Mountain Dew Game Fuel Citrus Cherry

Mountain Dew Game Fuel Citrus Cherry
This has LAN party written all over it. Then again, I could see this going one of two ways in the eyes of a gamer.

"Whoa! I love Mountain Dew AND Call of Duty! I gotta get this so I can drink it during that tournament my clan is entering next week!"


"How clichè. Do they think they're going to sell more just by tying it in with COD: MW3? Let me guess, next Monster is going to release a special flavor to drink while you play Skyrim?"

Say what you will about game/movie tie-ins, if it brings a new flavor to our shelves I'm all for it. Given the color and the fact that it's flavor is "citrus cherry", I was expecting it to just be Code Red. They did add a little more citrus to the mix, but it's basically Code Red with more citrus and less cherry. I actually like it better than Code Red.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have some gaming to do.
Soda Pop
Mountain DewWebsite@mtn_dew
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Derek Neuland on 1/12/12, 4:44 AM
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