Nesbitt's - 3 Reviews

Nesbitt's Honey Lemonade

Nesbitt's Honey Lemonade
"I got you a drink and I checked your list so don't give me any grief." my mom said to me. Is that what this has come down to? My own mom feeling harassed by the way that Thirsty Dudes is going? My tax lady can't make heads or tails about what it is that we do. People ask me if this is my job and I laugh at them. Is it me? Am I the problem? Look, I will admit fault where fault is due but come on, I'm hardly threatening and who am I to give you a hard time for buying me something. So what if we already reviewed it. I can still be gracious and appreciative, can't I?

This drink, one that we haven't done yet, is a perfect example of a drink you should just calm down and drink. Look, I understand it's been a pretty gnarly winter and that we all need a little break. Normally I would be against such thing, but if everyone in the North East could swap places with the South West for a week, that would be great. We'll take your drought issues and you can take our subzero temperatures.

We can all meet in the middle, say, Topeka, Kansas, and share a couple cases of this. It's a honey lemonade pop and it will give us cold cats a precursor to the luxurious warmth and sand we will enjoy. You will kiss the sweltering heat goodbye with one final hurrah of everyone's warm-weather drink, lemonade. Who doesn't love honey and we should all just be grateful that we get it as a tasty bonus in this drink. We can all celebrate the fact that we get a bit of a reprieve from our element-ridden lives.

So I will gladly shake the hand of anyone and have a little "Trading Places" action while we swap houses. It could be fun. It could also teach us lessons about ourselves aside from cursing the names of our parents for moving to such awful places.
Lemonade and Soda Pop
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 3/6/14, 4:51 PM
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Nesbitt's Strawberry

Nesbitt's Strawberry
Finally. Look, when I was a kid I could probably stomach super sweet all of the day, but now I've got to watch what goes into me. This isn't one of those "I'm getting old" things but I don't need that stuff anymore. Kid stuff. I'm as immature as I can be but when it comes to "kid food" that stuff straight sucks. This is the first strawberry pop I've had that doesn't make me want to just save the dentists of the world some time and knock out my own teeth. It's real "candy strawberry" tasting but it's not too sugary. It's also not lingering thanks to the real sugar and not corn syrup. Get it in and get it over with. This one is a win.
Soda Pop
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 8/16/13, 3:33 PM
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Nesbitt's Orange

Nesbitt's Orange
As I peer across my vast 0.08 acre backyard, I am reminded of a few things. Number one, it has been the rainiest season on record and although today called for yet another day of showers, I am sitting on my deck with the umbrella up, sipping on a bottle of orange pop like it were a fine wine. It most certainly isn't, but circumstantially, it might as well be.

Finally my once neglected lawn looks good and I can sit around for a minute while instead of my dogs enjoying the sunshine, they sit by the door and bark like jerks. The birds seem to be enjoying the weather so I rely on them to remind me that summer is right around the bend. Not much says more to me about summer than orange pop.

This particular orange pop is nothing special. You've had it a hundred times if you've had it once. Does that make it bad? Nope. I think this is the model of what orange pop should be, though. It reminds me of a childhood spent at McDonalds with my family. It reminds me of simpler times.

I don't drink a lot of orange pop. There are just other things I would rather drink. Not today, though, man.
Soda Pop
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 5/28/11, 3:51 PM
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