Cool Mountain - 3 Reviews

Cool Mountain Gourmet Soda Green Apple

Cool Mountain Gourmet Soda Green Apple
Whenever I see that green, it usually means two things. Thing number one is that it is green apple. Thing number two is that it is going to be way too sweet and downright suck-filled. Was this any different? Eh, 75%. It was green apple but it lacked the uber-sweetness that other green apple pop has. In doing so, you can actually taste the drink itself, which, in and of itself, was not too spectacular.

I think that this flavor as a whole should go by the wayside. I've never had a green apple pop that I could finish an entire bottle of and I've never had one that I've wanted to take more than a couple sips. Kids probably love the stuff but as we all know, kids are dumb and will like anything that has sugar in it because they are mindless idiots. Yeah, I said it. You have been thinking it and I'm the only one who stood up and said it. I'm not afraid of a cavity ridden, hyperactive, pre-pubescent, pre-teen. Bring it on. I've been grizzled by life and am way smarter, wittier, and worldly than you. Enjoy your impending teens, suckers. They're going to suck.
Soda Pop
Cool MountainWebsite
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 7/9/13, 9:40 PM
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Cool Mountain Fountain Classics Root Beer

Cool Mountain Fountain Classics Root Beer
This bottle claims it's a fountain classic, and I can't argue. It has a classic root beer flavor that people know and love. There is nothing special about it at all. It has the flavor that 99% of the world would think of when they hear the words root and beer in that order. It's a nice alternative to the major brand root beers out there, as it's made with cane sugar for a less syrupy texture. It is slightly on the watery side, but it's nothing terrible.

I can't say I'd go out of my way to pick this up again, but if I was at a BBQ and someone offered it to me I would gladly accept it along with six veggie dogs slathered in BBQ sauce, mustard, pickled ginger and Bacos. Now there is a meal.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
Cool MountainWebsite
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 7/25/11, 9:20 PM
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Cool Mountain Fountain Classics Razzberry

Cool Mountain Fountain Classics Razzberry
This is a bright blue soda that looks eerily like the poison that Christian Slater mixes up to feed to the girl in Heathers. You know the one that makes her fall right over into the glass table.
It tastes like you might expect, like a melted freezie pop. Unfortunately it has a pretty bad aftertaste. It tastes almost diet. How does something with cane sugar have a diet aftertaste?
The cap asks the question "Are you thirsty?" I have to answer "Yes, yes I am because your beverage wasn't very good and I didn't finish the whole thing and pawned it off on my friends."
Soda Pop
Cool MountainWebsite
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 11/17/10, 1:51 PM
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