Palo - 2 Reviews

Palo Mamajuana Coconut

Palo Mamajuana Coconut
Root tea? I'd say. This drink tastes like a cornucopia of bark and herbs. It's very strange, very bold, and just alright. It is a sipping tea. No one is chugging this stuff and if you are, you're doing it wrong. This tea is made for...well I don't really know who or what scenario it's made for. If I had to pick a demographic, it would be mid-twenty year old hippies. They love the earth, dirt, and herbs. This seems like it was made for them. Like I said, it's not bad, but I don't know anyone who actually has a taste for it. It tastes like a dark root beer that was made without any carbonation that was filtered through a nice oak tree and the "scientist" who did that let their adorable eight year old daughter sprinkle some cinnamon in there. It's "woodsy" if you know what I mean. At lease when I drink something like a spruce beer I feel like I'm in the forest. This "root tea" tastes like I am foraging around on the ground for anything I can get nutrients from.

In closing: It's strange but it's alright in small sips and doses.
Coconut and Iced Tea
United States
Organic Agave Nectar
Mike Literman on 1/11/14, 12:04 AM
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Palo Mamajuana Original

Palo Mamajuana Original
Months ago Marcus had become fed up with the prepackaged iced tea game. He realized that he was paying $4 daily for a liter of tea that he could easily make at home for less than fifty cents. He went out and bought a whole mess of tea bags and started brewing his own. He would boil water in a large pot and then drop in three tea bags. If he was feeling crazy he would add some sugar, but normally he kept it unsweetened. Life was good. He was able to control the strength of the tea, and he was saving butt-loads of money. After a month he realized he had saved over $100. He felt like someone who had quit smoking, and suddenly had an excess of cash and a healthier outlook on life. That's when an idea popped into Marcus' head. There were two things in life he was passionate about: tea and root beer. Why not combine the two? Marcus was no dummy, and he knew that his knowledge of carbonation methods was elementary at best, so he decided to make a tea with root beer flavoring. He went online and bought a whole mess of roots and barks to boil down into a base for his experiment. He bought a little of everything that one online store had to offer which included sarsaparilla root, maca root, brazil wood bark, chamomile flowers, chewstick bark, coconut root, guinea hen weed bark, marabelli bark, minniroot, princess vine bark, supple jack bark, west Indian mulberry bark, clove flower bud, bay rum tree leaf, cinnamon bark and rosewood leaf. He had no idea what most of those things were, but he figured the more the merrier and awaited his package's arrival.

Two weeks later Marcus arrived home from work to find his package jammed between his doors getting rained on. Oh shipping services, when will you learn how to properly treat people's parcels? He quickly unlocked his door, stripped off his lab coat and filled his trusty pot with water. He brought the water to a roiling boil and dumped in all of the contents of his package into the water with some agave syrup and let it boil down for an hour or so. It wasn't until he was straining out all of the roots and bark bits that he realized that he had forgotten to actually add a few tea bags to the mix. Oh well, this was going to be great anyways. It smelled great. It smelled like chai for some reason. It wasn't what Marcus had expected, but it was a nice surprise. He didn't have the patience to let it cool down in the fridge so he dumped some ice in a glass and filled the remaining space with his concoction. He was so excited and he took a big gulp and paused. “This…€¦is…€¦.weird…€¦” thought Marcus. It doesn't taste like chai, root beer, or any tea at all for that matter. It actually tasted like he was chewing on some sticks. To be more specific is tasted like chewing on sticks that had been dusted with cinnamon sugar. It was hard to get down. He finished off his glass and then called over some friends to see what they would think. His buddy Charles always was chewing on sticks from the licorice plant, maybe he would like it more. Turns out that Marcus was right, Charles really liked it. As a result he was able to take the remainder of the experiment home with him to enjoy at his leisure. With everything that was in it, the health benefits of it were huge. It provided natural energy and endurance while boosting the immune system, metabolism, circulation and liver function. It was a health nuts dream come true. It's just too bad that the taste would be more suited for a beaver.
Iced Tea
United States
Organic Agave Nectar
Jason Draper on 3/4/12, 12:55 PM
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