DNA Energy - 1 Review

DNA Energy Molecular Melon

DNA Energy Molecular Melon
“Finally,” I thought to myself, “the drink gods have listened to me and made a melon flavored energy drink.” You see melon can be one of the best tasting flavors for a drink to have when done correctly. I admit, it's rare that I eat actual melons, but I love the flavor when it's added to things. Unfortunately for me it must have been some sort of trickster god that created this beverage because I was pumped up (would it be watermelon, cantaloupe, or maybe honey dew since the accents on the can are green) and then was delivered a bubbly liquid that tastes absolutely nothing like any melon I've ever tasted. This is just carbonated sugar water. It doesn't even have the classic energy drink taste hiding below the surface. If I had to compare it to something I would say that it was like a lemon lime soda with even less flavor.

The can says, “DNA is science. Science is the driving force behind man's search for maximum performance. Everyone's DNA is unique. Be unique.” I guess they ended up being unique in that it doesn't taste like any other energy drinks out there. Unfortunately they have made me question science and it didn't even give me much energy. I was still spacing out a little on my drive to Chicago. This is just dumb.
Energy Drink
DNA EnergyWebsite
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 11/18/13, 1:42 PM
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