Jolly Rancher - 4 Reviews

Jolly Rancher Blue Raspberry

Jolly Rancher Blue Raspberry
When people make a blanket statement and call all soda "sugar water", I immediately want to cry out and tell them about all the amazing sodas I have had that are far from sugar water.

Then I had this soda, and understood what they meant. There is barely any raspberry flavor in this Windex looking soda. Liquid Jolly Ranchers at it's worst. I thought this was going to be a sweet treat for myself, but I was sadly disappointed.
Soda Pop
Jolly RancherWebsite@myJOLLYRANCHER
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Derek Neuland on 1/13/13, 11:37 PM
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Jolly Rancher Green Apple

Jolly Rancher Green Apple
You may ask yourself, "Why would they make a pop in the worst flavor candy they make?" The answer to that is, "What? Do I run the company? I don't make the decisions." If I had to give you an answer, it would be that kids probably love puckering their youthful cheeks and chug this stuff down like it's the water they should be drinking because they are only eight and already are on the fast track to tooth decay.

Honestly, it tastes like a carbonated version of the candy you may or may not love but remember regardless. Your mind knows that this is terrible for you and I would like to see an adult who can look me in the face, drink this entire bottle, and tell me that they still feel good about themselves.

Drink half this bottle and call it a day because although it doesn't have all the sugar you would expect, this drink slays your taste buds and you need those for dinner. If you can't taste your spaghetti because you drank a whole bottle of Jolly Rancher pop, your mommy is going to be so sore at you.
Soda Pop
Jolly RancherWebsite@myJOLLYRANCHER
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 2/3/12, 5:21 PM
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Jolly Rancher Watermelon

Jolly Rancher Watermelon
When I showed someone a picture of this, they said, "My teeth hurt just looking at that". Rightfully so, this drink is ridiculously sweet. I have described many drinks as tasting like Jolly Ranchers so I was pretty excited to try this branded soda. Did they pull it off? Of course they did, it's their recipe! Despite the overloading sweet taste, I really like how tangy this is. I wasn't expecting it, but it almost has a sour aftertaste that's pretty awesome. Even though it's hard to drink this all in one sitting due to the sweetness, I'm looking forward to trying the other flavors now.
Soda Pop
Jolly RancherWebsite@myJOLLYRANCHER
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Derek Neuland on 1/16/12, 7:55 PM
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Jolly Rancher Cherry

Jolly Rancher Cherry
Day two of candy based sodas. Jelly Belly came through with something that turned out to be delicious. Jolly Rancher, not so much. First off as a hard candy Jolly Ranchers are gross. I know a lot of people enjoy them, but they rub my taste buds the wrong way. The soda didn't do much better. What can you really expect when the bottle happily boasts, "artificially flavored soda." I like the word artificial as far away from anything I'm consuming as possible.

When you open the bottle the scent of cough syrup hangs heavy in the room. I blame the medicinal companies for ruining cherry for me for years, then I had some drinks flavored with actual cherry juice and I realized that it's just the artificial garbage that they ruined. I personally am okay with that. It's helps increase the gap between them and myself.

This doesn't even taste like store brand cherry pop. It's like they took a syrup and didn't cut it properly. It tastes so heavy and if that consistency had a flavor it is present in this drink.

I say stay away from this unless you're attempted to make a child not like soda by associating it with medicine.
Soda Pop
Jolly RancherWebsite@myJOLLYRANCHER
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 10/6/11, 5:01 PM
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