Ginger Shots - 6 Reviews

Ginger Shots Lemon Ginger

Ginger Shots Lemon Ginger
I want someone to pull a prank on me. I want to order a nice cold lemonade and have one of my friends slip this shot into the mix. They will smile as they hand me the glass, stifling a giggle, but the joke will actually be on them because this could do nothing but improve any lemonade. Normally I'm not a huge fan of lemon (well except in perfect lemonade), it just seems like a boring flavor, but it always pairs perfectly with ginger, and boy oh boy is this some ginger. This is the most intense of the shots that we were sent. The sourness of the lemon somehow enhances the burn and I can't take a sip without making a ridiculous face, and I love every second of it. It is so, so sour. I'm making that cartoon puckered lip face that you see on lemon products that don't actually do that to you. This does it. This makes you pucker. I want to give this to Mike's soon and see how he responds. He'll probably hate me. Eh You win some you lose some.
Ginger and Shot
Ginger ShotsWebsite@Ginger_Shots
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Jason Draper on 8/26/16, 11:59 AM
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Ginger Shots Orange Ginger

Ginger Shots Orange Ginger
Carl, why did you give me this fire in a bottle? What did I. What did I. What did I do to deserve this? It's like drinking citrus flavored lava. I don't know if there was orange but it was citrus. If I had a straight ginger and drank this side by side I might be able to confirm that it's orange flavored but the burn is just so intense that the flavor is lost. It's not bad at all, though. I appreciate your gratuity in burning off my taste buds but I still don't know why people drink this. Is it energizing? Is it good for my insides? Why did I just subject myself to this self-torture? Fun? Carl. Carl. Baby. Don't do that to me. I've had a long day. You know what? I do like it. Would I drink it again? We'll see if I'm given the opportunity but as much as I'd like to give your tongue an Indian burn, which might be racist at this point, I appreciate you giving this bottled up ending scene from Terminator 2.
Ginger and Shot
Ginger ShotsWebsite@Ginger_Shots
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 8/17/16, 6:57 AM
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Ginger Shots Apple Ginger

Ginger Shots Apple Ginger
Around two o'clock today I started sneezing. By 4 o'clock my nose was stuffy. Come 6 o'clock I started to feel really weak. My question is who gets sick in August when it's 90+ degrees out? Apparently this guy right here, and it couldn't come at a worse time. In order to combat this illness I drank one of these Ginger Shots and I will probably drink a handful more over the next 24 hours. The way the ginger in these feels makes me think that it could destroy anything unhealthy in the body. I'm probably wrong, but I'll let the placebo effect run its course.
Out of all of the ones I've tried this one has the most non-ginger flavor to it. The apple in this is very pleasant and its flavor isn't completely decimated once the ginger takes over. They interweave with each other and I absolutely love it. The ginger still has a ridiculous burn that isn't for the faint of heart, but there is more flavor to this one than the others. Dare I say that this is perfection?
Ginger, Juice and Shot
Ginger ShotsWebsite@Ginger_Shots
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 8/10/16, 6:56 PM
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Ginger Shots Pomegranate Ginger

Ginger Shots Pomegranate Ginger
Let's face the facts. There is no one out there who is going to think that these shots are “just okay.” People are either going to love them or hate them and the decisive element is the intense burn from the ginger. Oh, that wonderful burn. It places me clearly on the “love it” side of the coin.

To be fair the additional flavors make up at best 10% of what is going on in these tiny bottles. The vast majority of the flavor is the ginger. With this one you get a little sweet pomegranate taste up front but it is quickly decimated by that ginger that I love and cherish. It makes me feel as if there is any illness lingering in my body that it doesn't stand a chance against this beverage. If live were a videogame this would be the elixir that returned some of your hearts so you could keep adventuring.
Ginger, Juice and Shot
Ginger ShotsWebsite@Ginger_Shots
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 7/30/16, 7:10 AM
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Ginger Shots Kiwi Ginger

Ginger Shots Kiwi Ginger
Holy burn.

I don't know who or what this is for but man this is hot. This is like, "this is going to hurt later" type hot. This is the hot that you are worried about when you eat Buffalo [slash] hot wings and then feel that "thing" in your stomach. I think ginger is supposed to make your stomach feel better so that might not happen. There is kiwi but it's so low in the mix that you can hardly tell it's there. Like a girl that dresses up for a party that like a thousand other people go to that it's just so congested she's wildly underappreciated. It's a little fruity, don't get me wrong, but I can't really tell that it was specifically kiwi.

You know what it is, though? Hot as balls, man. If this was a review for an eBay purchase, I would say "A+. Would drink again."
Energy Drink, Ginger and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Ginger ShotsWebsite@Ginger_Shots
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 7/21/16, 1:17 PM
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Ginger Shots Pineapple Ginger

Ginger Shots Pineapple Ginger
They are not kidding with the name. This is one serious shot of ginger to the mouth, and it's absolutely wonderful. This is nothing but pineapple juice and of course ginger juice and it's very intense. In movies when people talk about the warm burn that they get from a shot of whiskey is exactly how this feels. You get one hell of a delicious burn all the way down. On top of that it tastes fantastic. It's hard to forget about the flavor because of the intensity, but it's there and it tastes like someone infused a pineapple with concentrated ginger. The best.

This is so intense that I kind of feel like I'm invincible because I drank it. It's as if it's some sort of magic potion that will protect me from any and all illnesses. I can't wait for Mike to try these. He's going to fall in love.
Juice and Shot
Ginger ShotsWebsite@Ginger_Shots
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 7/8/16, 9:17 AM
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