Pibb - 1 Review

Pibb Xtra

Pibb Xtra
Dr Pepper has been a part of “big soda” for years. Some would say he ran the soda game in the 70s. I mean you never see anyone wearing shirts that say “I'm Mellow like Yello,” but “I'm a Pepper shirts were everywhere.”

To combat this unholy terror, the Coca-Cola company released Peppo in the early 70's. The Doctor was having none of that blaspheme of his name and a lawsuit soon followed. It was then that Mr. Pibb was born. One might ask, “How can just a man compete with a doctor?” The answer to that question is to have slightly more cherry in your flavor.

After decades of living in the shadows of Herr Doctor, Pibb decided to step up his game and add some cinnamon into the mix (or so Wikipedia tells me). It was this mixture that became known as Pibb Xtra, and it was labeled as a spicy cherry soda. In reality I can't taste much, if any, cinnamon in this soda. It really tastes like someone mixed a Dr. Pepper and a regular cherry soda together. I must say that I prefer it to the Pepper, but it's not something I would drink on a regular basis. I do know a bunch of people who love it and drink it religiously. I'm not kidding they have a Pibb alter and have ceremonies and everything. You would think they were drinking the blood of Christ or something.
Soda Pop
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 7/22/12, 10:37 PM
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