Inko's - 11 Reviews

Inko's Organic Energy Mango

Inko's Organic Energy Mango
I have been on a huge tea kick lately. Drinking it hot, brewing mass quantities to put in the fridge to complete the transformation to iced, and just buying bottles and cans of ready to drink stuff. For the most part I have kept it unsweetened to give myself the illusion that I am not treating my body like the town dump, but I've developed a soft spot for the Inko's energy teas. I mean it's not like I'm polluting myself with all the junk in the energy drinks that would initially cross your mind. These are simply flavored white teas (with all the caffeine that involves) with some ginseng and guarana added to it. If these didn't have sugar added the amount that I drink would increase drastically. I probably wouldn't need all of that energy, and by probably I mean definitely. So let's look as this sugar as a benefit since due to it I can actually sleep.

These are some of the few beverages that mix sugar with stevia for lower calorie count that actually don't taste diet (at least if you drink it cold). It's just a not-overly sweetened tea that has a nice mango flavor. This is something I feel other companies should strive for. Inkos knows how to make a good product and I look forward to seeing what they put out next.
Energy Drink and Iced Tea
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 3/30/18, 8:40 AM
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Inko's Organic Energy Citrus

Inko's Organic Energy Citrus
Out of the Organic Energy line that Inkos puts out this is the only flavor that I didn't absolutely love. Perhaps that's because it's the one that tastes the most like something was added to the tea. The tea flavor is there, but there is definitely something else floating around in the brew as well. Maybe it's the stevia, but I have a feeling it's more of the ginseng or guarana, as it's less familiar. The flavor is not enough to ruin the drink for me, as I still enjoy it enough that I bought a case when I found it for ridiculously on sale. I just wouldn't pay full price for it very often, with the other flavors available.

One of the things I appreciate about these Inkos drinks is that they are non-carbonated, organic energy drinks. So not only do they avoid all of the chemical garbage that other companies use that make me feel all crazy, but they also keep things different by not introducing bubbles to it. This is energy you can feel okay about. It's made with white tea with just a splash of citrus in it. The more I drink, the more I enjoy it and think that hey, maybe I would buy this at full price on a normal basis afterall.
Energy Drink and Iced Tea
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 3/12/18, 12:31 PM
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Inko's Rooibos Tea Mango Passion Fruit

Inko's Rooibos Tea Mango Passion Fruit
Inko's is a company that for years has been known for its use of white tea. Well, they decided to branch out into the realm of other types of tea as well as into aluminum cans. I can firmly announce that these folks know what they are doing no matter what the tea medium. Upon opening the can the air in your immediate vicinity instantaneously reeks like Teavana or some other high-end teashop that you would find in the mall. It's a magical scent that is fruity with a strong under base of tea, which I feel other companies should strive for. I've spent way too much money in such shops and I have never been disappointed with the products I received in return. While the contents of this can are not completely up to those standards, it is one of the closest ready to drink teas that I have ever tried. It tastes like mango and passionfruit were dried and mixed into the tea batch pre-brewing and not like it was an added flavoring after the fact. That is the sign of a good tea. My only complaint is that it's a tad sweeter than it needs to be for my liking. There are only 13g of sugar per serving, with two servings per can, but as someone who loves unsweetened tea, it's just not needed and it detracts from the greatness of the natural flavor of the tea and the fruit. Don't let that deter you though, for your average drinker it probably won't seem all that sweet at all. I'm just becoming more and more of a tea snob every day.

Iced Tea
United States
Fructose Crystals
Jason Draper on 6/22/13, 1:52 PM
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Inko's White Tea Lemon

Inko's White Tea Lemon
Jay doesn't like lemon tea. I don't know if he doesn't like lemons or what manufactured lemon tea has become. You've got about a 50% chance of getting something that tastes like an actual lemon. Lemon tea is becoming the grape of the drink family. Candy grapes taste nothing like real grapes but all candy grape things taste the same. Lemon tea is the same. Well, almost always. This has that tingle on your tongue that you get from letting a lightly sweetened sun tea with a few lemon slices in it gives you. That being said, it reminds me that we have had one gnarly, sun-filled summer and I haven't made sun tea once. Part of me just died inside.

