweetened. It was clean tasting and didn't care about the heat like some other coconut waters he had.

He repaired the ship and was about to sail off and the tall man came back. Herbert thanked him and asked where he got that drink from. He said that his brother works for the factory a couple miles away and he gets to bring home cases occasionally. Herbert shook the man's hand and thanked him for his hospitality. Boat accident and all, Herbert had a wonderful time in the sun on an island making new friends, eating great food and enjoying a new drink he was sure to buy more of.
Coco JoyWebsite
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 10/14/14, 9:22 AM
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