Crisp - 1 Review

Crisp Orange

Crisp Orange
When someone says the word crisp oranges would be one of the last things to cross my mind. Cucumbers are crisp. Apples are crisp. Potato chips, or crisps if you're British, are crisp. Oranges are not crisp. They are in fact the opposite of crisp. They are mushy and soft. I know this company makes other flavors (it is the store brand for Save-A-Lot), but really I can't shake this idea of a crisp orange. It would be weird and gross. An orange that would make a cracking noise if you were to break it in half is not an orange I would like to eat.

I suppose you could refer to a nice cold soda as crisp, but I still wouldn't refer to this soda as crisp. It's a pretty standard orange pop, like any store brand. It says it's a naturally flavored soda, but those natural flavors are surely not oranges or orange juice as they are nowhere to be found on the ingredients. It has that fake orange taste that tastes nothing like the fruit.

The only really notable thing about this soda is that it is the only orange pop I have ever had that contains caffeine. Strange times indeed.
Soda Pop
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 5/5/12, 10:54 PM
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