My Body Shots - 7 Reviews

My Body Shots Electro Fruit Punch

My Body Shots Electro Fruit Punch
I'll tell you what blows and that's waking up sick as a dog. I'm floating through the day and it's a feeling that I absolutely hate. Plus, I've got a dry cough that I can't shake no matter how much liquid I drink and cough drops I have. I've got to put it in the hands of the drink gods to provide me with something that will battle the vermin inside of me. I had this little guy lying around, read the nutritional facts and knew that this is what I needed.

I slightly knew what I was getting into with this drink. The others have been little powerhouses and I was lucky to discover that this one was a whole lot less powerful. I was grateful for that. This one still had a little "functional" taste to it but it did taste a bit like fruit punch. That "functional" taste I speak of is that thing where you know that a drink is up to something like when you taste it, it tastes funny and you read the ingredients and discover that it's a whole serving of vegetables in it. That type of feeling except this one is just chocked full of vitamin and minerals so that small fries can play baseball. I hope that my son is a better baseball player than I was. I don't think my dad could take another lame outfielder in the family.
Sports/Dietary Supplement and Shot
My Body ShotsWebsite@MyBodyShots
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Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 8/20/12, 1:28 PM
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My Body Shots Travel Orange Citrus

My Body Shots Travel Orange Citrus
Sometimes I wonder why we even review “shot” drinks. They all taste fairly bad by nature. There's always an underlying chemical-esque flavor to them. Sure they all have their specific purposes, but we do this site to talk about the way things taste, not really to discuss their functional merits.

This shot here tastes like chemical orange concentrate. Okay it's less chemically than other shots I've had, but the weird flavor is still there. That flavor is the obscene amounts of vitamins and minerals that are jammed into this 2.5oz of fluid. As far as shots go, it's not terrible, and the aftertaste doesn't last very long. I can't ever imagine sitting down and drinking a big glass of something that tasted like this though, it would be disgusting. So for a shot it's decent. In terms of a beverage it's gross. It's all about sacrificing flavor for functionality and convenience these days.
Sports/Dietary Supplement and Shot
My Body ShotsWebsite@MyBodyShots
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 5/21/12, 8:48 PM
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My Body Shots Nyte Lemon Lime

My Body Shots Nyte Lemon Lime
Sometimes you have a restless night where you repeatedly fall in and out of sleep. Sometimes at 5am you think to yourself “enough is enough.” You then get up and down a “relaxation drink.” After you lay back down you shortly reenter the world of slumber. You dream that you're in an airport and your flight was canceled and no one will give you a direct answer as to when you will be boarding a plane, as if it was your fault your flight was cancelled. Eventually you wake up feeling refreshed, thinking to yourself “well that drink really worked.” It's not until you grab the “shot” bottle that you realize that it wasn't a relaxation drink at all, but rather an alcohol recovery & rehydration shot. Sometimes you feel like a complete moron and question everything that you once thought was real. Do relaxation drinks really work? Is Bill Murray really that funny? Are hot dog stuffed crusts on pizza really the single greatest idea of our generation? Don't worry the answer to all of those questions is most definitely yes. You were just tired and half asleep. Sure it was psychosomatic that it worked and you fell back asleep, but it probably would have happened anyways if you had just waited a little longer. The end times are not here, you can rest well.

So yes, this is in fact not a relaxation drink, but I will say that I woke up feeling refreshed, so it works to some extent in its proper function. If you got completely, sloppy wasted I'm not sure it would be much help, but for a couple of drinks I'm sure it would help you not feel like dog doo doo in the morning. Unfortunately, the flavor is not the greatest. It tastes like someone boiled down some lemon lime Gatorade down to a concentrate and pouring it into this little bottle. It's far too strong and it tastes wrong, but it's a shot and that is how most of them taste. Oh well.
Shot, Sports/Dietary Supplement and Relaxation
My Body ShotsWebsite@MyBodyShots
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Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 4/17/12, 10:37 AM
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My Body Shots Vitamin For Kids Grape

My Body Shots Vitamin For Kids Grape
Dude, dude, dude. Hey, I've got some stuff you might like. You like drum and bass, right? I just got this awesome John B "Catalyst" record and remixes from the UK. Yeah, John B. What do you mean you've never heard of him? Crazy hair, wrote that song about Myspace. Yeah, that dude. Do you listen to any other electronic stuff? No, not the band Electronic with Bernard Sumner and Johnny Marr, although I won't fault you for liking that. The Prodigy? Really? Still? Well I can't say I've listened to anything after Fat Of The Land but you've got a good taste in music so I'll trust you on that one.

