Nature's Nectar - 5 Reviews

Nature's Nectar Sparkling Spiced Pumpkin Cider

Nature's Nectar Sparkling Spiced Pumpkin Cider
Would you look at that bottle? Seriously, just look at it. It's a work of art. This is the type of bottle that draws me into the fancy beer section even though I don't drink. Now Mike hands me a sparkling cider (that is pumpkin flavored no less) and tells me that it's safe for consumption. Well I am one happy camper. My letters home to mom won't be full of tears this time around. The kicker is that Mike found this in the most unlikely of places: Aldi. That's right, a budget, cost effective store has the fanciest bottle of cider I have ever set my eyes on.

When I popped the top, oh and how the top popped, I took a big sniff and was concerned to note that it smelled of Worchester sauce with some spices in it. My expectations fell through the floor. I had a friend smell it as well and he said he had a similar reaction. Oh well, down the hatch it went. I felt weird drinking this from the bottle, as I felt like I should pour it into a fancy glass, but you do what you have to do, and I had to try this instantly. Luckily the scent had nothing to do with the flavor at all. It's labeled as a pumpkin cider, but it's really just a nicely spiced apple cider with a tiny bit of pumpkin flavor mixed in. It's probably for the best, as I could see too much pumpkin being over powering. The best part of the flavor is that cinnamon isn't the prime spice like it normally is in cider. It's there, but it's not the all-powerful Oz or anything like that. If I had to pick a prominent “spice” it would have to be ginger. There's no burn to it (oh god that would have been the best. Simply the best. Better than all the rest.) but the flavor of ginger is there and I love Nature's Nectar for it. I also love them because I would expect this to be around the $4/$5 mark, but I looked online and it's only $2. I'm going to have to pick a couple up before the season is over.
Cider and Sparkling
Nature's Nectar
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 11/10/12, 11:46 AM
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Nature's Nectar Spiced Cherry Cider

Nature's Nectar Spiced Cherry Cider
'tis the season for cider. Finally. Look, I like fall because I like hoodies but I love cider and forget about it until it's everywhere and I think "Hey! Cider season really snuck up on us." I enjoy most ciders and I don't know if I've had a bad one. Maybe it's because it's a tougher drink, potentially perishable, and not really indigenous to most areas. The Northeast where two-thirds of the Thirsty Dudes live is chocked full of apples. That being said, I don't know where this drink is actually made since I'm not looking at the bottle. It was from Aldi's and is their home brand if that helps narrow down the location.

With the addition of cherry, I was hooked. It had to be good. You are probably expecting me to dis it now, right? You know me. Always taking you one way and spinning you around the other way. Pulling an old Mike 180 on you. Well, I'm not always that predictable because this was actually pretty good. No added sugar, 100% juice, decent cider taste, not a medicinal cherry taste. That's a recipe for something truly special and delicious. It wasn't as spiced as I would have wanted but that's just me being a snob. It was still good and I have no legitimate complaints.

This was probably a steal at the store, seasonal, delicious, and a decent juice. In the end, you win any way you look at it. Aldi's...seriously...keep it up. You're doing wonderfully.
Nature's Nectar
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 10/24/12, 11:15 PM
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Nature's Nectar Sparkling Red Grape

Nature's Nectar Sparkling Red Grape
What better way to ring in another year with a nice, tall glass of refreshing sparkling grape juice? Kids love it because they feel like their parents even though their parents drink about 6 nice, tall glasses of the real stuff when the kids get scorned when they reach for their second glasses. What goes for more in hospitals? Kidneys or teeth? I'm no doctor, but I am a scientist and I will say that this was not the best drink I've ever had. Do I need to be a scientist to say that? No, but you trust my opinion more.

It was fruity, yes, and it might have been grape-y but it wasn't all there. I was really hoping for a sequel to the Apple Cider so I went to the store and bought everything different type they had. I was wrong. Oops. It just wasn't all there for me. Sure, some people would drink it and not care or tell the difference, but I do this for a living (not really) and you people deserve the truth. The truth? You can do better. Happy New Year. You can do better.
Sparkling and Juice
Nature's Nectar
United States
Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 1/1/11, 1:58 PM
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Nature's Nectar Sparkling Apple Cider

Nature's Nectar Sparkling Apple Cider
Well. I am impressed. Aldi has been consistently surprising me. For anyone that doesn't have one, Aldi is a low cost grocery store. This drink is the perfect example of low cost not meaning low quality. I thoroughly enjoyed this drink and look forward to having a bottle of my own (this was at my parent's house). It's not from a concentrate, there is no additional sugar added, and the only ingredients are apples and vitamin C.

The taste was smooth and it was a bit reminiscent of Hansen's Pomegranate Cream Soda. I don't know how, but it did. I thought this was a great drink, but here's the catch; if you don't buy something like this soon, they won't carry it again. They had great, all natural root beer and cream soda that Jay let me have and when I went to buy some of my own, they were out.

If you have an Aldi, I urge you to go out and get a bottle of this. It's also 25.4oz and $1.99 per bottle so it's a "you can't lose" scenario. Let me know what you think!
Cider and Sparkling
Nature's Nectar
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 11/7/10, 3:40 PM
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Nature's Nectar White Grape and Peach

Nature's Nectar White Grape and Peach
I did not expect to like this. I don't know why, but I didn't. For this I am sorry, double N. There is a very good, light peach taste. It tastes like a real peach. There is a little bit of grape juice, too, but peach is way more prominent.

My mom got this in a six-pack from Aldi's, who is the umbrella manufacturer of this company.

It was a bit high in sugar (44g) and had quite a bit of calories (180) so this is a "once in a while" treat.
Nature's Nectar
United States
Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 10/16/10, 5:22 PM
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