Cricket - 1 Review

Cricket All Natural Cola Infused with Green Tea

Cricket All Natural Cola Infused with Green Tea
When Pinocchio was released in 1940 actor Jiminy Cricket was riding high. He was invited to all of the parties thrown by Hollywood's elite. He was rarely if ever seen out on the town without a beautiful girl and boy on each of his arms. Some might say he owned the city for that year. Unfortunately Jiminy soon found out that there wasn't much work available in films for crickets. In the late 40's he did a couple of television commercials, and then faded completely from the public eye. Like with many fall from grace stories there were rumors of drug addiction and prostitution. In 1953 Jiminy was found dead in his shoebox apartment on the lower east side of New York. The coroner ruled the cause of death an overdose on Black Flag. Jiminy had apparently taken up mainlining the stuff.

In the years that followed paternity suits popped up. The courts threw out hundreds of cases and it wasn't until 1983 when John Cricket came forward that an heir to Jiminy's royalties was named. Coming from a rich background, John had no personal need for the inheritance. As a result he invested it all into making soda. His specialty was a cola that he infused with two cups of his father's favorite drink; green tea. The soda had a strong tea flavor that outweighed that of the cola. The cane sugar overpowered the bitterness of the tea and gave it a nice rounded out clean flavor. It also has a slight herbalness to it. That was fine for the collectors who wanted to get their paws on everything Jiminy related.
Iced Tea and Soda Pop
United States
Inverted Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 8/14/11, 11:56 PM
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