Fave - 3 Reviews

Fave 100% Fruit & Vegetable Juice Pomegranate Blueberry Goji

Fave 100% Fruit & Vegetable Juice Pomegranate Blueberry Goji
It is a bit audacious to call your company "Fave." It's just presumptive. That's not to say that this isn't going to be someone's favorite because it's not too bad. There are fruits and vegetables inside this little number and for the most part, it's pretty good. This drink is mostly fruity with only a touch of...strangeness. I know that makes it sound bad but it really isn't. It's a tangy juice with a little bit of lies inside of it. It's a white lie, which is globally acceptable for some reason. It's like there is an unspoken asterisk next to the phrase that means people don't get offended when you flat out lie to their face. Adultery, murder, and speeding don't get you in trouble if you explicit say it as a white lie.
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 4/11/13, 8:01 PM
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Fave 100% Fruit & Vegetable Juice Strawberry Banana Kiwi

Fave 100% Fruit & Vegetable Juice Strawberry Banana Kiwi
Seeing as neither Mike nor I can stand bananas and Derek lives on the other side of the country, this has been sitting in my fridge for at least four months. It just stares at me every time I open the door, taunting me. You know just smirking because it knows that I have to drink it eventually and even though it is being consumed, it ultimately wins because I'm drinking something that I dislike so much. Today I took a deep sigh, opened up the fridge and grabbed the bottle, preparing for its victory.

You often see strawberry banana drinks and strawberry kiwi drinks, but it's rare for all three to be hanging out in the same bottle. I prayed to whatever deity I don't believe in that it would be heavier on the kiwi front. Santa Claus must have heard my mumblings because this drink doesn't taste like bananas at all. Seriously, I swished it around my mouth, just held it there, swallowed and concentrated really hard, but I cant' detect even the faintest taste of that wretched fruit. It's mainly kiwi, with a bit of strawberry in there and then it has that taste that all drinks have when fruits and vegetables are mixed together. It should be a gross taste, you know mixing cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes and beets in a juice, but I kind of dig it. On top of all of that there are no added sweeteners. Fave let the natural sugars in the fruits do the talking, and its as sweet as any juice needs to be with only 12g of sugar per serving.

Fave you have made a fairly tasty juice here, but you may want to change the name of the flavor. Actually maybe you don't. Maybe this tastes even better to me because I thought it was going to be all gross and banana ridden. This way I was so pumped that I drank two glasses. No I think it's the juice on it's own that made me do that.
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 8/27/12, 7:12 PM
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Fave 100% Fruit & Vegetable Juice Orange Tangerine Pineapple

Fave 100% Fruit & Vegetable Juice Orange Tangerine Pineapple
My ladyfriend recently watched a documentary about a man who went on a strict juice diet for some insane amount of time. He lost an insane amount of weight and improved his health immensely. I keep toying with the idea of trying it myself and see how far I can take it. I'm not exactly overweight or anything, it's just that winter is ending which means that I have been incredibly lazy and inactive for the past five months and I don't like the way it makes me feel. I have already started to get active again. I've broken out my bike and gone for a few rides, but a little help never hurts. Also, I like challenging myself.

So there I sat with the idea of this juice diet swimming around in my head and I saw this bottle of Fave juice sitting in my fridge. In the documentary the guy only drinks fresh juice, but I know I can't afford that so I figure anything that is 100% juice with no added sweeteners would work for me. I thought to myself “I'm going to start this right this very morning.” I grabbed the juice, poured myself a decent size glass, and began my journey. As soon as I took my first step of my journey the problems arose. This doesn't taste quite right. Let me rephrase that, this tastes like it should, but not the way I want it to. I wanted it to be a nice citrus juice that masked the flavor of the vegetables contained, but retained their nutrition. Instead what I got was a vegetable juice that had a citrus flavor to it. There are two distinct juices in this bottle and they are battling it out for the top flavor. Unfortunately for me the vegetable juice is winning out. I have no problem with vegetables. I love them. I eat them daily. My problem is that the fruit juice has sweetened the vegetable flavor and it just tastes strange. I'm sure there are loads of people out there that would love this juice, so I'm going to give it a three-bottle review. There is nothing intrinsically gross about it; it's just not really my thing. I've already begun rethinking this juice diet, and I'm pretty sure that by the time 4pm rolls around I will have eaten some bagels and hummus. I am a weak man.
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 4/23/12, 11:00 AM
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