Fritz - 2 Reviews

Fritz Limo Zitronenlimonade

Fritz Limo Zitronenlimonade
I think this Fritz character may have taken a trip to the UK at some point in his life. It was on this visit that he discovered the joy of carbonated lemonade and decided to bring it back to his home country. Actually as far as I know Fritz may have learned about making lemonade fizzy from his great-grandmother and then brought it with him to the UK on said trip. All I know for certain is that a trip was made, lemonade and bubbles were involved and the world is better for it.

Whether Fritz's people invented this, or they borrowed it is inconsequential, as no matter what the origin, this will remain the best sparkling lemonade I have ever had the pleasure of tasting. It's nice and bitter, the way this type of beverage should be. It actually tastes like lemonade was made and the carbonation was added after the fact. A lot of other brands taste like they tried to do it all at once and it ends up having the flavor of some garbage lemon soda pop.

Germany, you've made some mistakes in the past, but I will always hold a place for you in my heart for your wonderful carbonated beverages.
Lemonade and Soda Pop
Jason Draper on 5/20/14, 10:22 PM
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Fritz Limo Melonenbrause

Fritz Limo Melonenbrause
Melon, it is not just filler for fruit salads. I'm a staunch supporter of these underrated fruits. I've hand numerous conversations in my life about how there should be more melon drinks available, especially cantaloupe. It's one of the most refreshing flavors out there. Unfortunately, the few melon flavored things I've found have all been artificially flavored by some scientist in a lab mixing chemicals together until they have the desired taste. Things done that way rarely hit their mark. This little German treat, on the other hand, hit a bulls-eye. I'm talking the center of the bulls-eye, not that cheater outer ring.

As you might gather from the name, this has a lemon lime base with melon added to it. Let me tell you, they mix together incredibly. I once heard some wise men having a conversation. Upon facing an inevitable death one proclaimed, "Aw, we're going to die and I never tasted cantaloupe." The others reply held the wisdom of sages. He calmly stated, "Eh, you didn't miss much. Honeydew is the money melon." I believe the Fritz company took said money melon and mixed in some cantaloupe to appease both parties involved. The result could have gotten someone burned at the stake in olden times for witchcraft.
Soda Pop
Jason Draper on 3/21/11, 7:36 PM
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