Ginseng Up - 2 Reviews

Ginseng Up Kola Champagne

Ginseng Up Kola Champagne
It has a slight cough syrup smell. This kind of excited me because I have yet to review a drink that tasted like medicine. Sadly, the time for that is not now. It's really hard to identify the flavor of this. It kind of tastes like cream soda, mixed with a little weak ginger ale. It's not necessarily bad, but it's not phenomenal or memorable. As Monet says, it's strange enough to keep on drinking it. This is so true, but the more I drink it the less I'm able to identify a true taste to this.
Soda Pop
Ginseng UpWebsite
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Derek Neuland on 4/27/11, 12:44 AM
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Ginseng Up Ginger Beer

Ginseng Up Ginger Beer
Ladies and gentleman we are gathered here today to bear witness to the holy union of Ginger and Ginseng. Many of you have known the couple for years and have your personal feelings about them.

Ginger, with her fiery brew, has always been very popular amongst the populace. As a child many a mother would call her over to care for her young when they had a stomachache. She has been an old friend to all of us from our first sips of her ale to our bottles of hearty brew. She is a flavor all her own and we love her for it.

Then there is Ginseng. Many people say he's from the wrong side of the tracks. He very rarely leaves his home and chooses to stew in his own filth. He always seems to be getting himself mixed up in the sketchy drug world. No matter how anyone tries to talk him up, in the end he always emerges as the filthy scumbag that he is.

Now that these two crazy kids are finally being bonded together there is a blend created. Ginger may not live up to her full potential, but she will help Ginseng straighten out his life. Even if that means she ends up tasting a little dirty. Hopefully by the end of the bottle he won't end up dragging her down to the gutter with him.
Soda Pop and Ginger
Ginseng UpWebsite
United States
Jason Draper on 2/19/11, 2:24 PM
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