Mountain Dew - 24 Reviews

Mountain Dew Kickstart Energizing Blood Orange

Mountain Dew Kickstart Energizing Blood Orange
For some reason I decided to give Mountain Dew Kickstart another chance. Oh yeah, that reason is that it's my job of sorts. Well, I pretty much feel exactly the same about this product as I did with the first handful of flavors when they were released; it's pretty meh. The combination of high fructose corn syrup and sucralose leaves it too diet tasting to care about the calories it's saving you, but also it has too many calories too deal with the chemical taste. Also, the juice content is still very minimal (5%). If this were a regular or a full fledge diet blood orange Mountain Dew I could enjoy it more, but the way it is presented now just feels like the company is trying to pull a fast one on consumers. I know they aren't and I get where they are going, but it's just not working out.
Diet and Soda Pop
Mountain DewWebsite@mtn_dew
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High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 3/8/18, 1:30 PM
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Mountain Dew Ice (Lemon Lime)

Mountain Dew Ice (Lemon Lime)
I need to ask, who green lit this product? This product really has nothing to do with the Mountain Dew line, and it just tastes like any other lemon lime soda. Is this PepsiCo's attempt to bring back what is perhaps the most boring soda flavor after 7Up went to the Dr Pepper Snapple Group? Wasn't that Sierra Mist/Mist Twist's job? Were they really missing out on all of those lemon lime soda sales that they needed to create a new one, and brand it under one of their most popular flavors? I don't know if I have ever witnessed a single person purchase a 7Up. I mean I've seen it at parties and such, but I've never witnessed its acquisition and I worked at a grocery store for years.

The only thing novel about this is that it's a lemon lime soda that has caffeine in it. I suppose that's where the Mountain Dew aspect of it comes in, but that is a real stretch. Nothing about this kept my attention to even drink even half of this 20oz bottle. I but they are surely regretting the obscene amount of money they must have spent on the Super Bowl ad for this. I'm pretty sure this is going to turn into a limited edition without them intending it to.
Soda Pop
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High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 2/10/18, 12:54 PM
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Mountain Dew Holiday Brew

Mountain Dew Holiday Brew
The time is 9:03 AM. A half hour ago I drank Mountain Dew. If someone wants to drive me to an insane institution, I will happy enter myself into the system for a solid week. I could use it. This, friends, is a dumb product. It's Code Red with a "holiday blend." This tastes like a weaker Code Red. Maybe with more citrus. Nothing specifically "holiday" or "festive" about it, though. No cinnamon or nutmeg or bits of leaves or anything reminiscent of any sort of holiday flavors. What is the point of this? At least Pepsi Christmas or Holiday or Festive or whatever that is called has some sort of "holiday spice" to it. This is basically just Code Red "watered down" with 7-Up or something. Dumb. Way to go, America. You've been poisoned again by Mountain (Mitten) Dew.
Soda Pop
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High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 12/5/17, 6:10 AM
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Mountain Dew Dew.S.A.

Mountain Dew Dew.S.A.
Wow. If you gave even a teaspoon of this to even the toughest eagle, it would fly into the goddamn sun and burn to a well-done representation of itself never to spread its wings again. Look. I don't hate myself. Do I get depressed and wonder about my life? Yeah, sure. We all do. Drinking this is like two rungs away from suicide. I drank half and had to choke that down. It's so sweet. So sweet. Half a can at a backyard barbecue for this website only. If this site didn't exist, my lips would have never touched the indistinguishable pop.

What does it taste like? It's hard to say. This is going to sound stupid but it's true but it tastes like if you filled up a cup half with regular, mom and pop Mountain Dew and then put all the other Mountain Dews in there to top it off. Sure, you can call it White Out, Voltage and Code Red and sure it might be, but none of these have terrible distinguishable flavors so mashing and mushing them all up together isn't going to get you any closer to success.

