OKF - 13 Reviews

OKF Aloe Vera King Original

OKF Aloe Vera King Original
While aloe drinks would most likely be something new and exciting to the general population, they have become old hat to me. I love them and think they are delicious, but I've run out of things to say about them because for the most part they are all fairly similar. They are a sweet, slightly syrupy drink that tastes a bit like white grape juice with chunks in it. I'm pretty sure you could serve it in glass to someone and tell them it was white grape juice with pulp and they wouldn't ever question it. The funny thing is that this is the first bottle of aloe juice that I can recall that actually has grape flavoring added to it. Why not play up on your strengths?

This is fairly standard for Korean aloe drinks. It has decent sized chunks in it that are great, and the flavor is as described above. If you've had one before you know exactly how this tastes without even cracking it open. Why wouldn't you crack it open though? If you know how it tastes then you know you want to drink it, and you want to drink it now, because as standard as it is, it's still something to be admired.
Aloe Vera and Chunky
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 3/15/14, 12:10 PM
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OKF Aloe Vera King Mango Taste

OKF Aloe Vera King Mango Taste
Heavy is the head that wears the crown, especially when it's falsely claimed. I mean there is nothing terribly wrong with OKF's aloe drinks, but they don't really stand out from the pack. The size of the aloe chunks range from average to the smaller side, and the flavor tastes like most other brands aloe. To be king I would say that you would have to have excessively large chunks and use actual juice and not flavoring. You need mango puree, premium aloe vera and chunks the size of the Hope diamond if you want to be the head of the monarchy. This here is overly sweet, with a mango flavor that doesn't taste exactly right. Perhaps OKF could be the baron or a count. Oh I got it, OKF is the Aloe Vera Duke.
Aloe Vera and Chunky
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 12/20/13, 2:30 PM
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OKF Sac's Orange Drink With Real Pulp

OKF Sac's Orange Drink With Real Pulp
Herman the local meteorologist was very concerned about two things. The first and foremost is the weather and atmospheric conditions. It is his livelihood. It helped him put his kids through college, buy that eight series Bimmer he's always wanted, put a roof over their heads and food on the table. He is constantly studying weather patterns to try to be on top of his game and be the best at predicting what's going to happen so the people of his fair city don't get caught in surprise thunderstorms or bundle up for perfectly clear and warm days.

The second is pure, unaltered food. He proudly condones the raw food diet, eats a lot of nuts and seeds as snacks, and will never order meat prepared any other way except raw. He likes his cheese stinky and his juice pulpy. The later of which on one particular day would merge his two loves together to form one super products for Herman.

Herman went into an Asian grocery store as he did most days to pick up things like bok choy, durian, and fish. He was about to walk out and saw a new orange drink. He picked it up to see what was in it and one of the ingredients was called "white cloudy." In addition, it was also bottled with pulp. He decided to bring it to his office and give it a try while watching the doppler radar for inconsistencies.

He sat down and opened the can and was blown away. It was the pulpiest drink he had ever drank and whatever white cloudy was, it was like the white, fluffy clouds of the heavens opened up and gave him this drink. It tasted like a tremendously pulpy orange juice that was perhaps a little sweeter than regular orange juice.

That day he was so excited he stayed late at work, did research on a tornado, and stopped to get another can at the store on his way home. He had truly found a drink made for meteorologists with a special ingredient tailored for them.
Chunky and Juice
Mike Literman on 9/9/13, 1:51 PM
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OKF Sac's Peach Drink With Real Pulp

OKF Sac's Peach Drink With Real Pulp
Show me someone who doesn't like peaches and I will show you a being that is obviously not human. Peaches are glorious. They are juicy and delicious and I just can't get enough of them. The thing about peaches is though, they should not be chopped up into chunks and left to float in a can of peach juice. They tend to start to break down a bit. Being the consummate professional that I am, that doesn't bother me one bit, but I feel the texture of these chunks could be a turn off to some people.

