Dose - 4 Reviews

Dose Basic Line Vitamin C (Lemon Lime)

Dose Basic Line Vitamin C (Lemon Lime)
Every time I'm in Boston (Allston to be exact) with my band random people always come up to me saying, “Doses? Doses?” We know that they are trying to sell us pills (up until it was explained to me I thought acid was the only thing referred to as a dose) but we always joke that they are trying to sell us the Indian Food aka dosas. Imagine walking down a city street and a sketchy dude comes up to you whispering “Dosas? Dosas?” you follow him into an alley, where he opens up his coat and hands you a nice Indian crepe. That's sketch comedy for you folks. Well, sketch comedy that a very select group of people would think is funny.

What if we turn this into a marketing strategy for these Dose dietary supplements? They get employees to go into the city and whisper “Doses? Doses?” to people and then hand them sample cans. It would frighten, confuse, and dare I say disappoint people. That is until they took a taste, then they might be hooked and want more.

It's no secret that I am not a fan of the lemon lime flavor. I find it boring, and low brow to an extent. This is something different though. It is made with actual juices from those fruits, and it is fairly tart, almost to a pinched cheeks level. One could call this a lemon-lime-ade and one would not be wrong. It's way tastier than I had anticipated. Sure you can tell that there is something else going on under the surface flavors, but that's just the vitamins and they are the whole reason for drinking this. Who wants to be bothered taking a pill vitamin when you can just slug back one of these cans that actually taste decent and not like clay? No one, that is who. So, next time someone approaches you on the street to make a purchase inquire if they are selling drugs, crepes or liquid vitamins. Then decide which would suit your needs the best.
Juice and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Crystalline Sugar
Jason Draper on 8/20/14, 10:27 AM
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Dose Basic Line Vitamins and Minerals (Citrus Punch)

Dose Basic Line Vitamins and Minerals (Citrus Punch)
I know you, brah. I know that you've always asked yourself, "Oh, hey. I wonder what it would be like to drink orange juice that has been sitting in a jar of pennies overnight." Well my dumb friend, I've got it. This tastes like if you drank a bad orange juice and ate aluminum foil at the same time. This tastes like you drank orange juice and chased it with licking a nine volt battery.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Crystalline Sugar
Mike Literman on 8/12/14, 4:43 PM
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Dose Basic Line B-Carotene (Orange)

Dose Basic Line B-Carotene (Orange)
Every wonder why fruits and vegetables are different colors? Of course you haven't because we are adults, who don't have the curiosity of children and such things play no part in our everyday lives. I for one do not think I have ever contemplated such a thing, but I have just learned that beta-carotene is what gives carrots, pumpkins, sweet potatoes and other reddish orange vegetables their color. For some reason knowing that gives me a satisfied feeling. Of course I'm still a dumb adult and won't further look into other hues of food, but for now I'm feeling okay.

Dose, with their logo that I can't get enough of for its simplicity, has created a line of vitamin based shot beverages to help people live a healthier lifestyle. Instead of taking a whole mess of pill vitamins in the morning you can just down one of these pleasant tasting 5oz beverages. Each can contains the equivalent to a handful of various pills that will no longer get caught in your throat when you try to take them without enough water. In a world of fast food and fast living more people than I would care to admit would benefit greatly from these. In addition to the B-Carotene the drinker also gets their daily dose of iron as well as vitamins E and C.

Due to the fact that all I knew about Beta-Carotene going into this endeavor was that it was in carrots and it helped with eyesight (it apparently has a whole mess of other benefits as well), I full expected this to have a carrot taste to it, even though it's labeled orange. I prepared my taste buds for a combination of those two flavors, but all I got was orange that reminded me of Tang, which is not a bad thing. In fact there is no orange listed in the ingredients list. There is apple juice though, and now that I know that I can totally pick it out. It's what's giving this the not quite real orange flavor. Again, I'm not complaining. I actually enjoy it; I'm just trying to explain it for you to the best of my ability. It is a slightly odd flavor choice as it says not to give it to children, and it tastes like a healthier kids drink to me. Oh well vitamins for all!!! (except children and pregnant women, they get to suffer from malnourishment).
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Crystalline Sugar
Jason Draper on 8/4/14, 10:21 AM
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Dose Basic Line Magnesium (Mango)

Dose Basic Line Magnesium (Mango)
Never in my life have I said, "I need more magnesium." I'm not a heath teacher so I'm not entirely sure what magnesium does. Is it good that I have increased my intake to the maximum required daily dose in such a short period of time? Is something going to happen to me? Something good, I hope. Titanium and palladium kind of sounds like magnesium. Perhaps I'll become like a poor man's Midas where everything I touch turns to a cool metal.

Atop becoming the man behind the silvers, this drink also provides me with a pretty good mango flavor but in small doses. There is a strongness that this drink has and it's not the flavor. The flavor is good. As far as mango drinks go, this is great. There is something else in there that tastes both sour and sweet. It is completely drinkable, let it be known, but it is not going to go without a solid amount of "jazz faces."

If you don't play an instrument and feel the need to make a jazz face, this is the drink for you. If you know what magnesium does and you feel the need to get more of it, this is the drink for you. If you like mango and still like to see what happens when you bite into a lemon, you guessed it. This is the drink for you. Plus it comes in an adorable five ounce metal can and that is pretty cool. What isn't cool is that this is a supplement drink so to get the full effect, you would probably have to drink a regiment of these and that could get costly. If you, for some strange reason, need an instant dose to put you over the top of your magnesium quota, it's there for you.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Crystalline Sugar
Mike Literman on 7/30/14, 12:44 PM
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