Look, the Fourth of July is coming up and maybe we need something like this in our lives to feel patriotic. What's more American than three Mountain Dews that are readily available dumped into one can and sold as a fourth Mountain Dew that tastes like fruity liquid sewage? Who cares, right? 'Merica. Rest in toasty pieces, eagle. You did all you could when you were with us. From that time you ate that mouse to the time you ate that other mouse. We'll never forget.
Soda Pop
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Mike Literman on 6/20/17, 6:11 AM
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Mountain Dew Kickstart Blueberry Pomegranate

Mountain Dew Kickstart Blueberry Pomegranate
I'm beat, dude. Worked until 2, home at 2:30, asleep by quarter to 3, up at 6:30. I need a pick-me-up. I've been disappointed by Dunkin' Donuts inability to make a consistent drink. So what do I choose? I guess this Mountain Dew Kickstart from a bodega I rarely go to but needed to take a walk outside.

How is it? It's fine. I don't know to what caliber this is of a juice and an energy drink but it's got caffeine in it so I guess it will eventually do something. It's not bad. It's pretty sweet and very fruity but I think it tastes better than your run-of-the-mill energy drink. I don't know if I specifically taste blueberry or pomegranate but I'm not complaining. With a drink like this, I don't hold them to their word like I would a "real" juice. Sorry. I'm not trying to be offensive. It's like it's a sparkling juice first and everything else just peeks their little heads in and out to say hello.

I don't know if it's "helping" because I'm fading fast but I've made it to 3:30 and wasn't late for work today. Somewhere there is an accomplishment but I'm too tired to see it. Maybe...if I just close my eyes...for just a second.....
Energy Drink, Juice and Soda Pop
Mountain DewWebsite@mtn_dew
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High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 6/29/16, 12:38 PM
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Mountain Dew Black Label

Mountain Dew Black Label
I'm not sure if they were meant to be released together, or if it's just because they have the same parent company but I keep seeing Mountain Dew Black Label and Pepsi 1893 displayed together. I was shocked by how much I am a fan of the 1893. It's a throwback to the way cola was originally made, and there is something about it that is just classy. It's like they took one of the baseline companies for all soda and made it seem like it was upscale. Even though they had already gone back to an original recipe with Dew Shine, I was hoping that Black Label would be another old time soda. The can didn't have a fancy look to it, but it was more visually appealing than Mountain Dew's normal output.

Now this is much better than a classic Mountain Dew, but this is not the high end soda that it is posing as. Words/phrases like “crafted” and “black label” are a buzz these days and lead a person to believe that this is something that was prepared with more care and in smaller batches. The truth is that this is just soda created with slightly better ingredients than the company would normally use. Sure there is sugar instead of HFCS and there is grape juice involved, but this really just falls somewhere extremely close to their Dark Berry and Pitch Black flavors. It's like someone took their flagship flavor and added berry and grape juice to it.

I really wanted this to be better than it is, but to be fair it is one of the better Mountain Dew flavors. It's an improvement, but they still have a ways to go to create something (besides Voltage) that I would go out of my way to purchase for pleasure and not review.
Soda Pop
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Jason Draper on 6/5/16, 8:38 AM
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Mountain Dew Dewshine

Mountain Dew Dewshine
Oh man. I forgot I've got an Unreal Tournament later and I ain't got m' Dew. I can't get headshots if I ain't got m' dew. No. I can't drink Sprite, man. I need Mountain Dew. Wait wuuuuutt? It's clear. It's not Dew. Dewshine? Hmm. I'm skeptical of that, buddy. I'll try it because I need my fix.

Hey. This is good. I don't want to say it's better than Dew but it is. It's not as sweet. Look. I'm forty. I can't be drinking Mountain Dew all day like I used to. This is more like a lemon-lime pop than Mountain Dew. Look, you know as well as I that Mountain Dew is awful for you. A guilty pleasure, sure but it's got to be eating me from the inside out.

This is good. You are right. And you know what? I'll cut back on Mountain Dew. I might drink more of this. It's not going to be an even switch. I know I've got to switch but like I said, I need m' Dew.
Soda Pop
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Mike Literman on 7/23/15, 4:09 PM
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Mountain Dew Kickstart Energizing Pineapple Orange Mango

Mountain Dew Kickstart Energizing Pineapple Orange Mango
For a product that seemed to be a flop in the review world, Mountain Dew is still pushing hard with their Kick Start line. I guess it does help that they seem to have stopped pushing that idea that it was a morning beverage to replace your coffee. There is definitely a time in the day when it is too early to be drinking soda, so that being your main marketing scheme was just bound to fail. The thing is that when you take that aspect out of it (as they seem to have done), these sodas aren't terrible tasting. I think it was just the idea of waking up and downing a can of soda that was turning everyone off.

