Mayesa - 2 Reviews

Mayesa Cacao Original

Mayesa Cacao Original
Thirsty Dudes have a friend called "The Hammer." The Hammer is a great man who has affection for good, high quality chocolate. "Do you want to try a square?" he says to me. I never deny. Why? It's chocolate, number one, but it's always and definitely good chocolate because he only buys the good stuff. If he were with me right now, at my desk at work, I would have him drink this with me. This is chocolate milk for adults. It's bitterer than chocolate milk and has a natural taste to it. It's more woody and chalky than you would expect a generic chocolate milk to be so for that reason, you might not like it. I like it. The mint version is a bit more "entry level" if you ask me, but I think this one is good, too. The qualities of a good chocolate aren't always what make a good chocolate drink, though. Like I said, it's good, but it is going to be a bit more bitter than people might like. Still sweet but not as creamy as the kids would like. Hence chocolate milk for adults.
United States
Organic Evaporated Cane Juice
Mike Literman on 2/1/13, 11:31 AM
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Mayesa Cacao Dark Chocolate Mint

Mayesa Cacao Dark Chocolate Mint
Today, on National Chocolate Day I have chosen to drink this delectable drink. I don't normally blow the review in the first sentence but why waste my time? This is wonderful. It's dark and naturally bitter and has a strong but inoffensive mint kick to it. It's properly thick and vegan so all can enjoy it. Note that this is expensive as far as drinks go clocking in at $2.50 but honestly, as a sweet treat, it's worth it. It tastes like hot chocolate cooled down and put in an adult juice box. Oh, what I wouldn't give to relive my childhood with rich parents who put this juice box in my lunch every day. Look, my parent's are great but we're admittedly "middle class" and to have this little buddy in my bag every day would cost $12.50 per week, $50 per month, or $500 per school year. That's too much to spend on a kid's dumb lunch bag. Added reason not to give this for lunch is that this is the top of the ladder when it comes to "trades," so you, a hard working parent, are having your luxury traded for another turkey sandwich and some gummy worms. I wasn't a big trader but some kids were. Pudding for this, Jell-O for that. This trumps all. You would be crowned king or queen of the lunchroom and your fame would get to your head, your grades would suffer and people would start doing your homework for you in order to get a taste of your drink, the teacher would find out you were cheating and you would get failed right out of fourth grade. You would be the oldest kid and people would call you a dummy all because of your drink. Parents don't let this happen to your kids. Give them juice like all the other parents. Save this for home when they get good grades on a math test or something. No one kid should have the power this drink would instantly grant them.
United States
Organic Evaporated Cane Juice
Mike Literman on 12/24/12, 12:44 PM
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