Mountain Dew - 24 Reviews

Mountain Dew Code Red

Mountain Dew Code Red
When I was in college, Mountain Dew Code Red came out. I do not follow the chronological history of Mountain Dew and for that reason I will say that this was the first "side project" of Mountain Dew. I was never Mountain Dew's A+, #1 fan. This kid I knew, Stevebay, whose name was Steve and sold stuff on eBay, used to love original Dew. He was one of those kids that would "Do the Dew" by the bottle every day. He also found out that a department store across the street from where he worked was giving Pepsi Blue away for free when they took it off the market so he, without a car, took a taxi to the store where he loaded the trunk of the taxi with cases of the stuff. I never felt the love for anything the way he felt about Cap'n Dew.

More relative to my point of view, my friend Chris Williams said, which I still firmly believe, that you will never find an empty bottle of Code Red. There is always some left, as in people can't polish off a whole bottle/can. Case and point, I've got a 12-ounce can in front of me and I'm done.

Flavor? It's that classic Mountain Dew flavor with cherry. Simple, but the cherry develops this cough medicine taste rather than the candy cherry it has at the start. I don't know if it's a settling thing or what, but something happens about half of the way through that makes me just not want it anymore. I don't even feel bad about not drinking the rest of it.

This is a throwback to old friends that I loved hanging out with and living with, but it's also a throwback to a classic (at this point) drink that we haven't reviewed in over 1000 drinks. This stuff has been staring at us from the shelves for a long time and I wanted to let it know that it hasn't gone forgotten, much like my friends.
Soda Pop
Mountain DewWebsite@mtn_dew
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 5/1/11, 5:12 PM
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Mountain Dew SuperNova

Mountain Dew SuperNova
This is a new flavor of Mountain Dew that is, like most new flavors, "limited edition". What this really means is they'll stop making it if no one likes it.

As far as Mountain Dew flavors go, this is my favorite. The combo of melon and strawberry is really great and refreshing. It has that normal aftertaste but it is not overwhelming. I for one hope this flavor sticks around and they get rid of Code Red.
Soda Pop
Mountain DewWebsite@mtn_dew
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Derek Neuland on 4/30/11, 4:43 PM
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Mountain Dew White Out

Mountain Dew White Out
I love video games. I really do. Do I wish that I could do all night LAN parties and Xbox Live until the break of dawn? You betcha. Do I make a big deal and schedule events when new games come out so that my dude friends can rage in my living room? Ab-so-lutely. Let me also say that I am a web developer. Have you ever gone into a web developer's office/basement "office"/bedroom? There are typically mountains, walls, and barriers made of Mountain Dew cans and bottles. I've seen it with my own eyes.

I don't really like it. It's just got a bit of a toxic taste to it that I can't place. It just tastes artificial. There is no distinguishable flavor. It's just whatever Mountain Dew tastes like. I recently bought a sub/hoagie/grinder from across the street and when you do that, you can get a free can of pop. I saw it there and decided what better time than now? So here I am, in my office, doing "The Dew" and I have to tell you, it's not bad. You still get traditional Mountain Dew flavor as an aftertaste but there is a definite "citrus" flavor on top and it's not bad. Sure it's mega sweet but it's to be expected.

If you want to try it, try it. You can get it by the can or bottle so you don't have to commit to a case or 2 liter bottle, which might be dental suicide. You might be surprised and like it.
Soda Pop
Mountain DewWebsite@mtn_dew
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 11/17/10, 9:03 AM
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Mountain Dew Livewire

Mountain Dew Livewire
I am not a fan or original Mountain Dew. When they introduced Code Red, I enjoyed it but it wasn't the best. But when Livewire came out, I got really into it. I was drinking about a bottle a day. I couldn't get enough of it. These days, I'm not as crazy about it as I once was but it's definitely a good drink. It tastes like orange soda with a slight Mountain Dew after taste, but not as acidic. Not my favorite orange soda, but not bad.
Soda Pop
Mountain DewWebsite@mtn_dew
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Derek Neuland on 9/28/10, 1:03 PM
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