With these new flavors, the cans mention nothing of morning or breakfast, just that it will give you a hydrating boost; a much better attempt in my book. They are still soda that contains juice (only 10% but it's better than nothing). As an added bonus this new flavor also has coconut water in it. Overall it tastes like a new flavor of Mountain Dew, but a little smoother. It's pretty much their flagship flavor with a little pineapple and mango thrown in, and then they water it down a tiny bit with coconut water. I must say I enjoy it a lot more than the original.

The company has also decided to take the route of going half and half with sweeteners. While a lot of companies are mixing cane sugar and stevia for a lower calorie count, Mountain Dew went the cheaper (grosser) way of mixing high fructose corn syrup and sucralose. The diet flavor is pretty much masked, but it still pops out a little bit, and that I could do without.
Energy Drink and Soda Pop
Mountain DewWebsite@mtn_dew
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High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 1/29/15, 3:02 PM
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Mountain Dew Kickstart Energizing Limeade

Mountain Dew Kickstart Energizing Limeade
You wake up in the morning and what is the first thing you crave? Water? Cereal? Juice? Hell, even coffee would be an acceptable answer. If you said a nice tall can of Mountain Dew, or any other soda for that matter, you live a sick sad life. There is really no reason to be drinking pop as soon as you wake up. I see no difference in downing a can and pounding a giant Pixie Stix. I don't care if a percentage of it is juice. That does not make it acceptable. While we're at it, can we acknowledge that 5% juice does not really count as it being juice, 5% is nothing.

Mountain Dew (or Mtn Dew as the can proclaims) may have realized their marketing folly, or perhaps they are just trying to expand their reach, and released two new Kick Start flavors that are meant for nighttime consumption. Now that seems a bit more reasonable (as long as people are planning on staying up awhile after drinking it and not go to bed 30 minutes later. From what I can gather these new sodas are Mountain Dew original with minimal juice mixed in and some electrolytes added “to taste.” Do electrolytes even really have a taste?

This variety certainly does taste like regular ole Mountain Dew with a bit of extra lime in the mix. I find it to be an improvement from the way people expect this beverage to taste. The downfall is that they used sucralose as well as high fructose corn syrup. While I appreciate that they are trying to lower people's sugar intake, the flavor definitely suffers. I didn't notice it at all at first, but the deeper I got into the can the more prevalent the gross diet flavor became. I'm not sure if my taste buds were picking it up more, or if it settles, either way it wasn't good for anyone.
Soda Pop
Mountain DewWebsite@mtn_dew
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High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 1/21/14, 10:22 AM
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Mountain Dew Kickstart Black Cherry

Mountain Dew Kickstart Black Cherry
Mountain Dew? For breakfast? That's right, friends. Now, you no longer just need to write code or play Halo until the wee hours of the night to earn the right to drink it. Now, housewives, chefs, music teachers, and X-ray technicians can wake up, do the stretch, and just start chugging. Best of all is that it almost doesn't taste like Mountain Dew. It tastes like a black cherry pop with some black cherry juice mixed with some Mountain Dew. Just some Mountain Dew, not all Mountain Dew. It's the better parts of Mountain Dew but it's cut off before it gets carried away.

Look, now that everyone can drink it, you'd better get it because before you know it, librarians, film historians, garbage men, lemonade repair man, ham analyst, foot doctors, and kneecap surgeons are going to be buying it all up. Get in your car now if you think that a black cherry Mountain Dew sounds good.
Energy Drink, Soda Pop and Sports/Dietary Supplement
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High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 1/14/14, 11:33 AM
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Mountain Dew Diet

Mountain Dew Diet
There's concentrated orange juice in this? Whatever, i'll still take the crab juice.
Diet and Soda Pop
Mountain DewWebsite@mtn_dew
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Derek Neuland on 7/12/13, 11:13 PM
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Mountain Dew Kickstart Fruit Punch

Mountain Dew Kickstart Fruit Punch
Did you know that Mountain Dew has a new CEO? That may or may not be shocking to you, but what you will say “wait whhhhhhaaaaa?” to is that fact that the new man in charge is no one other than Motley Crue bass player, Nikki Sixx. In a press release he assured stockholders that his crucial rocking will not interfere with the running of the business. He was quoted as saying, “If I can get our sound guy to teach me how to use Photoshop on the bus, that I can certainly run a multinational company from that very same home on wheels.” This left many people in the business and soda world shaking their heads until Mr. Sixx announced the release of a new line of Mountain Dew drinks called “Kick Start.” The newly appointed head of the company then told the world that the product tag line would be “Kick Start your heart from another overdose.” This left shareholders even more bewildered.

