H10O - 4 Reviews

H10O Vitamin Infused Water Citrus Sport

H10O Vitamin Infused Water Citrus Sport
H10O Water. "Loads of vitamins. Tiny bit of calories. Gallons of diet taste." Not the best tagline, I know. It tells more truth than "No Sugar. No Carbs." Tons of things fit under that criteria. At least with mine you know what you're getting into. Also, I and I alone are splitting hairs, "citrus sport" sounds like the color of a mid-tier sports car. The Hyundai Veloster should change it's color "Vitamin C" and exchange it with "Citrus Sport." I would think the same thing. I would drive the heck out of it either way, but it seems like it's more fitting for an automobile than water.

To the drink itself, it's honestly not that bad. It's diety as all getup but it's not undrinkable. It comes in bursts. In the beginning you get a nice, soft sense of citrus. I don't know any fruit that tastes like this but if it was a real fruit, I think that I would eat it. Once the fruit flavor has run its course, that's when you take a sharp left into Dietburg USA. We'll take a trip there but at the end of a day like today, I would much rather take a trip to Taco Town. It's a diet "water" drink. It could be worse. I think that it's on part if not slightly worse than their sparkling equivalent.
Diet, Sports/Dietary Supplement and Water
United States
Mike Literman on 3/9/15, 5:02 PM
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H10O Vitamin Infused Water Orange Energy

H10O Vitamin Infused Water Orange Energy
All my life I have been told that men and women were created equally. Okay, except in those religion classes I took as a kid where they said man was created in god's image and then woman was made from man's rib. That's a pretty crappy deal for women. Lucky for them it's all make believe and stories, even I realized that before I was out of elementary school. So yeah, we're created equal. Then H10O comes along and tells us that men and women need different formulations of vitamins. Someone here is a liar, or just misinformed.

I'm not really that dumb. I mean I'm an idiot, but I have some intelligence. I know that certain vitamins and minerals are more effective for the different sexes. The real problem here is that this company is supplying those vitamins in a vehicle that tastes like crappy diet garbage.

This is a non-carbonated orange beverage that basically tastes like Tang that is rich in vitamins as well as caffeine and guarana. It wouldn't be so bad except the grossness of sucralose ruins it all. I appreciate that there is no sugar and no carbs in this, but as a society haven't we learned that there are better tasting alternatives in the world of zero calorie sweeteners? This drink had no chance of being exceptional, but it could have turned out much better than it did.
Diet, Energy Drink and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Jason Draper on 5/31/14, 6:11 PM
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H10O Vitamin Infused Water Peach Mango Tea

H10O Vitamin Infused Water Peach Mango Tea
Dear fellow scientists, how much longer must we toil under the tyranny of water? Are we not scientists? Are we not the creators, the magic makers? H2O? I scoff at that! I propose we create a new liquid; a superior liquid. I propose to you that we create H10O. It is the power of water times 10! The problem that I am running into is that when I mix ten parts hydrogen to one part oxygen the result isn't even fluid. If it were I think it might kill you. We are scientists though and we can overcome these issues, and let marketing sort out the rest.

My assistant Billy presented this to me earlier. He calls it H10O, but it is not my vision. I guess we can present it to the public as H10O version 1.0. Billy took everyday water and infused ten different vitamins into it. See what he did there? 10? Get it? I was skeptical at first because due to his never ending diet he sweetened it with sucralose. I asked him why he just didn't leave it unsweetened, and he said that no one would want a drink that tasted like water that a multivitamin had dissolved in. To overcome the vitamin and diet flavor he also added a healthy dose of peach and mango flavors. Somehow that covered up the poison sucralose flavor of the drink. I personally hate that stuff and didn't think I could handle more than a sip, but I've downed several bottles since he first brought it to me. It's peach, it's mango, it has zero sugar in it, it's chock full of vitamins, and it doesn't taste like death. This may not be the beverage of my dreams but until one of us can properly take on the beast called science it is what H10O will have to be.
Iced Tea, Sports/Dietary Supplement and Diet
United States
Jason Draper on 11/18/12, 1:26 PM
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H10O Vitamin Infused Water Tropical Energy

H10O Vitamin Infused Water Tropical Energy
Women? I'm sorry. Not for me, but for what H10O thinks you deserve. The women's suffrage movement was apparently forgotten because you deserve better than this. All those signatures you got to earn the rights to vote are for naught. All of the time you spent hand-drawing signs in order to be able to not spend your days in the kitchen making pies and pot roast for your husband have been ignored. To H10O, you have been diluted to this, diet energy water drink that tastes like a tropical, diet mess.

Remember all those sucralose ridden drinks you've had in the past in hopes that you can have something flavorful and diet and flavorful at the same time but were delivered just a generic tropical diet drink. No actual noticeable fruits, just an amalgam of mixed-together flavors that were on the shelf labeled "topical." On the plus side, drinking this is advertised as good for you. It's good for your hair, skin, teeth, but isn't that what women's rights was all about? You, ladies, are more than just a pretty face. You're people. You're women. You're powerful authority figures that deserve equal treatment and equal pay. Nope. You are just girls that love things like Lip Smackers lip gloss, Teen Beat magazine, eye shadow, the color pink, Madonna, and hair spray. Enjoy your diet drinks, ladies. Drink this and you'll be sure to shed those pesky pounds and look great in that debutante dress.
Diet and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Mike Literman on 7/8/12, 9:32 PM
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