FRS - 4 Reviews

FRS Healthy Energy Wild Berry

FRS Healthy Energy Wild Berry
Mike hates FRS. I think it's probably in his top five most hated drinks. Up until now the only flavor I had tried was the orange protein one. It wasn't great, but it wasn't bad. It's a functional drink and those generally have issues. I gave it the benefit of the doubt. Mike thought maybe he was mistaken about the company, so he tried another one and absolutely hated it yet again. I still did not think this could be all that terrible, so today I cracked this open before I went to the gym. The first sip was decent enough. It had a nice berry flavor that I couldn't argue with. The problem started when I kept drinking it. Some flavor I had never tasted before kept getting stronger and grosser. I can only imagine that it was the quercetin. I hope I never have to taste that again. I was able to drink the whole bottle, but by the third sip I was not enjoying it at all. Actually I just looked it up and quercetin is found in tea, so I'm sure I will be having it again. It must be something else in here. It smells like the milk that a wheat heavy cereal had soaked in. Now that I realize that I feel like it kind of tastes like overly sweetened wheat, which is really gross. This will not enter my body again.
Energy Drink and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Organic Sugar
Jason Draper on 10/5/12, 6:55 PM
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FRS Healthy Protein Blackberry Acai

FRS Healthy Protein Blackberry Acai
I often praise Jay. Today will not be that day. Today, I dislike him quite strongly. He gave me this FRS a while back, reviewed the other one and claimed it was great. "Awesome" I said to myself. I didn't want a repeat of my last FRS drink. I threw this in the fridge and actually looked forward to it. Mistake.

This drink is as thick as the day is long. Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Nope. I'll compare it to the color and viscosity of dog puke. That odd, off-yellow, creamy-ness. It doesn't have any dog food in it, which I guess I should be thankful for. This is just vile. It smells alright but between the texture and the odd, protein-rich flavor, and the fact that acai should not be made for public consumption regardless of it's antioxidant qualities, this drink is, well, undrinkable.

Sorry Jay, but you can't win them all. You lost your shirt on this one and you might lose another because if I throw up, I'm using whatever you have on as my target.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Organic Sugar
Mike Literman on 8/31/12, 2:20 PM
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FRS Healthy Protein Orange Cream

FRS Healthy Protein Orange Cream
After Mike's review of their Healthy Energy Orange I was dreading drinking this. He brings up all the time exactly how terrible that drink was. Today I took a deep breath and grabbed this bottle, as it is my duty as a Thirsty Dude to try any and all non-alcoholic drinks.

I don't know if Mike was crazy, or if their protein line is really that much different. This wasn't bad at all. It's the thickest drink I've ever had, but it's not bad. It tastes/feels like someone mixed some orange juice into a big bowl of fairly flavorless vanilla pudding. Yes, it is that thick. It pours slowly like molasses because it's so thick. It doesn't taste even remotely gross. If anyone had a complaint about this my money would be on them complaining about the consistency. One weird thing about the drink is that although it is not chalky, like a lot of protein drinks, it does dry your mouth out after you drink it. Strange.

Well FRS I am no longer afraid of you and I will be trying some more of your products in the relatively near future. I'll try to convince Mike to do the same.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Organic Sugar
Jason Draper on 8/15/12, 6:25 PM
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FRS Healthy Energy Orange

FRS Healthy Energy Orange
At first, this was just orange juice. The further down the can I got, the more I hated it. I know, Dad. I shouldn't use the word "hate", but who cares in this case. I'm an adult man now and I can say what I want. We've had our differences, like that time I wore non-prescription glasses to Thanksgiving and we got in that fight and didn't talk for a year. That was awful. Sorry Dad, but this time I'm putting my foot down and saying what I want about this drink. It promptly starts tasting like someone poured orange juice powder in this can and filtered out the actual juice. Did someone just give me roofies? Man, I hope not. I've got stuff to do.

Don't spike my drink, and Lance Armstrong, sorry I don't enjoy what you endorse. Deal with it.
Energy Drink and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Organic Evaporated Cane Juice
Mike Literman on 3/23/11, 11:53 AM
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