We recently received samples of this new line, and everyone at Mountain Dew can calm themselves down as no such tagline exists anywhere on the packaging. In fact it looks rather tasteful and one would never expect that a person capable of such debauchery had anything to do with its creation. The flavor of the Fruit Punch version isn't all that bad either. Even though it is sweetened primarily by high fructose corn syrup, it's not as think as you would expect, especially for being a fruit punch. It has 5% juice in it, all of which seems to be grape juice for some reason. If I had to break it down for you, which I do, I would say it tastes like someone mixed two parts of mild fruit punch in with one part regular Mountain Dew. It's not mind-blowing, or anything all that new, but it tastes pleasant enough.

It has 92mg of caffeine in it, which is slightly more than regular Mountain Dew and about half of the amount in a comparable sized coffee. I know they are trying to push this as a morning drink, but I really have no interest in drinking anything carbonated within the first couple hours that I'm awake. Mountain Dew obviously is always marketed towards younger folks, but man even in college I wouldn't have drank this until the afternoon. Rumor has it that Mr Sixx has been on a steady diet of nothing and Kick Start for the past month. He has overdosed a half dozen times in that time period.
Juice and Soda Pop
Mountain DewWebsite@mtn_dew
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High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 2/22/13, 6:15 PM
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Mountain Dew Kickstart Orange

Mountain Dew Kickstart Orange
Apparently this is supposed to be a morning drink so you can 'kick start your day'. So it's competing against coffee and energy drinks essentially, two things I love and definitely drink a lot. When I first heard about this new drink from Mountain Dew, I thought it was just going to either be a repackaging of their energy drink Amp, or a slightly modified version of Mountain Dew Livewire. At least that was what I was expecting when I tried it.

Those who hate energy drinks will be pleased to hear that this is nothing like them taste wise. And despite high fructose corn syrup being the second ingredient, it's not syrupy like a soda. It has a consistency closer to sparkling juice, but with much more sugar (and caffeine). It's not quite as refreshing as most sparkling juices I've had, but it's definitely easier to drink than soda. As far as the orange taste goes, it's closer to orange soda than orange juice.

So will this drink replace coffee and energy drinks? Maybe for some people but it's not a groundbreaking drink. But that is also coming from someone who loves coffee and energy drinks so I'm probably not their target demographic.
Juice and Soda Pop
Mountain DewWebsite@mtn_dew
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High Fructose Corn Syrup
Derek Neuland on 2/19/13, 11:49 PM
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Mountain Dew Baja Blast

Mountain Dew Baja Blast
I have a severe problem. I am straight up addicted to Taco Bell. I don't eat there all that often, but that is solely because it would take me 20 minutes to drive there, and a 40 minute round trip ride is not worth 2-3 99 cent burritos. The thing is that whenever I pass by one, or even see a sign for the “restaurant” I get an undying need for craptastic fake Mexican food. I could have just eaten the biggest meal of my life and then I'll pass by one and think, “yeah I could really go for a burrito now.” It's absolutely disgusting and I wish I could break myself from it.

While I love the garbage burritos that Taco Bell serves me, there is another item on their menu that I repeatedly try and always regret. That is the Taco Bell exclusive that is Mountain Dew Baja Blast. It is by far my least favorite flavor of Mountain Dew. It's supposed to be lime, you know to accent the flavors in the burritos, but it comes off as something that should not be ingested. It has an almost chemical taste that is somehow different than that of energy drinks. If someone told me that it could also be used as coolant in a car, I would not be surprised.