Hey, speaking of electro, give this a whirl. No, it's not drugs. What, do you think that because I've got a backpack full of electronic records it's got to be drugs? Well friend, you are wrong. No, it's this drink that's actually for kids but it's not too bad. It's got a bitter vitamin taste, but the flavor is like an explosive burst in your mouth with every sip. It's grape flavored and it smells like grape but to taste it is just a tremendously strong flavor that I can't really put my finger on. It's called "Electro" which I thought was cool. I bring these to raves so that I can stay up. Yeah, some kids are probably on drugs but I drink this juice. It's all-natural so it couldn't be further than drugs. You should come with me some time. Well have fun listening to those records. I'll talk to you later.
Sports/Dietary Supplement and Shot
My Body ShotsWebsite@MyBodyShots
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 3/27/12, 11:02 AM
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My Body Shots Vitamin Mango Passionfruit

My Body Shots Vitamin Mango Passionfruit
When an attractive woman came up to Steve at the bar he was shocked. He was completely in disbelief when she asked him if he wanted to do a body shot. Steve knew where he stood in life. He was pretty frumpy and he suffered from a terrible case of halitosis. On top of that he had the personality of a dead moth. To sum it up he was no prize catch. This woman was completely beautiful though and here she was standing in front of him asking if he wanted to drink alcohol off of her body. Something strange was going on in the world. Perhaps Zuul had come to reign over the humans. You know the whole “human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!” bit. Steve didn't care this was a big moment for him and he wasn't going to turn it down. Apparently all of these thoughts took awhile to process in his mind because the woman was just staring at him strangely and asked if he wanted one or not. Steve snapped out of it and moved in closer and said of course so. His halitosis almost made her throw up. She gagged, reached into her bag and threw a tiny bottle at Steve and walked away. Confused, he looked down at the item she had tossed his way. Oh of course, that makes perfect sense. The woman was a representative of the My Body Shots company and she was going around handing out free samples like the “Red Bull girls” do. Steve felt like an idiot, so he sat back down on his stool and downed the shot. It was all natural, so at least he didn't have to worry about getting cancer. That was the only way he could see his life getting any worse. Somehow the shot still tasted a bit chemically. Steve guessed that when you concentrate so many vitamins and minerals it's not going to have a pleasant taste, no matter what you do. It was supposed to be mango passionfruit flavored, but he couldn't spot those specific flavors in the mix. It just had a general tropical/vitamin flavor to it. Since you're supposed to down in all in one gulp, it wasn't too bad. The variety he got was a rehydration shot, so at least it would help him avoid getting a hangover in the morning. Now only if it could cure his terrible breath.
Sports/Dietary Supplement and Shot
My Body ShotsWebsite@MyBodyShots
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 3/6/12, 10:40 AM
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My Body Shots Sport Orange Citrus

My Body Shots Sport Orange Citrus
Spinning. The room was spinning when I woke up today. I don't know what was going on. I put on a sock and fell on the bed. It's getting better but I have no idea what went on. I felt like a kid who just did that thing where you put your head on a baseball bat, spin around, and then have to accomplish a simple task. I thought to myself, maybe I'm dehydrated. I should take care of this when I get to work.

Cut to two hours later, AKA "now" and here I am, drinking a rehydration shot designed for kids playing little league baseball. I've drunk more age inappropriate things so this is hardly at the top of my list. I opened it and expected it to be weak but brother was I wrong. You know your face and taste buds after you suck on a lemon at some shady diner? Every sip I got that. Eyes almost watering, squinting, throat over-soured. There is lots going on in this little guy. There is an initial, terribly gross orange flavor that tastes like if you sat in a sauna with an orange, sweat on it, and then ate it. It lasts for five to ten seconds and then super-sour kicks in. Less than when sour Warheads existed, but more than you are expecting. Flavor isn't bad after the stinkfest.

I might be quenched but I feel like I had to go through a tiny, 2.5-ounce ordeal to get there. I have two more of these little punishers so here's to hoping that they are calmer than this.
Sports/Dietary Supplement and Shot
My Body ShotsWebsite@MyBodyShots
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 3/2/12, 9:30 AM
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My Body Shots Immunity Citrus

My Body Shots Immunity Citrus
I lasted through almost the entire winter without succumbing to sickness, and then this week it finally hit me. I felt like “cold diarrhea on a paper plate.” I drank obscene amounts of juice to an extent that my stomach was in pain. Yeah, I'm an idiot. I'm on the mend now, but still feeling a little bit on the terrible side. Lucky for me MBS sent us a nice package of their vitamin shots. I wish I would have had these when I first started feeling like doo-doo, but oh well any help is accepted by me.

I expected this to taste completely horrible as most things in shot form do, but the folks at My Body Shots supplied me with a pleasant surprise. It tastes like someone took a citrus-based fruit punch concentrate and only used 1/3 of the recommended water to dilute it. It also has a slight herbal flavor to it, but it's mostly juice coming through. Those iPod doctors on the label sure know how to make a vitamin concentrate taste decently. This is in fact chock full of ridiculous amounts of vitamins with some astragalus, eleutherococcus and panax ginseng extract mixed in to help boost immunity. From the amount of stuff in here one would stupidly believe that one of these shots would knock whatever sickness you have into your body into next winter, but the recommended use for when you start to feel sick is three bottles the first day, two the second and one the third. So apparently six shots is what is necessary to banish virus' from your system. At least the six shots will taste decent.
Sports/Dietary Supplement and Shot
My Body ShotsWebsite@MyBodyShots
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 2/25/12, 2:07 PM
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