I also don't understand why this can needs to contain things such as citric acid, xanthan gum and white cloudy antifoaming agent. Juice, water, sugar and peaches are all you should ever need/want in a juice like this; well you could even do without the sugar. That being said this juice is fine. It tastes like peach juice and it has a ton of peach chunks. Aliens would be so pissed.
Chunky and Juice
Jason Draper on 2/10/13, 6:38 PM
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OKF Sac's Pineapple Drink with Real Pulp

OKF Sac's Pineapple Drink with Real Pulp
With each sip I grow more uncertain as to whether I should review this or not. It's not the flavor. That is nice and pineappley as it should be. It tastes like it was squeezed right from the fruit, but somehow a lot of the acidity was lost. My concern is that this can has so many chunks of pineapple in it that I no longer know if I can refer to it as a drink. When the ratio of physical fruit to juice is tipped to the fruit side, is it still a drink? Is the juice instead a vehicle to keep the pineapple “fresh?” I like fruit chunks in my drink, but this is just out of control.
Chunky and Juice
Jason Draper on 1/23/13, 1:07 PM
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OKF Aloe Vera King Pomegranate Taste

OKF Aloe Vera King Pomegranate Taste
It's been a while since I've had an aloe drink. Not because I haven't been in the mood for them, I really have. The reason I've been without them is we have reviewed most of the ones I have come across in the last few months. Then I found this wonderful chunky drink at an Asian supermarket.

Korea really knows their aloe drinks. This is delicious with a nice tart pomegranate taste. I wish it had more chunks of aloe, but you can't win them all. So I bow to you, all mighty Aloe Vera King.
Chunky and Aloe Vera
Organic Cane Sugar
Derek Neuland on 1/2/13, 6:45 PM
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OKF Sac's Strawberry Drink With Real Pulp

OKF Sac's Strawberry Drink With Real Pulp
You know in the movies where it will show a dog getting hurt and it will say in the credits, "No animals were harmed in the filming of this movie?" I would like to know how many strawberries we just slaughtered in the making of this drink. I think that this drink is nothing more than people trying to stuff an entire one of those clear, plastic containers of strawberries into this tiny, baby can.

This drink is chocked full of strawberries and tastes only like strawberries. For that reason, I can't fathom how they kept the price low. I mean strawberry juice is one thing but poorly pureed strawberry chunks is another. Without exaggeration, there are probably two whole strawberries in this drink at least. It's great. I've got no complaints. Keep 'em coming.
Chunky and Juice
Mike Literman on 12/18/12, 2:55 PM
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OKF Sac's Mango Drink with Real Pulp

OKF Sac's Mango Drink with Real Pulp
In the dizzying haze of strobe lights a giant of an old man's face flashes in and out of the darkness repeating the words, “Something's wrong.” Even though that horror occurred years ago in a bowling alley, the sight was fresh in my mind as I took a sip of this juice. One of the numerous ingredients in here that are not mango left a wrong flavor to this. As soon as it hits your tongue you are greeted with mango, but nearly instantly some rouge shadow pushes the great fruit out of the way and blocks the doorway to proper flavor. On top of that the pulp in this are little cubes of mango that don't have a long shelf life floating in juice and other delicacies. The way they squish in your mouth gives the illusion that they are rotting. Knowing that they are not does not help the voyage. SOS, this ship is going down.
Chunky and Juice
Jason Draper on 11/21/12, 12:47 PM
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OKF Energy Up Red Ginseng

OKF Energy Up Red Ginseng
Hey buddy. You look down in the dumps. I've got something that might help out. Oh me? I'm just a helpful homeless man but a very wise homeless man. In my hay day, I used to run a holistic healing center. Ever since that Curves ran me out of business, I've been on the streets making things the old world, Eastern type of way. I've got something and before you scoff at the fact that it's in a used McDonald's cup, consider the source, alright? I don't have the resources to a proper bottling plant. It smells a little funny, I know, but it'll get you up in your seat feeling like a young pup again.

What do you mean it tastes like perfume and dirt? Although I can't say that I'm offended because I didn't make it, that's a rough comparison. I actually stole this from an Asian market down the street. Dirt, huh? Well now that you mention it, it does taste a little bit like plant runoff water. Being homeless, water is water. Plants filter the water and get rid of toxins but they haven't exactly figured out how to stop giving me so much dirt. I can deal with it. It's iron, you know what I mean?