I know a lot of people rave over this flavor, but I don't get it at all. It's borderline undrinkable in my book. In the future when I order my three fresco bean burritos I'll accompany them with a glass of water.
Soda Pop
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High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 10/1/12, 11:25 PM
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Mountain Dew Johnson City Gold

Mountain Dew Johnson City Gold
First off, I'd like to say how stoked I am that Mountain Dew included us in their “pre-promotion” group or whatever they call it. Getting two cans of what looks like top-secret soda in the mail is a great feeling. A plain silver can with a inkjet printed label with little to no info makes me feel even more like a scientist working on a secret program. In order to keep up the mystery I took a picture of the can cast in shadows. All that I knew about this drink was that it's their new flavor, that is going to have different regional names, and that it is malt flavored. Now I've had my severe issues with some malt drinks (i.e. Malta Goya), but I've also had some that were pretty spectacular (apple and pineapple ones come to mind). I was hoping this would be more like the latter than the previous, as it has added citrus flavor. It turns out the flavor falls somewhere in the middle of great and gross.

When I cracked open the can I almost didn't take a sip. It smelled so much like beer that I was afraid that Mountain Dew might be marketing a new alcoholic beverage. I made my ladyfriend taste it, and she said that while it did smell like cheap beer, it didn't taste like it. That was all the info I needed and I took a few sips. It really tasted nothing like it smelled. It had a slight malt flavor, but it the main flavor was a slightly more lemon lime ridden Mountain Dew. My relief was great, and I decided that this was actually a tasty beverage. I went about my business, periodically taking a sip over the next 15 minutes. With each sip the citrus flavor decreased and the malty beer taste increased. It was still drinkable, but getting worse. Then I burped. That burp was so reminiscent of beer that it was completely disgusting. I took one more sip, and decided that at this point it tasted like the can was 2/3 beer and 1/3 Mountain Dew. It surely was not for me. If it were just the initial flavor, without the beer aftertaste, I could get down with this. As it stands: no thank you.

I'm not sure who they are going to market this drink towards, but I don't think it's the normal high school/gamer crowd. What high schooler is going to want something that tastes like beer, but doesn't get them drunk? I applaud Mountain Dew for trying something new, and something out of the ordinary at that, but I feel they missed their mark too much for this to be much of a success.
Soda Pop
Mountain DewWebsite@mtn_dew
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Not Listed
Jason Draper on 8/23/12, 10:51 PM
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Mountain Dew Dark Berry

Mountain Dew Dark Berry
Do you want to talk about Batman? I can talk about him and the world of Gotham all G.D. day long. What do you want to talk about: The Killing Joke? Year One? The Long Halloween (aka the best story ever put out in comic form…โ‚ฌยฆwell excluding Sandman)? Perhaps you'd rather keep things up to date and talk about the Knightfall storyline seeing as that is the basis for a good chunk of the upcoming Christopher Nolan movie The Dark Knight Rises. Spoiler alert: Bane is going to “break the bat” so to speak, and I can't wait. You see for the most part I have a complete disinterest in superheroes. I find them boring. In fact I flat out hate Superman. Oh he can do pretty much everything and anything as long as kryptonite isn't around? What a cop out. Batman will have my support every time. He has no supernatural powers just a dude with conviction and a bunch of fun toys. I love the detective. There I said it. I have a giant bat tattooed on my chest (it's not the bat symbol, but it is in homage). I love science and logic and that is the basis for the bat. With all of my love why do I want to see him get the crap beat out of him by Bane? It humanizes him and makes me love him even more. It's also going to be fun to watch Azrael lose his cool.

To celebrate the release of the movie (and my birthday for those keeping track) Mountain Dew released a limited edition flavor called Dark Berry. In reality it could have just been called berry Mountain Dew, but maybe they were going for the dark, brooding that is Batman, or maybe they were just playing off The Dark Knight…โ‚ฌยฆyeah that's probably it. It's one of the better Mountain Dew flavors. It's very sweet, and has a quasi energy drink taste to it, but not too much. It mostly tastes like Bruce Wayne was chilling, bored out of his mind after Bane broke his back and started mixing things together. He had some Pixie Stix, Kool Aid packets and Mountain Dew left over from Tim's stay at the manor so he threw them all together in a glass. He is a detective and a scientist in his own right, so that all makes sense to me.