This tea is a nice, honest tea; no pun intended. It's low calorie but you would just think that there simply isn't as much sugar as in another tea. It's no lemon Southern style sweet tea so get that out of your thick skulls. If that is the tea for you and that's all you drink, you will consider this unsweetened. If you like unsweetened tea, you might be able to make the leap. Never downward, always upward.
Iced Tea
United States
Fructose Crystals
Mike Literman on 7/27/12, 4:21 PM
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Inko's White Tea Blueberry

Inko's White Tea Blueberry
I've been drinking more and more unsweetened tea these days. A couple of years ago I couldn't stomach the stuff, but now I find it very refreshing and a nice change of pace from all the sugar I intake in the name of Thirsty Dudes. I say this because when I first tried Inko's I remembered thinking that it was nice that it wasn't overly sweetened. Now when I drink this it seems like sugar city, but in a good way. IN actuality there are only 7g of sugar in each serving, which isn't a lot by sweetened tea standards. It's also a sugar that tastes real and slightly gritty (although the texture is more my imagination).

Everything is natural about this down to the blueberry extract. It has a great flavor that you won't find in an iced tea that comes in anything other than a glass bottle. It's light, sweet and fruity just like a quality tea should be.
Iced Tea
United States
Fructose Crystals
Jason Draper on 8/14/11, 11:06 AM
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Inko's White Tea White Peach

Inko's White Tea White Peach
The best word I can think of to describe this tea would be "clean." It's very crisp and flavorful, but there's really no aftertaste. You take a sip. The flavor hits you all at once. You swallow. Clean palate. It's a nice change of pace as many sweetened teas leave a taste in your mouth for a while afterwards.

The peach flavor doesn't taste overly ripe, but it fits the taste of the white tea better because of it. If it were riper it would become too overpowering. I am a big fan.
Iced Tea
United States
Fructose Crystals
Jason Draper on 7/24/11, 2:57 PM
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Inko's White Tea Original

Inko's White Tea Original
This is a very light tea. There is ginger in the ingredients although I didn't get any when I drank this. I was hoping for a little bit more, to be honest. Don't get me wrong this was a good drink. I just wanted...something more, be it flavor or zing, or pep, or something. This is a good compromise when you can't decide whether you want a sweet tea or an unsweetened tea.
Iced Tea
United States
Fructose Crystals
Mike Literman on 10/29/10, 2:08 PM
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Inko's White Tea Apricot

Inko's White Tea Apricot
Inko's is now three for three. They know how to make a great tea. I like that in all their products they use exclusively white tea. It makes a nice difference from your usual black and green teas. This tastes just like all of their others (in a good way), white tea mixed with whatever fruit they are flavoring it with. It's not overly sweetened, but there is just enough to give you what you're looking for. I can't wait to try some more of these.
Iced Tea
United States
Fructose Crystals
Jason Draper on 9/19/10, 7:07 PM
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Inko's White Tea Honeysuckle

Inko's White Tea Honeysuckle
What a nice drink. It's got a great, light, floral scent and taste to it. I drank it luke warm and it was very good. It might be better than drinking it cold as it's an unsweetened tea. It has a sweet, flowery taste, but not so much that it is as if you are drinking potpourri, which is fantastic.
Iced Tea
United States
Mike Literman on 9/17/10, 7:51 PM
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Inko's White Tea Honeydew

Inko's White Tea Honeydew
Inko's has worked some magic on this drink. You know how some people soak fruit in vodka in order to make crazy adult fruit salad? Well this lightly sweetened white tea tastes like what was left over after someone soaked 20 honeydews in a vat of white tea. It surpassed all expectations I had. Remember like Moe says, "Honeydew, that's your money melon."
Iced Tea
United States
Fructose Crystals
Jason Draper on 9/16/10, 2:27 PM
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Inko's White Tea Energy

Inko's White Tea Energy
After a day of hiking I stopped at a store to get a beverage. I normally wouldn't grab an energy drink under such circumstances, but the fact that it was in the natural section, and it said "Jitter Free" convinced me to take a chance. I was very pleased with my purchase. This beverage had none of the normal chemical flavors that you would normally find in energy drinks. It really just tasted like sweetened white tea with a slight ginger taste to it. I felt like I was just drinking a normal iced tea. I actually forgot it was an energy drink until my lady friend asked if it did anything as an energy drink. I did find myself feeling more alert, but not like a spazz like I normally would after an energy drink.
Energy Drink and Iced Tea
United States
Crystalline Fructose
Jason Draper on 9/6/10, 10:41 PM
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