Well buddy? I hope I helped and thank you for taking the time to talk to a man who is optimistically down on his luck. Oh, two dollars. Thank you very much sir. I greatly appreciate your gratitude. Tell your friends.
Energy Drink
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 9/18/12, 4:04 PM
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OKF Aloe Vera King Guava Taste

OKF Aloe Vera King Guava Taste
Pomegranate had it's hey day. Then it was acai's time to shine. The world has had oranges, apples and gross bananas crammed down their throat for centuries. What I want to know is when is it going to be guava's turn to stand in the spotlight? It is one of the greatest tasting fruits in the history of the world, and as I just learned it has a bunch of health benefits. It lowers the risk of both cancer and diabetes, it promotes fertility and good eyesight, and it helps regulate blood pressure. I think we need to declare the guava a superfruit this very minute.

Since it is now amongst the chosen fruits I shall celebrate with a bottle of guava flavored aloe drink. It's really a match made in heaven. One of the most fun styles of beverage and one of the best tasting fruit all rolled into one. The weird “grape” flavor of the aloe blends in perfectly with the taste of the guava. It's fruity and sweet in all of the right ways. The chunks of aloe are of average size, so you still get the fun aspect of them. At the store they had other flavors of OKF in larger bottles, but the guava only came in the smaller one. I feel as if I have been cheated and I demand restitution!
Chunky and Aloe Vera
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 3/19/12, 7:58 PM
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OKF Aloe Vera King Strawberry Taste

OKF Aloe Vera King Strawberry Taste
Grandpa was the king of cookies. Whenever we'd go to visit he had a smorgasbord of confectioneries that he would sneak us when no one was looking. Grandma on the other hand loved her hard candies. Her assortment would change, but there would always be the strawberry candy in the mix. You know the ones whose wrappers are printed to look like the fruit. As soon as I tasted this drink it made me think about those candies. They were never my favorite, of course they couldn't compete with grandpa's cookies, but I never turned one down. I feel the same way about this drink. It's not my favorite aloe drink, but if it was offered to me I would always happily take it. It has average sized aloe chunks in it, which almost come off as bits of berries. It may not be the best, but it's a nice walk down memory lane. Drink one and think of your grandmother.
Chunky and Aloe Vera
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 9/28/11, 7:00 PM
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OKF Aloe Vera King Orange Taste

OKF Aloe Vera King Orange Taste
At first I thought this tasted exactly like orange juice, then my thoughts turned to Sunny D. Then I realized that it is pretty much dead on "orange drink." This is what gas station beverage junkies have dreamed of for years. Imagine if you took one of those huge gallon jugs of orange sugar drink and added pulp to it. Okay, so that's not really that crazy of a concept, but that hits this on the nose. It has a very strong and sweet orange flavor. The aloe chunks in this aren't very big at all. They are the size of the largest pulp chunks you would get in orange juice.

While I do enjoy this the more I drink the more I question why I'm not just drinking orange juice with pulp. Also, why is it making my mouth slightly numb? Did someone drop some Auragel in my bottle when I wasn't working? Now we're going to have to listen to the baby cry because we have nothing to numb his gums. Good job guys!
Aloe Vera and Chunky
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 6/4/11, 12:24 PM
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OKF Aloe Vera King Peach Taste

OKF Aloe Vera King Peach Taste
Not only is it an incredible movie and two songs (Thin Lizzy and Jet's to Brazil), but Chinatown is also a fascinating section of almost every major metropolis. Everything about it seems so sketchy in the best way possible. You can generally find almost anything you could possibly be looking for and bizarre things constantly go down. On my last trip to Toronto we walked down Spadina to the Asian center of the city and so many strange things happened and no one took any notice. My friend Tony leaned in close to me and said "I think David Lynch is directing my day." I couldn't have summed it up better.

While soaking it all in I stopped at a little grocer and purchased this bottle of aloe. The sweetness of it took me by surprise. I have grown accustomed to the aloe drinks produced by the Alo and Sabila companies. They are all natural and not overly sweet. The amount of sugar in this bottle would make any dentist see dollar signs. It reminds me a lot of Aloevine, but with a more natural fruit flavor. The peach in this is somewhere between a slightly unripe peach and a gummy peach ring. It's a bit much if you drink a lot of it, but in moderation it's quite pleasant.
Aloe Vera and Chunky
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 4/13/11, 5:46 PM
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