Remember midnight on July 19th (well the 20th) the movie comes out, so spend all day celebrating my birthday and then end your day with the best movie of the year.
Soda Pop
Mountain DewWebsite@mtn_dew
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High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 6/19/12, 7:27 PM
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Mountain Dew Voltage

Mountain Dew Voltage
You know how in Canada they use a sound frequency that only young people can hear to keep kids from congregating in certain areas (at least I think it's Canada)? Well I think a similar thing goes on with Mountain Dew. When I was a teenager my friends and I loved it, but now that I'm older I takes some effort to choke down a bottle. I think there is something in the flavor that is only enjoyable to those under the age of 21. Perhaps it's a conspiracy. Or perhaps the Mountain Dew company made a deal with the devil in order to make kids crave their product. If so, I think they found a loophole in their contract with the Dark Lord and started producing other flavors. I know tons of adults that love the flavored Dew, but hardly any that like the original anymore.

Personally Voltage is the only flavor I am really a fan of, but I really love it. I actually started drinking far too much of it a few years ago, and I had to start limiting my intake. It tastes like a raspberry flavored energy drink, minus the chemical garbage that is found in actual energy drinks. If you are weary of trying the other flavors of Mountain Dew because you think the original is garbage, put your prejudice on hold and give this a try. It's candy like in the best possible way.
Soda Pop
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High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 6/11/12, 3:50 PM
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Mountain Dew Game Fuel Citrus Cherry

Mountain Dew Game Fuel Citrus Cherry
This has LAN party written all over it. Then again, I could see this going one of two ways in the eyes of a gamer.

"Whoa! I love Mountain Dew AND Call of Duty! I gotta get this so I can drink it during that tournament my clan is entering next week!"


"How clichè. Do they think they're going to sell more just by tying it in with COD: MW3? Let me guess, next Monster is going to release a special flavor to drink while you play Skyrim?"

Say what you will about game/movie tie-ins, if it brings a new flavor to our shelves I'm all for it. Given the color and the fact that it's flavor is "citrus cherry", I was expecting it to just be Code Red. They did add a little more citrus to the mix, but it's basically Code Red with more citrus and less cherry. I actually like it better than Code Red.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have some gaming to do.
Soda Pop
Mountain DewWebsite@mtn_dew
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High Fructose Corn Syrup
Derek Neuland on 1/12/12, 4:44 AM
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Mountain Dew Game Fuel Tropical

Mountain Dew Game Fuel Tropical
Troops. I've got some bad news. No, you're not being deployed to Afghanistan again, it's worse. You know all the Muscle Milk you've been drinking? Well due to the economic climate, we can no longer provide you with an "All You Can Drink" supply, regardless if you are saving the country or not. Fortunately, our milk supply was replaced by Mountain Dew. Now, before you scoff if you don't like Mountain Dew, this is Game Fuel Mountain Dew which might contain more zip or zazz or whatever the kids are saying nowadays. It's also the tropical flavor so can feel like your deployed in California rather than here in Watertown New York.

On top of all these facts it's sponsored by Call Of Duty 3, a video game I've heard is very popular involving an army killing bad guys. What they probably don't capture in the game is the unfortunate loss of Muscle Milk. They only capture the unfortunate occurrence of shooting bad guys. There is more to war than shooting bad guys. We're fighting a war with milk and the lack of funds we need to replace that milk.

What did you say, Private? Oh, the taste. I don't know. I didn't actually have any. I've had pop before in my day, but none of it has been so...forest green. Well son, this tastes like a mix between Mountain Dew, a product I have had in my day, and fruit punch, what we drank when I was your age. It's better than the Mountain Dew I remember, son. I can tell you that.

So once again, your precious milk has been replaced with Army themed pop and you should search for your calcium elsewhere. A travesty, I know.
Soda Pop
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High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 10/20/11, 12:50 PM
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Mountain Dew Pitch Black

Mountain Dew Pitch Black
This is a limited edition flavor of Mountain Dew that they just recently brought back. I remember it being around a few years ago, but I never got around to trying it. When I first saw the name Pitch Black, I was hoping this was going to be a blackberry soda. Sadly its not, but black grape is equally intriguing.

The black color of the soda is actually a very dark purple. I've never heard of a black grape so I'm assuming they just decided to market it this way because it's a lot catchier than Pitch Purple. The taste is decent, but not amazing. The grape flavor is really tart which is nice, but then the usual heavy Mountain Dew taste sets in. Overall, this isn't the best limited edition flavor they've concocted, but it's not horrible.
Soda Pop
Mountain DewWebsite@mtn_dew
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High Fructose Corn Syrup
Derek Neuland on 5/22/11, 10:07 AM
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